New Online Tournament Entry

LaranosTZ said:
Well, I will be around friday all day, and saturday most of the morning/afternoon, if my opponent wishes to contact me and set up a game. I'm on PST (that's GMT -8).

I'm checking to see if girlfriend will let me play friday or saturday night. Will let you know.
LaranosTZ said:
Well, I will be around friday all day, and saturday most of the morning/afternoon, if my opponent wishes to contact me and set up a game. I'm on PST (that's GMT -8).

I'm waiting on Vassal for our game. If anyone knows LaranosTZ, please let him know I'm waiting. Thanks!
Well played the round 1 game earlier. It was a fun game though the dice gods were definitely on my side (especially earlier in the game).

But it was only a training excercise between out respective EA task forces anyway so Earth was going to come out stronger no matter what :D

We played a 5pt raid Annihilation with random terrain (of which there was quite alot in the end). I won the roll to keep ships in hyperspace but decided against it.

Preludes EA gradually advanced and blasted away at my Apollo which took the punsihment bravely whilst pouring out return fire. It eventually succumbed but by that point it was too late as the Chronos had maneueverd into a killing possition where they proceeded to blast the rest of the other task forces smaller ships to bits. With only an Apollo left on one side and Chronos all around it (and easily able to maneuver out of its fire arcs) Prelude graciously conceded (we both agreed that there was little point in playing on at that stage as the Apollo would certainly be destroyed, it would just take a few turns of running around.

Final result: EA 1 (me) Total Victory EA 2 (prelude) surrendered

Im not sure how scoring goes but I assume that for purposes of the Annihilation scenario that would count as a wipe out (20 pt) win for my lot.

As a side not I'd just like to say that Prelude was a very sporting opponent and took it very well as vassals dice seemd to consistently favour me throughout the game and I enjoyed our game very much :)(and his own crit rolls were horribly unlucky (my Apollo took SEVEN crits that did no more than reduce speed by 2 and do 1 pt of crew a time, if even 2 or 3 of those had been a bit nastier it could easily have died a turn (or even 2) earlier. :shock: )
Dice gods indeed, I must have angered them in some way. 7 crits on that darn Apollo, and only speed reduced because of it.

Overall a great game. My plan for the 'miliatry excercise' was to try and plug Locutus (we'll never be assimilated!) with missiles from range since I outgunned him in this department. The planned worked for the most part but I was struck with 'weak crit-ness'. No doubt beam weapons would have been nice too.

At the point of concession I had the Apollo and 1 Olympus (both at almost full strength) versus his 3 Chronos, all more or less new. At the end he had closely flanked my Apollo so unless I made a lot of back-to-back Come About! rolls, using the F arc on the Apollo was going to be hard to do. The Olympus just doesn't have the guns to penetrate Hull 6 & 3 int.

Not sure how the scoring goes but I'm sure with time it would've been total annhiliation. Great game!
Triggy said:
The Fleets:

Triggy - Dilgar

2 x Jashakar
2 x Omelos
1 x Rohric

5 x Rohric

1 x Wahrant
8 x Rohric

Locutus9956 - Earth Alliance

2 x Chronos
2 x Tethys

1 x Apollo
3 x Chronos

1 x Warlock w/Thunderbolts
1 x Apollo
3 x Chronos
1 x Delphi w/Starfurys

LaranosTZ - Brakiri

5 x Ikorta

1 x Avioki
1 x Halik
4 x Ikorta

3 x Avioki
2 x Halik
3 x Ikorta

JayRaider - Drazi

10 x Sunhawk

8 x Strikehawk
2 x Warbird

2 x Stormfalcon
6 x Strikehawk
3 x Warbird

Lord David the Denied - Centauri

1 x Dargan w/Raziks
1 x Darkner
2 x Vorchan

1 x Primus w/Raziks
1 x Dargan w/Raziks
1 x Darkner
3 x Vorchan

1 x Octurion w/Raziks
1 x Primus w/Raziks
2 x Centurion
2 x Dargan w/Raziks

Ranxerox - Minbari

2 x Tigara w/Nials
1 x Torotha

4 x Tigara w/Nials
1 x Leshath w/Nials

9 x Tigara w/Nials
1 x Leshath w/Nials

prelude_to_war - Earth Alliance

1 x Olympus
1 x Artemis
2 x Hermes w/Starfurys
1 x Nova w/2 Starfurys, 2 Thunderbolts

