New Lone Wolf RPG Character Sheet

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Hi All,

I've hacked together a Lone Wolf character sheet. I think it should be able to be used for any current character class.

Available as image:

Anyway, I hope its useful.


EDIT 1: So, here's an addendum page to the main action chart. It contains background information for your character and so on.

Available as image:

EDIT 2: And a further small addendum page for those advanced disciplines.

Available as image:
... Just an update but tomorrow I'm going to work on a second sheet for Background Notes and the like. I'll fileshare it when its done.
Nice!, may I suggest next iteration add the CS Modifiers for Improvised Weapons and Unarmed Combat and perhaps add a column to the Weapons Log to not Discipline Modifiers, also something for later expand the Backpack to 10 slots to accommodate Rank 11-20 characters.
Sir Brad said:
Nice!, may I suggest next iteration add the CS Modifiers for Improvised Weapons and Unarmed Combat and perhaps add a column to the Weapons Log to not Discipline Modifiers, also something for later expand the Backpack to 10 slots to accommodate Rank 11-20 characters.


RE: Improvised and unarmed... I'm leaving out things like those modifiers deliberately so that people can tweak the system to their taste and therefore not have the character sheet contradict their new rules. Well, more accurately, I'm considering changing those for my game, so... :wink:

RE: Discipline modifiers... Those go in the modifiers section of the CS box.

RE: Backpack items... Yeah, as far as I'm aware though the increase to 10 slots is for Grandmaster level and as we aren't even at Magnakai level I'm not too worried. I have made those item boxes bigger though to allow a 2 slot increase so its already 'future proofed'.
So, here's an addendum page to the main action chart. It contains background information for your character and so on.

Available as PDF: <see first post>

I'll also go back and edit this into the OP for ease of reference.

Again, hope it helps.

I generated some character with these over the weekend. Got excellent feedback from them so they seem to work really well... Plenty of space to update, relevant sections, no real wasted space (my friends liked the two little pictures at the bottom corner of each sheet).

So, I think these will work and be useful in a normal game.
How about making an Evil version of those sheets, for people playing Evil characters? The charging knight could be replaced by something more... I dunno, evil? A Death Knight maybe?
Hello, they are very nice !

Do you have them in odt or doc file ? I'd like to edit them in French if it's possible :)
Bleeding said:
Hello, they are very nice !


Bleeding said:
Do you have them in odt or doc file ? I'd like to edit them in French if it's possible :)

I'm afraid not. If you try some pdf converter applications on it though, one of them may do the job for you, or alternatively an actual pdf editor.

Sorry for the late reply on this as well.