Mek-Ra-Amon said:
Hi guys. I'm a noobie on this site and fairly new to RPGs but have been a Conan fan for years. I have a question about starting out a scholar: Do they only get 1 spell at 1st level?
Yes, the basic spell from their first sorcery style.
If so, how do they make it to 2nd level without getting massacred?
Very carefully .
Here are some things scholars can do well besides cast spells:
-craft and use alchemical/herbal items. Lots of versatility to be found here, unlike dnd alchemy is a major focus for Conan scholars, many of the famous effects of scholars from the Conan stories is really just a matter of them having some wierd alchemical mixture rather than a spell. (note: poision making also falls under craft-herbalism)
-Rule of the Sorcer's Soul + War of the Souls = anti-sorcorer lockdown specalist. You are the guy in the party who can stop the enemy magic-user dead in his tracks while the warrior-types deal with the henchmen. Just be careful you don't pick on someone who is three times your power level.
-skill monkey. Scholars get some great skills and on top of what the class gives you remember that bonus skill points from a high Int can be spent on
any skill at class-skill cost. You can easily be the party "faceman" with a good charisma or a thief-light able to defeat locks and traps.
-you will know stuff, a
lot of stuff. You should be making knolwedge checks and Knolwedge is Power checks
all the time (right up to the limit of your GM's patience). Then leverage that knolwedge to make yourself usefull in the party. Be the guy everyone else comes to for answers.
-medic. Between the heal skill and craft [herbalism] you will keep everybody else on their feet. Your party will be a lot more forgiving of your decision to run and hide when the fighting begins if it means you are around to stop their bleeding after the fighting is done
-and don't forget, you have a 3/4 BAB. If you really have nothing better to do you can always grab a bow and chuck a few arrows from the back ranks. And in the event that you actually kill something don't forget about the Rule of Success either.
As for Defensive Blast. That is your tactict of last resort. Treat it as such.
Of course a low-level scholar can't be good at all these things right away. Pick a few of them and focus on them as you grow.
Hope that helps.