1 x Chronos
1 x Sagittarius
2 x Olympus
1 x Apollo

2 x Apollo
1 x Chronos
1 x Sagittarius
1 x Hyperion w/Starfurys
1 x Nova w/2 Starfurys, 2 Thunderbolts
1 x Artemis
2 x Olympus

markn - Abbai

5 x Milani

1 x Lakara
2 x Bimith
2 x Milani

5 x Lakara

GeekyBiker's Fleet

3x Maximus
1x Centurion

2x Sulust
2x Centurion
2x Maximus

2x Primus
1x Octurion
2x Centurion

Incidently I did make this up without reading through everyone's choices first.
Good game there Prelude and Locutus. Looking at it 20-0 looks like the result that was likely. I take it people are happy to have the 25 or more points stipulation for getting a 20-0 win. In this case, even if a Chronos is destroyed then you'd still be far enough up. If you two aren't so sure I'd say calling it a 17-3 would be the other way to call it.

Geekybiker - thanks for the list :) Your opponents are listed earlier and I'll edit the initial post with the everyone's fleets too.
Well from the situation we were in I think 20-0 is reasonable as had we carried on it would pretty certainly have been a wipe out (assuming prelude is fine with this :D)

Just finished a great game with Triggy. My revenge on his shadows from Vassal I is only half complete. It ended in a Draw.

His Dilgar vs my Abbai fleet in a Call to Arms. The game swung in his favor early as he destroyed my 2 Milani's. AFter a few more rounds of trading fire we finally began to manuever around each other. In fact their were blue lines all over the screen. I'd never seen so many. Triggy had a numbers advantage and there were heavy hits on both sides but suprisingly very few crits and when there were they were very minor. At least until turn 7. By this point I removed one of his rhorics and he took out a Bimith so he had 4 rhorics left to my Bimith and Lakara.

We continued to manuever around and I finally scored some damaging hits. Midway through turn 8 I took out 2 Rhorics (just barely) dropping him to 2 Rhorics left. Now it was up to my Bimith to take some shots. If he does, our fleets are facing opposite directions and I would win the match as 2 turns would not be enough to take him down. But alas, on his final volley I miss with my Interceptors, he does 11 damage and I only had 10 remaining.

At the end of the turn we called it as neither of us would likely score a kill before the game ended.

This game was a lot of fun. Both fleets are perfectly matched and it came down to skill and strategic planning. In the end neither side could gain the advantage.

Great game Triggy. I look forward to completing my revenge when next we meet! When we last met, I was but the learner, now I am the master! [Followed by heavy breating]

Locutus9956 said:
Well from the situation we were in I think 20-0 is reasonable as had we carried on it would pretty certainly have been a wipe out (assuming prelude is fine with this :D)

There's a chance another Chronos would've gone down. Small chance but a chance. I'm fine with the scoring either way.
Even if one more Chronos had died, the victory points would still have been 55-30 and therefore a gap of 25 as well as the fleet annihilated. Sounds like a 20-0 for tournament points to me.

By the way, can people post their results in the other Vassal II thread, just so we can keep them all together. If you can repost your first game (Prelude and Locutus) there then that would be cool.
Anyone up for playing their tournament game against me tonight? As I understand, it's perfectly okay to play out of order because all the games are independent of each other.

I have the time. Just let me know - I'm playing Minbari.
Sorry, I was out running in Sherwood Forest last night but otherwise would have loved to have gotten our game in.

waldronbob350 said:
hi is it to late to join the tourny
Yeah but I'm sure many people here would be more than happy to give you a game.

Keep a look out for tournament threads in the future and you'll be more than welcome to enter.
Lord David and me just tried to play our game, unfortunately net issues caused the abandonment of the game. We got to turn 3, before Lord couldn't see any of my messages. Game was saved, but it may be better to restart.Either way i don't mind. :)
JayRaider said:
Lord David and me just tried to play our game, unfortunately net issues caused the abandonment of the game. We got to turn 3, before Lord couldn't see any of my messages. Game was saved, but it may be better to restart.Either way i don't mind. :)

Darn. When are you two planning to try it again? I would like to watch it to the end :D