Here's a Psi chart I've worked on...

To Tha Moon!

Cosmic Mongoose
I worked on this chart for expanding Psionics a while back. Some of it is self-explanatory. Like Translate - if you can read someone's mind, you can Translate their thoughts. I never got around to finishing it, so a bunch of Cost and Time Required are missing. But this is an extension of the chart from The Traveller Book and includes powers and ideas from Mongoose, , MegaTraveller, The New Era, T4, Alternity, Aeon Trinity, and even novels which have Psionics of some sort.

If you come up with Cost and Time for a power, please post them here so some other Travellers can use them

Also, here's an article on my blog for other ideas, too.

More 'flavor' for your Psionics


There should be 3 times required, one for taking your time (giving you a +2) and one for rushing (giving a -2). Though some psions that are very quick.

You have the assault cost as 10 - it is 8. It may have changed between editions.

Is the time required the time to cast or the duration? I assume the former, a duration column would be useful.
There should be 3 times required, one for taking your time (giving you a +2) and one for rushing (giving a -2). Though some psions that are very quick.

You have the assault cost as 10 - it is 8. It may have changed between editions.

Is the time required the time to cast or the duration? I assume the former, a duration column would be useful.
Excellent advice! Sorry I didn't see this before. I don't get notified of responses for some reason. I'd have say that the Time Required is the time it takes to do the power. Duration of Effect is something different. I've been thinking about redoing the chart, but that's on the backburner for now.
I dug out a sheet of Psi talents I developed decades ago. There were some interesting talents, but I have the same issue Tom B mentions with Time/Duration, now that I look at my reference sheet.

Special Psi Talents I have added:
Damper - Suppress Psi use by others
Shape Change - As in Mystique from the Marvel Universe
Fling - Teleport anything but the Psi user. Limits as per GM (need to be touching, have to see it, etc...)
Body Augment - Several different things, as GM wishes, but able to change the skin or body to be harder or denser
Energy Control - Storm or Thor? Finer control or larger, as GM allows
Molecular Manipulation - Meidas turning lead into gold, etc...
Plane Shift - Changing dimensions or corporeal world. This would allow altering time and distance. It can also be very dangerous, if creatures live in that other dimension
Ref's Special - Absolutely anything else. I had one Traveller that couldn't loose anything. If they though about it, they could see where it was, at that moment. Distance was the cost/effort to see it. The farther it was away, the more effort to 'see' it. On a 200T ship, they could always find the wrench/tool. Eventually. If there is a super hero with a power, can it be emulated with a Psi talent? Yes it can.

Are the ratings and abilities on my sheet realistic? I never had players that had enough Psi power or strength to use most of this. It was a 'what-if' guide, mostly.


I worked on this chart for expanding Psionics a while back. Some of it is self-explanatory. Like Translate - if you can read someone's mind, you can Translate their thoughts. I never got around to finishing it, so a bunch of Cost and Time Required are missing. But this is an extension of the chart from The Traveller Book and includes powers and ideas from Mongoose, , MegaTraveller, The New Era, T4, Alternity, Aeon Trinity, and even novels which have Psionics of some sort.

If you come up with Cost and Time for a power, please post them here so some other Travellers can use them

Also, here's an article on my blog for other ideas, too.

More 'flavor' for your Psionics
Great, now you give that to me. Where were you two days ago before I started making my own chart by hand that I have been working on for the last two days!?!

Actually, this is nice but I have been working on one that has more of the detail that I care about. This does not have duration of effect and also it is not 2e and I am trying to focus mainly on Mg2e as it is better written and balanced. This also has powers on it that I know not the canonical source for, nor have descriptions of. I am in the middle of composing a chart for Psion Book 4, and I am learning all the crazy (and honestly awful) powers they put in that book.

Weird that they did not simply put these tables in the books themselves. Psion Book 4 has pages of a chart listing every phobia known to man but they did not think to simply make a table with all the Talents and their attendant powers and basic attributes.

Regardless, thanks!
It's all good. I posted this about a year ago. Use as much of it as you can. Make up your own Cost and Duration. I never got around to it.

On my blog is also an article for using the Talents/Skills from MgT1 Psion with the existing Talents and Skills in Mongoose v2. They fit pretty well.

