Hyborian Apeman
I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on something.
I have a nomad and noble in my campaign who are of equal level (6th).
They both have the same number of character feats (1st, 3rd, and 6th level) and favored class feats (1st and 5th). Assuming that the Rank has its Privilege, Title, Special Regional Feature, Lead by Example, and Social Ability class features of the noble are balanced with the Born in the Saddle, Nomad Charge, and Favored Terrain class features of a nomad (which is a stretch, but bear with me), the Nomad has a huge advantage.
He has a total of 5 feats as additional class abilities (track, endurance, die hard, mobility, and 2nd level bonus feat) compared to 1 of the noble (leadership, albeit advanced leadership) not to mention a much better hit points, base attack, dodge, and parry progression.
The one thing that has kept the noble in it is Wealth. The noble started the game with a Hyborian Warhorse and great armor and weapons, and has maintained better equipment than his nomad counterpart.
For this reason, I have been resonant in starting a session with the PCs with no or reduced equipment which is part of the flavor of Conan. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this.
I have a nomad and noble in my campaign who are of equal level (6th).
They both have the same number of character feats (1st, 3rd, and 6th level) and favored class feats (1st and 5th). Assuming that the Rank has its Privilege, Title, Special Regional Feature, Lead by Example, and Social Ability class features of the noble are balanced with the Born in the Saddle, Nomad Charge, and Favored Terrain class features of a nomad (which is a stretch, but bear with me), the Nomad has a huge advantage.
He has a total of 5 feats as additional class abilities (track, endurance, die hard, mobility, and 2nd level bonus feat) compared to 1 of the noble (leadership, albeit advanced leadership) not to mention a much better hit points, base attack, dodge, and parry progression.
The one thing that has kept the noble in it is Wealth. The noble started the game with a Hyborian Warhorse and great armor and weapons, and has maintained better equipment than his nomad counterpart.
For this reason, I have been resonant in starting a session with the PCs with no or reduced equipment which is part of the flavor of Conan. I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on this.