To Tha Moon!
Cosmic Mongoose
I worked on this chart for expanding Psionics a while back. Some of it is self-explanatory. Like Translate - if you can read someone's mind, you can Translate their thoughts. I never got around to finishing it, so a bunch of Cost and Time Required are missing. But this is an extension of the chart from The Traveller Book and includes powers and ideas from Mongoose, , MegaTraveller, The New Era, T4, Alternity, Aeon Trinity, and even novels which have Psionics of some sort.
If you come up with Cost and Time for a power, please post them here so some other Travellers can use them
Also, here's an article on my blog for other ideas, too.
More 'flavor' for your Psionics
If you come up with Cost and Time for a power, please post them here so some other Travellers can use them
Also, here's an article on my blog for other ideas, too.
More 'flavor' for your Psionics