R Ranger66 Mongoose Dec 4, 2005 #1 Has any more been said about these since the news annoucment a while back?
G Greg Smith Mongoose Dec 4, 2005 #2 One of the novels is being written by Claudia Christian. The graphic novels have been knocked on the head, I believe (something to do with DC Comics IIRC).
One of the novels is being written by Claudia Christian. The graphic novels have been knocked on the head, I believe (something to do with DC Comics IIRC).
L lastbesthope Mongoose Dec 5, 2005 #3 I think Msprange mentioned a launch event for CC's novel at MGT sometime next year. Ah yes, my search fu is strong: http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=136239&highlight=signed#136239 Feb/March 2006. LBH
I think Msprange mentioned a launch event for CC's novel at MGT sometime next year. Ah yes, my search fu is strong: http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=136239&highlight=signed#136239 Feb/March 2006. LBH