Near Star list with Traveller Stats

Tom Kalbfus

Coordinates Common Name

Gas Giant?
0.00 0.00 0.00 Earth G2.0 V N A867977 - F Yes

-0.47 -0.36 -1.16 Proxima Centauri M5.0 V * A33279C - F Yes
-0.50 -0.42 -1.17 alpha Centauri A G2.0 V A868965 - F No
-0.50 -0.42 -1.17 alpha Centauri B K0 V A865886 - F No

-0.02 -1.83 0.15 Barnard's Star M3.5 V * C114520 - B No

-2.28 0.65 0.29 Wolf 359 M5.5 V * C431484 - D Yes

-2.00 0.50 1.49 Lalande 21185 M2.0 V * C233540 - A Yes

-0.49 2.47 -0.76 Sirius A1.0 V G A556789 - E Yes
-0.49 2.47 -0.76 Sirius B DA2 N A858347 - C Yes

2.31 1.07 -0.82 BL Ceti M5.5 V * B566325 - D No
2.31 1.07 -0.82 UV Ceti M6.0 V * C657510 - D No

0.59 -2.65 -1.20 Ross 154 M3.5 V * E457143 - B Yes

2.26 -0.18 2.20 Ross 248 M5.5 V * B022740 - A Yes

1.90 2.54 -0.53 epsilon Eridani K2.0 V G A787888 - F Yes
1.90 2.54 -0.53 planet - C452732 - F No

2.58 -0.62 -1.92 Lacaille 9352 M1.0 V * C675687 - C Yes

-3.35 0.18 0.05 Ross 128 M4.0 V * C9DA 688 - F Yes

3.12 -1.16 -0.91 EZ Aquarii A M5.0 VJ * B758432 - B Yes
3.12 -1.16 -0.91 EZ Aquarii B M V - A496662 - B No
3.12 -1.16 -0.91 EZ Aquarii C M V - B977865 - C Yes

1.98 -1.87 2.19 61 Cygni A K5.0 V * C67356B - B Yes
1.98 -1.87 2.19 61 Cygni B K7.0 V * D769761 - D Yes

-1.47 3.17 0.32 Procyon F5 IV-V G A967866 - F Yes
-1.47 3.17 0.32 Procyon B DQZ Pl D667836 - B Yes

0.33 -1.75 3.04 GJ 725 A M3.0 V * C104566 - C Yes
0.33 -1.75 3.04 GJ 725 B M3.5 V * C779122 - B Yes

2.56 0.21 2.48 GX Andromedae M1.5 V * B667373 - C Yes
2.56 0.21 2.48 GQ Andromedae M3.5 V * E637610 - C Yes

1.73 -0.97 -3.03 epsilon Indi A K4.0 V G A867756 - F Yes
1.73 -0.97 -3.03 epsilon Indi B T1.0 V A6668AC - F Yes
1.73 -0.97 -3.03 epsilon Indi C T6.0 V C4958AC - F Yes

-1.97 2.57 1.63 DX Cancri M6.0 V * C885556 - D Yes

3.15 1.54 -1.00 tau Ceti G8.5 V G A669738 - F Yes

1.54 2.12 -2.58 GJ 1061 M5.0 V * C000820 - F Yes

-1.39 3.47 0.34 Luyten's Star M3.5 V * B110446 - A Yes

2.69 2.53 1.12 SO 0253+1652 M6.5 V * B67A000 - B Yes

4.18 0.91 0.40 van Maanen's Star DZ7 N C886696 - 3 Yes

3.75 2.17 1.00 TZ Arietis M4.0 V * A776567 - A Yes

WX Ursae Majoris A M1.0 V * A8DB 433 - 10 Yes
-3.43 0.83 3.35 WX Ursae Majoris B M5.5 V * B8A3313 - C Yes

-2.81 1.44 3.70 GJ 380 K7.0 V * B0046AC - B Yes

-4.16 1.95 1.66 GJ 388 M2.5 V * D275745 - 6 No

-3.45 3.51 1.77 EI Cancri A M5.5 VJ * E62976A - 6 Yes
-3.45 3.51 1.77 EI Cancri B M V - D000488 - 8 Yes

