Ivanova said that she was a P1 or P2. She was able to tell when someone was scanning her and she could sometimes feel others emotions. She was never able to communicate with anyone other than her mother (telepath to telepath) and she never had any incident of Accidently scanning someone else.
A Telepath that is weak can send to another Telepath because the receiving Telepath is more sensitive to telepathic messages than a mundane. That is also explained in several of the B5 books on numerous occasions.
The whole Telepath system in this game seems to be buggered!
In the show it was a matter of Power (PSI Rating) and Skill (control of the abilities that a certain PSI Rating gives). JMS said that a P10 (such as Mr. Grey) could scan someone from across a crowded room, where a P5 is hard pressed to scan someone close to them.
This issue of taking subdual damage by using Telepathy is way off as well. Bester said that a Psi Cop should be able to scan for 60 minutes before they are field rated since most blips are not strong enough to block for that length of time. That would mean that a Field Rated Psi Cop would have at least 600 Subdual points (I don't have my books with me, 10 rounds in 1 minute x 60 minutes).
Telepathy ranges are all off as well. Everything else seems to be in the Metric system except Telepathy. Then it is really messed up. In Season 5 you really see more use of Telepathy. When the Bloodhound units come onto the station, all the Telepaths execept Lyta sense them. This is almost 2 miles away, out of Line of Sight!
Byron tells Lyta to lower her shields that she has to put up to be among the mundanes. When a Telepath lowers their shields, it increases their sensitivity, which also means they can get harmed easier. Bester did it trying to reach his lovers mind (can't remember the episode at the moment).
I would set up something like this:
1. PSI Rating can either be purchase (such as in Star Wars) or generated randomly D12 or GM approval
2. Telepathy is a Cross Class skill for anyone that does not have Psi Training Feat, i.e. Psi Corps, Mimbari Telepath Training, Rouge Telepath Training. Someone that has training would have a higher skill.
3. Telepathic Feats would be based on PSI Rating - not level based. "I have the prerequisites to be a Psi Cop, I just need to be high enought level so that I can do a Deep Scan" :?
4. I would fill in the missing Telepathic abilities that were seen show or the movies, i.e. the ability of a P9 to sense electronic surveillance "Thirdspace", etc.
This is a start if Mongoose wants to build a Telepath book with ALL of the Psi abilities in one book. I know that I would buy it