New Online Tournament Entry

If there is still room, I would like to get into the next tournament as well. I'll submit a fleet to you after I mull over my options. Thanks.
Right, up to nine entries as follows:

Lord David the Denied

So far we have seven fleets submitted and every one is a different race :)

Just prelude and Geekybiker to give their lists (and of course break the trend...) - no rush guys though.
Yes they are :)

This Wednesday I'll post a rough schedule to encourage games to be played in a timely manner but I'm not being strict over it as I know real life can interfere. Also, you can play more games sooner if you wish - I'm not stopping you.

This thread is still open to new entries until then.
One more day left for new entries/entrants!

Just Geekybiker needs to PM me his fleet now in addition to any new entries...
Okey dokey, Geekybiker let me know he's going to be away until the weekend and as such I feel it's better to get on with things and let him enter his fleets when he gets back. This way everyone can just get on with things and do what's most important, playing games :)

The Fleets:

Triggy - Dilgar

2 x Jashakar
2 x Omelos
1 x Rohric

5 x Rohric

1 x Wahant
8 x Rohric

Locutus9956 - Earth Alliance

2 x Chronos
2 x Tethys

1 x Apollo
3 x Chronos

1 x Warlock w/Thunderbolts
1 x Apollo
3 x Chronos
1 x Delphi w/Starfurys

LaranosTZ - Brakiri

5 x Ikorta

1 x Avioki
1 x Halik
4 x Ikorta

3 x Avioki
2 x Halik
3 x Ikorta

JayRaider - Drazi

10 x Sunhawk

8 x Strikehawk
2 x Warbird

2 x Stormfalcon
6 x Strikehawk
3 x Warbird

Lord David the Denied - Centauri

1 x Dargan w/Raziks
1 x Darkner
2 x Vorchan

1 x Primus w/Raziks
1 x Dargan w/Raziks
1 x Darkner
3 x Vorchan

1 x Octurion w/Raziks
1 x Primus w/Raziks
2 x Centurion
2 x Dargan w/Raziks

Ranxerox - Minbari

2 x Tigara w/Nials
1 x Torotha

4 x Tigara w/Nials
1 x Leshath w/Nials

9 x Tigara w/Nials
1 x Leshath w/Nials

prelude_to_war - Earth Alliance

1 x Olympus
1 x Artemis
2 x Hermes w/Starfurys
1 x Nova w/2 Starfurys, 2 Thunderbolts

1 x Chronos
1 x Sagittarius
2 x Olympus
1 x Apollo

2 x Apollo
1 x Chronos
1 x Sagittarius
1 x Hyperion w/Starfurys
1 x Nova w/2 Starfurys, 2 Thunderbolts
1 x Artemis
2 x Olympus

markn - Abbai

5 x Milani

1 x Lakara
2 x Bimith
2 x Milani

5 x Lakara

GeekyBiker - Centauri

3 x Maximus
1 x Centurion

2 x Sulust
2 x Centurion
2 x Maximus

2 x Primus w/Sentris
1 x Octurion w/Sentris
2 x Centurion w/Sentris
Interesting lists... just one mistake I noticed: The Minbari Skirmish list is 6 pts (Torothas are skirmish level ships not patrol)
Wow, that's a lot of information to digest and any feedback would be cool. I really like the mix of fleets there although no Ancients this time and still no ISA! (at least until Geekybiker enters...)

Here is the initial fixture list with everyone playing everyone at some point (and the list is not rigid, just a guideline to allow people to spread their games out):

Week 1 (by 16 July)
Triggy v markn
Locutus9956 v prelude_to_war
LaranosTZ v Ranxerox
JayRaider v Lord David the Denied

Week 2 (by 23 July)
Triggy v LaranosTZ
JayRaider v Geekybiker
Lord David the Denied v markn
Ranxerox v prelude_to_war

Week 3 (by 30 July)
Triggy v Ranxerox
Locutus9956 v Lord David the Denied
LaranosTZ v JayRaider
prelude_to_war v Geekybiker

Week 4 (by 6 August)
Triggy v Lord David the Denied
Locutus9956 v JayRaider
Ranxerox v Geekybiker
prelude_to_war v markn

Week 5 (by 13 August)
Triggy v JayRaider
Locutus9956 v LaranosTZ
Lord David the Denied v Geekybiker
Ranxerox v markn

Week 6 (by 20 August)
Triggy v prelude_to_war
Locutus9956 v Ranxerox
LaranosTZ v Lord David the Denied
markn v Geekybiker

Week 7 (by 27 August)
Triggy v Locutus9956
LaranosTZ v Geekybiker
JayRaider v markn
Lord David the Denied v prelude_to_war

Week 8 (by 3 September)
Locutus9956 v Geekybiker
LaranosTZ v markn
JayRaider v prelude_to_war
Lord David the Denied v Ranxerox

Week 9 (by 10 September)
Triggy v Geekybiker
Locutus9956 v markn
LaranosTZ v prelude_to_war
JayRaider v Ranxerox

There you are folks, nothing left to do but wish you all luck and see you all out there for your games. (oh yeah, and discussing our lists, games, hopes, fears and general banter)
To the gentlemen with whom I will be playing. I'm working for the next three days solid. After that I don't know. Please PM me to arrange times and dates for our games.

Thanks for your work so far, Triggy. You are a gentleman, sir.
Just so everyone is on the same page with interceptors:

msprange said:
Put it this way. . .

If a ship gets hit by 10 pulse cannon, and rolls double 1 (say) on the first shot, it would _still_ get a 6 on a single die against all 9 remaining hits.

Just wanted to clarify before we were underway. Good luck to all!
I've been looking through the points scheme for the tournament (as per the Tournament lists) and if nobody has any objection would like to suggest a slight change:

To get 20 Tournament Points you need to not only destroy the entire enemy fleet but you need to win the game by at least 25 Victory Points as well.

Does anyone agree/disagree with this? I think it's a reasonable change to prevent 20-0 wins when one player has barely any fleet left either.
Haven't really studied the points system in depth yet (as Vassal I was my first tourney) but that sounds reasonable to me.
Ah a good old EA civil war to get things rolling :) Whens good for you to play Prelude? Im out of work at the moment so am free most afternoons and evening (GMT) except sundays when Im at my local gaming club. Im happy to play any PL you like but the standard tourney raid would probably be easiest. Anyway let me know :)
Well, I will be around friday all day, and saturday most of the morning/afternoon, if my opponent wishes to contact me and set up a game. I'm on PST (that's GMT -8).