Something like Translate kinda fits with Read Surface Thoughts, so I'd think the Cost and Duration could be the same. I never got around to figuring that out for some of those Skills.

MindSpeak is one of the ones I submitted that became Mind Link in the Core Rules. Orientation is from The New Era. Direction is from T4. So those are canon.

Everything from Mongoose Traveller v2 is on the list. I just extrapolated and picked out some from other sources. Special has some unorthodox skills. You might have to guess for some of those. Although, if I got them from another game, I might be able to remember which game and try to get you a Fair Use scan. I've got a handful of gaming books with Psionics.
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It's all good. I posted this about a year ago. Use as much of it as you can. Make up your own Cost and Duration. I never got around to it.

On my blog is also an article for using the Talents/Skills from MgT1 Psion with the existing Talents and Skills in Mongoose v2. They fit pretty well.

Something like Translate kinda fits with Read Surface Thoughts, so I'd think the Cost and Duration could be the same. I never got around to figuring that out for some of those Skills.

MindSpeak is one of the ones I submitted that became Mind Link in the Core Rules. Orientation is from The New Era. Direction is from T4. So those are canon.

Everything from Mongoose Traveller v2 is on the list. I just extrapolated and picked out some from other sources. Special has some unorthodox skills. You might have to guess for some of those. Although, if I got them from another game, I might be able to remember which game and try to get you a Fair Use scan. I've got a handful of gaming books with Psionics.
I really like this!
Might I suggest electrokinesis under telekinesis, and some sort of healing talent?
I am misunderstanding something. How do you talent to skill rank 15 when they're capped at 5 like all other skills?
A lot of these seems fine. I think some of them, without an actual descriptive paragraph is splitting hairs. I am amused that folks included the Nosferatu clan power into this. I dont think we need really discrete skills like making someone forget, when we have suggestion. Which obstentially the same act, and is about changing someone though process, so similar difficulty.
Though if we are getting so discrete, is it long term or short term memory? There can be some worthwhile gameplay from that, that someone can see you commit a crime, but cant commit it to long term memory. So they report you for a thing, then dont remember anything about it. You can make them forget in the short term, they go to sleep, it gts stored in long term memory, and now its an unknown time bomb when they'll remember it.

Psi powers that I've done for my games, wernet player facing.
I have an adventure about a space whendigo. Its a psionic preditor. It feeds off sapient minds, by making them starve to death. Its alble to make all food stuff and water inside the ship appear fowl even though it isnt. And a consequence of being on the ship, it gives everyone the same but not shared dream of being a prey animal being chased down, which cuases them to wake up exhausted.
While the ships is in jump, the whendigo has infinite psi points. Can teleport, and asssualt, fly ect.
First time I ran the adventure, the PCs had ACR and dumped tripple points of damage into it, in the first round.

MTU I also established a Psionic Jumpspace astral realm thing. Where any psionic person of suffecient strength and suffecient understanding can access. And you can travel to to any arbitary point you want, so as long as you find an anchor there or can strongly remember it. Generally other sapient feeling toward are the better anchors. The more intense they think about, the better. Exploring real space via psionic jumpspace is difficult and dangerious, as much of real space, is bad for you in particular, what you are in in particular.
I also use this space, to explore the concept that all FTL is inherently time travel.
I got my psionic player, when seeing his brother, to kill him accidently. As the brother was welding on a highwise and being surprise by th brother cause him to lose his balance and fall off. Thus the wizard npc that is in one of the jtas or gm briefing, had to time travel to stop that from happening.
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Here's a new PSI Chart with the Book 4 Psion Skills listed. I haven't added any Time/Cost/Duration. Each page is a different Talent.

Also, after the Charts is the "More flavor for your Psionics" article and two Psionic devices. One part of the article is from The New Era.

EDITR: I forgot to mention that a number of the Special skills are from T4's Psionics Institute.


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How do you talent to skill rank 15 when they're capped at 5 like all other skills?
Skills are not limited to a maximum of five ranks.

I am aware of three different skill-caps in Traveller:
Jack-of-All-Trades of 4+ provides no extra benefit over JoAT 3 (p 69);
No character may have more total skill ranks than (INT + EDU) x 3 -- except Athletics (which is not based on EDU, p55);
A skill may never be increased beyond level 4 during Traveller creation (p 19).

Other than the above, there is no limit to how high a characters skills may rise.