New Ships for Noble Armada


Staff member
We have just previewed more ships from Fleets of the Fading Suns on Planet Mongoose - have a peek and decide what is the next must-have for your fleet!
I like those ships. By the way dose anyone out there have a pic of that Hazat Strike cruiser that can be posted. Can not find it on Planet Mongoose.
There was a piccie of the Hazat Strike Cruiser on the Old Planet Mongoose format on the old site. Do not know if you can get the Old site now.

It is sweet :D
WOW, all I have to say is WOW. Seeing the Escort class ship and the Grand Cruiser of the Church. Hats off to you Mongoose. You are a dream come true taking over Noble Armada. I am so proud to be able to represent your company as your MI. Please keep up the great work.
My wife is gonna just shake her head as I drewl over these new ships. To say that I have been waiting the better part of 10 years waiting for these ships is no exaggeration. I cant wait to have my church fleet painted up. Thanks again Matt and the guys at Mongoose.
The Shamshir strike cruiser for Hazat will be going on sale today! Also look for a sneak peek of a new Li Halan paint scheme...
LimeyDragon said:
lastbesthope said:
Want the Hawkwood Command Frigates, course I could also do with an Osprey to squadron them with....


oooh, thats a great idea...

Well you could use ordinary frigates at a push.

I'm thinking I'll do my Command frigates when I get them, in a different colour scheme to allow easier differentiation on the table. Maybe red or purple trim instead of blue.

Nice people at mongoose sent me church monitors instead of frigates (as ordered), so they are read to go - 3 to a pack, about 1 1/2 inches long (the pack stated they were Leonardo Monitors).

Under commissioning (painting) at moment, so will have to try for the Frigates again - next show i see mongoose at, and hopefully Grand Crusier + Fighters.
Keeper Nilbog said:
Nice people at mongoose sent me church monitors instead of frigates (as ordered), so they are read to go - 3 to a pack, about 1 1/2 inches long (the pack stated they were Leonardo Monitors).

Apologies for that, but it was just the pack that was mis-labelled - they actually are Frigates.

Do they look like this;

Or this;
Definately church ships, not the monitiors you linked to. Guess it just must have been a packing problem. Nice models though - easily my favourites from the NA range.