0.00 5.24 0.25 G 099-049 M3.5 V * AA5A126 - E Yes

-1.05 0.06 5.24 GJ 445 M3.5 V * B452123 - C Yes

1.08 2.64 4.75 Stein 2051 A M4.0 V * B7C858A - 7 Yes
1.08 2.64 4.75 Stein 2051 B DC5 N C324546 - 9 Yes

-1.11 4.56 3.08 GJ 251 M3.0 V * B769363 - C Yes

0.44 5.68 1.26 Ross 47 M4.0 V * C538877 - 4 Yes

3.09 0.67 5.03 eta Cassiopei A G3 V N C332687 - 6 Yes
4.12 0.90 6.70 eta Cassiopei B K7.0 V * B519623 - 7 Yes

-2.63 5.36 0.37 Ross 882 M4.0 V * B7C97AB - A Yes

-2.78 2.45 4.86 GJ 338 A M0.0 V * E757130 - 6 Yes
-2.78 2.45 4.86 GJ 338 B K7.0 V * E697634 - 6 Yes

-1.44 4.57 3.81 QY Aurigae A M4.5 VJ * A472889 - 9 Yes
-1.44 4.57 3.81 QY Aurigae B M V B212300 - C Yes

-4.33 3.10 3.02 Vrba et al. 2004 T6.0 V B305998 - E No

-4.19 4.18 2.37 LHS 2090 M6.0 V * A220531 - F No

0.33 -1.66 -3.46 SCR 1845-6357 A M8.5 V B9C7866 - C Yes
0.33 -1.66 -3.46 SCR 1845-6357 B T6.0 V E482878 - 3 Yes

1.98 -0.84 3.41 Kruger 60 A M3.0 V * E875452 - 4 Yes
1.98 -0.84 3.41 Kruger 60 B M4.0 V * C5277AA - 7 No

-4.29 -0.63 0.69 Wolf 424 A M5.0 VJ * C200210 - 7 Yes
-4.29 -0.63 0.69 Wolf 424 B M V - A348331 - D Yes

-0.17 -1.67 4.22 GJ 687 M3.0 V * C000336 - 7 Yes

1.55 -2.85 3.18 G 208-044 A M5.5 VJ * B889440 - C Yes
1.55 -2.85 3.18 G 208-044 B M V - D634886 - 4 No
1.55 -2.85 3.18 G 208-045 M6.0 V * E225569 - 8 Yes

3.43 -1.13 3.53 EV Lacertae M3.5 V * C330100 - 6 Yes

0.12 -5.10 0.22 70 Ophiuchi A K0.0 V G C000020 - B Yes
0.12 -5.10 0.22 70 Ophiuchi B K5 V N C686636 - 5 No

2.35 -4.48 0.79 Altair A7 IV-V N BA75476 - 9 No

-4.68 -2.33 1.39 Wolf 498 M1.0 V * C886668 - 3 Yes

0.74 -4.69 3.09 2MA 1835+3259 M8.5 V D887753 - 2 Yes

0.78 -1.84 5.40 sigma Draconis G9.0 V G C769110 - A Yes

1.92 -5.50 0.53 Wolf 1055 M2.5 V * C544488 - 5 Yes
1.92 -5.50 0.53 van Biesbroeck M8.0 V * E554112 - 5 No

5.94 -0.28 0.25 GJ 908 M1.0 V * E845447 - 4 Yes

-0.10 -1.99 5.74 GJ 1221 DXP9 N B212366 - B Yes

5.84 -0.72 2.13 EQ Pegasi A M3.5 V * B52A978 - C Yes
5.84 -0.72 2.13 EQ Pegasi B M4.5 V * E240ABC - 9 Yes

-0.93 -4.37 4.58 GJ 661 A M3.0 V * B301545 - A Yes
-0.93 -4.37 4.58 GJ 661 B M V A899454 - F Yes

