No focker w190 on graf zepplin


Hi all just got my kreigsmarine fleet to paint & after reading the rule book i was wondering why i can't have w190's for my graf zepplin aircraft carrier.
Raziel said:
Hi all just got my kreigsmarine fleet to paint & after reading the rule book i was wondering why i can't have w190's for my graf zepplin aircraft carrier.

The Bf-109 and Ju-87 aircraft to be placed on the carrier were 'navalized' versions with tail hooks and other modifications for carrier operations. The Fw-190 was not picked for carrier use.
Land based air. Warspite was heavily damaged by a bomb dropped from a land based Fw190.
One of your next questions will probably be, why did they choose the Bf over the Fw?

The answer is that the Luftwaffe and it's leader(Goering, lol almost said Goebbels) were friggin prats(well... Goering was anyway...) and wanted to limit Germany's naval airpower so he could maintain full and complete control over the Luftwaffe and all air-related going-on's. Thanks to his political maneuvering, he managed to delay the production of the Graf Zeppelin for years(and forced the second Carrier to be scrapped early on due to his delay tactics), and when he finally compromised, he agreed to allow the production/conversion of old useless obsolete aircraft into naval versions. In addition, he would maintain complete control over the naval air service.

In fact Graf Zeppelin was about 95% complete at the end of the war, it would have been completed if it weren't for him.

Entirely pointless but I had a rough day and need to make myself sound smart.
In fact someone asked me just this queston on my wargames group list, so a bit of judicous copy and paste later.......

As for aircraft on the Graf Zeppelin, she was to have had Junkers 87E (navalised version D) Stuka dive bombers and Me 155 interceptors. The Me 155 was a high altitude capable craft designed using as many BF-109 components as possible. When The Graf Zeppelin, which was launched in 1938 while 85% complete and simply never commissioned into service, was finally given up on in 1943 (essentially wrecked by Goerings interference and determination to prevent the German navy fielding an aircraft carrier) the Me 155 eventually became the BV 155 and was put forward as a replacement for high altitude BF 109Gs. However an extended pissing contest between Messerschmit and Blohm and Voss meant the prototypes were completed by the end of the war but the aircraft had not entered production. A captured prototype was donated by the British to the Americans and is currently in the National Air and Space Museum in Maryland.

In games terms the Me 155 is basically the same as a Bf 109E.

It is entirely possibe that had the Graf Zeppelin been deployed in 1939 she may have carried HE-51 Bifighters and Arado 68s, while awaiting proper navalised aircraft (these would have been the easiest conversions from available and easy to maintain aircraft). However Goering devoted a significant amount of time to screwing over the navy, which he saw as competing for resources that should have been entirely his and it was his interference that prevented the Graf Zeppelin being deployed at a time which might have made a difference to the war.
Which is why Germany lost the war. They had all of their military leadership competeing against one another so they could be crowned Hitlers Pet.

Actually if you think about it, Germany fought the war pretty well considering that 2 of the 3 major military branches were fighting half-assed. The Luftwaffe suffering from inept leadership and bad planning(ditching the long-range bomber plan was a big no-no) and the Kriegsmarine playing backseat to Hitlers beloved Luftwaffe.
You think that's just a German thing?

The Royal Navy had only just won back its aviation forces from the RAF prior to the war and the RAF has done a pretty good job of killing off the RN's aircraft carrier forces since the end of the war...

Arguments over carrier-based aviation are common between navies and air forces, hell in the 1960's the RAF even "moved" Australia to show that they could provide adequate aerial coverage of the Beyond Suez area in their attempt to kill the CVA-1s. It worked too, although the subsequent withdrawl of British forces from beyond Suez made the whole exercise pretty pointless.

captainsmirk said:
You think that's just a German thing?

The Royal Navy had only just won back its aviation forces from the RAF prior to the war and the RAF has done a pretty good job of killing off the RN's aircraft carrier forces since the end of the war...

Arguments over carrier-based aviation are common between navies and air forces, hell in the 1960's the RAF even "moved" Australia to show that they could provide adequate aerial coverage of the Beyond Suez area in their attempt to kill the CVA-1s. It worked too, although the subsequent withdrawl of British forces from beyond Suez made the whole exercise pretty pointless.


Good point. In America, it was the Army vs. Billy Mitchell...
Arguments over carrier-based aviation are common between navies and air forces, hell in the 1960's the RAF even "moved" Australia to show that they could provide adequate aerial coverage of the Beyond Suez area in their attempt to kill the CVA-1s. It worked too, although the subsequent withdrawl of British forces from beyond Suez made the whole exercise pretty pointless.

"Moved" Australia?
From the "Navy Matters" website:

In what was to become a notorious incident, a suspicious Naval Staff allegedly discovered that a RAF map demonstrating its air base idea had moved Australia by 600nm in order to close an embarrassing gap in land-based air coverage East of Suez by TSR.2 strike aircraft!
0.998383 geographical mile
1.852 km (exact)
1.150779 mile (statute)
2025.372 yard
6076.1155 feet
1 meridian arc minute at sea-level surface distance