On Occult roles for the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, what modifies it. I know if you have a tier 3 spell (+15) you'd have a 25 DC, which of course is impossible to roll (unless you happen to roll a 20, which is unlikely).
Is it modified by level and the Int. Modifier? Could someone list the page in the Lone Wolf RPG where I could find this clarification. It would make a lot more sense if this were so...but on my first perusal I haven't been able to find clarification of the modifiers to make casting spells easier.
Is it modified by level and the Int. Modifier? Could someone list the page in the Lone Wolf RPG where I could find this clarification. It would make a lot more sense if this were so...but on my first perusal I haven't been able to find clarification of the modifiers to make casting spells easier.