-1.83 -4.49 4.19 G 180-060 M5.0 V E134575 - 9 Yes

-1.53 -3.49 5.30 GJ 625 M1.5 V * B9AA434 - 9 Yes

-6.40 -0.53 1.26 GL Virginis M4.5 V * B766511 - 7 Yes

3.47 -0.72 5.50 GJ 892 K3.0 V G C332676 - 5 Yes

3.38 1.11 -1.09 YZ Ceti M4.5 V D779799 - 5 Yes

0.58 2.70 -2.77 Kapteyn's Star M2.0 VI * C54A768 - 9 Yes

-2.94 0.95 -2.58 DEN 1048-3956 M8.5 V * C344256 - 8 Yes

-0.52 4.05 -0.20 Ross 614 A M4.5 VJ * B895321 - 8 Yes
-0.52 4.05 -0.20 Ross 614 B M V A9C7200 - E Yes

3.45 0.08 -2.63 GJ 1 M1.5 V * C230105 - 7 Yes

-4.23 1.37 -0.89 LHS 292 M6.5 V * B73B320 - 9 Yes

-1.96 0.12 -4.19 WD 1142-645 DQ6 N A366421 - B Yes

4.65 0.14 -0.62 GJ 1002 M5.0 V * A4567CA - B No

-2.17 0.74 -4.18 LHS 288 M5.5 V * C46178D - 4 Yes

2.33 3.31 -2.88 LP 944-020 M9.0 V * B33548C - D Yes

2.45 2.34 -3.63 DEN 0255-4700 L7.5 V * E784565 - 5 Yes

2.18 4.43 -0.66 omicron 2 Eridani A K0.5 V G C541485 - 4 Yes
2.18 4.43 -0.66 omicron 2 Eridani B DA4 N B1209DB - 9 Yes
2.18 4.43 -0.66 omicron 2 Eridani C M4.0 V * C411212 - 6 No

1.32 5.11 -0.64 LHS 1723 M4.0 V * A024665 - A Yes

-3.96 2.79 -2.24 2MA 0939-2448 T8.0 V A8A9756 - A Yes

0.70 5.63 -0.36 Wolf 1453 M1.0 V * C668521 - 6 Yes

2.49 5.08 -0.96 2MA 0415-0935 T8.0 V E120766 - 5 No

-0.25 5.34 -2.14 GJ 229 A M1.5 V * E6499BD - 2 Yes
-0.25 5.34 -2.14 GJ 229 B T6.0 V B64B300 - D No

5.69 0.38 -1.65 GJ 1005 M3.5 VJ * B553789 - 9 Yes
5.69 0.38 -1.65 GJ 1005 A417410 - A Yes

2.84 3.38 -4.13 82 Eridani G8.0 V G B78577A - A Yes

0.13 6.39 -0.47 WD 0552-041 DZ9 C57268A - 4 No

-1.94 1.33 -6.10 Jao et al. 2005 M4.0 V * C323404 - 9 Yes

2.33 -2.00 -2.48 AX Microscopii K9.0 V * C524320 - 6 Yes

-1.59 -3.85 -0.94 Wolf 1061 M3.5 V * C625457 - 6 No

-0.42 -3.08 -3.32 GJ 674 M2.5 V * C335988 - C Yes
-0.42 -3.08 -3.32 GJ 674 P1 planet - C411545 - 6 Yes

4.33 -1.30 -1.15 Ross 780 M3.5 V * A113035 - D Yes
4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - B8658BC - 6 No
4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - E327448 - 8 Yes
4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - C232689 - 6 No
4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - D101411 - 6 Yes

2.61 -1.94 -3.74 GJ 832 M1.5 V * A684376 - A Yes
2.61 -1.94 -3.74 planet - D697988 - 7 Yes

