New to this shindig!

Col_stone said: has lots of great comparisons


I really like this! Hadn't seen it before Thanks!

I love SST! I enjoy everything about it! You wouldn't know it at the time but I have just as much fun losing as I do winning the game. ...well maybe not just as much fun but I love it. It's fun and FAST!!! There area ton of options and if you find the right opponents and you have the imagination you can play this game for years regardless of support by Mongoose.

My point? It’s a great game with a lot to offer gamers. Give it a chance; make sure you go beyond the box set and…

The only good bug is a dead bug!
LOL i hope to start a bug army sometime. For the time being however, ill use my arachnids and my tyranids to fill spots for the rest of whatever I need, and my cap troops and Imperial guard to flesh out whatever i need until im no longer a poor law student and can afford to buy more stuff. (Parents dont really give Xmas presents anymore, and arent working till summer) LLOL.

I really love the mech suits the MI have. Those are friggin awesome. I like the tanker bug, although my gf is thoroughly convinced that they look like science models. lol regardless of that, if i really like the box set, my following purchase will prolly be the UNPAINTED arachnid invasion force and arachnid book.

I have a LOT of MI like little men with guns. I do want some of those reliant cannons and platform guns .

What do you play?

Also, what are these skinnies? who are they?
My Beloved PC hard drive crashed and died yesterday night. I would replace it right away, but bought some models recently and have to give the pocket a rest. Stupid Computer.

Mourn with me guys.

pewpewtolinlazers said:
My Beloved PC hard drive crashed and died yesterday night. I would replace it right away, but bought some models recently and have to give the pocket a rest. Stupid Computer.

Mourn with me guys.


Good luck to you and to your computer :D (maybe a little too late to help the computer, oh well)... :wink:
Say, I got my SST stuff in the mail. Looks pretty nifty, reading the rule book despite a headache that would cause a brain bug to pop.
But Ill be ok.... gonna read the sticky page for the cap troop and for the arachnid. Ill post pic when i finish.

See yall later
indeed, it sounds like fun, and i hope i get to play there sometime. I made my first two... as soon as I get a camera to take this picture i will. My MI is green, (n00b attempt) and my arachnid warrior is modeled after a wasp i am terrified of, black and red, and very menacing. The arachnid was LOADS of fun to build. I would also like to thank he who put up the sticky re: arming MI cap suits bc the contained info in the box was nowhere near thorough for me.
pewpewtolinlazers said:
indeed, it sounds like fun, and i hope i get to play there sometime. I made my first two... as soon as I get a camera to take this picture i will. My MI is green, (n00b attempt) and my arachnid warrior is modeled after a wasp i am terrified of, black and red, and very menacing. The arachnid was LOADS of fun to build. I would also like to thank he who put up the sticky re: arming MI cap suits bc the contained info in the box was nowhere near thorough for me.

Mongoose tries really hard for authenticity, that's why they made you look for the update- since when has the military included a good set of instructions with requisitioned equipment? :lol:
very true

Although the MRE has the classic instruction, telling you to lean the heating pack against a rock or something... and actually says rock or something on the bag.