New downloads: Flight from the Dark solo adventure and rules


I've already notified the players in my online game, and have posted the link on another RPG community website as well! :D
I think that this is going to be a realy useful addition to the game for a number of reasons.

1. A great introduction to newbies.

2. Useful for keeping a player occupied during those points in a game or a whole game where they are unable to take part.

3. I suspect that it may also be useful as a more interesting way of testing fan produced character classes. I know that it is aimed at the Kai but I will certainly be having a go using other characters, even if I don't get to use their abilities as much just because I can.

Well done guys! :)
This is absolutely excellent - thanks Mongoose, for all your hard work.

To my shame, I was quickly killed by Giaks the first time through.
Tarnak said:
This is absolutely excellent - thanks Mongoose, for all your hard work.

To my shame, I was quickly killed by Giaks the first time through.

You could have been killed quicker had you added in flanking bonuses. :) (are they already figured in by the way?)

I am going to play this using the randome number table in the back of the goes up to 20, simulating a d20. I think I will also try using a brotherhood mage, ad a dessi. Whenever the text calls out for sixth sense, I will use sense evil! I may also try a dwarven gunner, and/or a shadaki buccaneer as well. This way I will have to ignore all discipline usage though!

Spells, wizard staff and rifle shots can be simulated by a ranged attack when I see an enemy, and deduct that from enemies total when meet it in combat. Which mean a certain Vordak is going to be dead meat... :shock: as is a certain raven...

Any chance Mongoose could make versions compatible for other classes? At the very least a magician of dessi, so as to simulate grey star. Or, convert grey star 1 for play with either a dessi mage, or a shianti sorceror when magic hits the shelves?

it would be a lot of work...perhaps some willing fans might be willing to help?
Tnank you very much Mongoose-men!

I personnaly think that I'll use this in conjunction with Phil Hartwich's work in order to make "Flight from the Dark" a REAL rpg adventure for my players.

Is Mongoose planning to publish the "Fire on the Water - LW D20 adaptation" the same way ?

Sabbak said:
Is Mongoose planning to publish the "Fire on the Water - LW D20 adaptation" the same way ?


Yes they are, check out my thread in the "What should Mongoose publish next?" forum.

Now what would be even better: complete new solo adventures, not as (free) PDfs, but as printed books. I'd buy them! And I guess that I wouldn't be the only one - ain't it so, folks?
Its really hard though. I got the chainmaila rmor starting out, but was STILL killed by the vordak with the raven. I'm playing through with a crystam star mage now...and eager to cast a net spell on the vordak. Vordaks are seriously too tough for lvl 5 chars, except maybe the magi of dessi, as long as he rolls good (20+)on his first two attacks. Also, I think I will make the 'immuniy to mindblast' official for the rpg.

I like the idea of custom pdf's. However, it would be great if they could make custom ones for every class.
Curse that Burrowcrawler!

Next time, I'll go AROUND the tunnel.

I want a Discipline that stops me getting eaten. I guess Grand Nexus might do that. It'd give any big monster's digestion system some serious trouble. Then you could fight your way out from the inside!

As it was though, I didn't have Grand Nexus...or Nexus...or even Mind over I pretty much just got plain ol' eaten.
I assumed that the immunity to mindblast does not include psychic combat. It works only against mindblast specific powers like distraction, force of personality, etc.
Any thoughts?
Confused Wolf said:
Now what would be even better: complete new solo adventures, not as (free) PDfs, but as printed books. I'd buy them! And I guess that I wouldn't be the only one - ain't it so, folks?

I would most certainly buy them. :)

Xex said:
Spells, wizard staff and rifle shots can be simulated by a ranged attack when I see an enemy, and deduct that from enemies total when meet it in combat. Which mean a certain Vordak is going to be dead meat... as is a certain raven...

I'm planning on allowing a single ranged attack if my charcter isn't suprised. This should help some other characters such as the magician of Dessi of the Dwarven Gunner get over some of the problems of not having the Kai discipline options in the book.

I would be quite nice to have a list of alternative abilities that could be substituted for the Kai Disciplines. This would have to be a fan based thing I would think...

For playing other charcter classes I'm looking forward to the Caverns Of Kalte and The Chasm Of Doom as they could have been handled by any charcter class and are not as closely tied to the Kai as many of the other books. Just a few thoughts. :)
Nyxator, yes you are correct. Psychic combat works normally, but the midblast powers in of themselves cannot be used. However, keep in mind to deduct psychic damage from the vordaks (and your kai's) willpower first, and only whe it is depelted from the end pts. If you have mindblast 4, you could also use the stun action.

As for ranged combat, the brotherhood spells (lightning hand), and wizard staff bolts can also be used in melee, just move back 5' and blast away. I know longbows cannot be used in melee though; not sure about the bor rifle...
I've been killed by that Burrowcrawler a few times today and I'm getting really annoyed. Using Psychic Combat though it's immune to Mindblast just doesn't seem right to me. Can a Kai Lord actually use Psychic Attacks other than the specific effects of Mindblast? I don't think so.

The problem with "Flight from Darkness D20" is that, if you want to meet Banedon, there is no way to get past the beast. And then you most certainly get eaten. Did Mongoose playtest this conversion at all? :(
confusedwolf yes, psychic combat does work even if mindblast does not, i assure you. Mindblast, apart from activating the kai's psychic powers, has a host of other abilities that complement psychic combat and a kai who uses the two in conjunction becomes devastating, at ANY level (even at high ips. Only tier 5 psi-surge trumps more). Do not let decieved by the name, look at the individual powers.

Also read the description of mindshield again. It protects the kai from mindblast, and gives + will saves, but does not otherwise protect from psychic combat.

I personally think this is fine imo. The creatures are tougher because first, this is d20, and there are limits to how clase it can get to the books ;) Secondly, the monsters were designed keeping a group of adventurers in mind, not just one, which is how dever wrote the orginal books. Just play again, and either pick healing tier 1 as a discipline, make sure you have mindblast 4 (so you can use stun), or have tier 5 of mind over matter, and/or some for of weaponmastery. Ofcourse, any combo's of all these can be helpful.
Confused Wolf said:
The problem with "Flight from Darkness D20" is that, if you want to meet Banedon, there is no way to get past the beast. And then you most certainly get eaten. Did Mongoose playtest this conversion at all? :(

We did, and we knew it was tough!

However, we also knew that far more playtesting was going to be done by you chaps, so let us know! If something needs to be changed, let's see if there is any common consensus. . .