-0.36 -3.59 -3.53 GJ 682 M4.0 V * B303446 - C No

3.74 -3.99 -1.67 LP 816-060 M3.5 V * E564779 - 5 No

-0.18 -3.15 -4.92 GJ 693 M3.0 V * D443587 - 3 Yes

-3.90 -3.82 -2.14 GJ 570 K4.0 V G D796665 - 2 Yes
-3.90 -3.81 -2.14 GJ 570 M1.5 VJ * E375632 - 4 Yes
-3.90 -3.81 -2.14 GJ 570 M V - C321321 - 6 Yes
-3.91 -3.81 -2.14 GJ 570 T7.0 V C1009C7 - 9 Yes

1.43 -3.88 -4.22 GJ 754 M4.0 V * B214743 - C Yes
-2.68 -3.56 -3.91 GJ 588 B M2.5 V * B453697 - A Yes
-1.03 -5.22 -2.66 36 Ophiuchi K1.5 VJ G E324658 - 9 Yes
-1.03 -5.22 -2.66 36 Ophiuchi A K V B859113 - C Yes
-1.01 -5.22 -2.66 36 Ophiuchi B K5.0 V G D775989 - 4 Yes

2.63 -4.08 -3.54 82 Eridani K2.5 V G C453AA9 - B Yes
2.63 -4.08 -3.54 82 Eridani M4.0 V * D799000 - 5 No

1.31 -2.09 -5.59 delta Pavonis G8.0 IV G C530765 - 4 Yes

2.41 -3.65 -4.39 GJ 784 M0.0 V * C979532 - 6 Yes

-4.75 -3.79 -1.35 HN Librae a M4.0 V * B64866A - 7 Yes
-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 c M3.0 V * E659588 - 3 Yes
-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 d planet E422796 - 3 Yes
-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 planet E232000 - 8 Yes
-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 planet B434321 - B Yes
-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 planet C46488A - 7 Yes
-4.93 -0.84 -3.96 LHS 337 B M4.0 V * B530777 - 9 Yes
-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 Wolf 630 M2.5 VJ * A999A55 - 10 Yes
-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 Wolf 630 M V C523227 - 5 No
-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 Wolf 630 M V C8A9412 - 8 Yes
-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 van Biesbroeck 8 M7.0 V * D9CD200 - 5 Yes
-1.78 -6.13 -0.93 Wolf 629 M3.0 V * B557302 - 7 Yes

-4.15 -4.03 -3.10 LHS 3003 M7.0 V * C764433 - 7 Yes
Is this Your Traveller Universe? What time period does it represent? Is this a direct conversion of 2300 to Traveller?

Here's a map I created from my spreadsheet of all distances between systems at about 3 Pc from Sol for a near future campaign.
Reynard said:
Is this Your Traveller Universe? What time period does it represent? Is this a direct conversion of 2300 to Traveller?

Here's a map I created from my spreadsheet of all distances between systems at about 3 Pc from Sol for a near future campaign.
Most of the stats are generated randomly, not converted from 2300, The assumptions are standard TL 15 traveler technology, the Earth is balkanized as it is now, it is about 100 years in the future, there were breakthroughs in FTL technology Warp Drive becomes usable at 100 planetary diameters from Earth.

I use this timeline:
Map of History
2090 to 2100 Tensions build between the United States and Mexico over latin population in Southwest
2080 to 2090 Completion of Solar Power Satellites, energy beamed to Earth, Human level AI robots replace human labor
2070 to 2080 Space Colonies established in Earth Orbit
2055 to 2070 Early space colonies established on Moon and Mars
2050 to 2055 The Space War
2030 to 2050 Polish block, Turkish and Japanese Empires expand
2020 to 2030 The Collapse of China and Russia
2014 to 2020 The New Cold War with Russia
2001 to 2014 The War on Terror
1991 to 1999 The Yugoslav War
1990 to 1991 The Persian Gulf War
1975 to 1989 The Late Cold War
1955 to 1975 The Vietnam War
1950 to 1953 The Korean War
1939 to 1945 World War II
1929 to 1939 The Great Depression
1920 to 1929 The Roaring Twenties
1914 to 1918 The Great War
1898 to 1898 The Spanish-American War
1882 to 1892 The Pleasant Valley War
1878 to 1878 The Lincoln County War
1876 to 1877 The Black Hills War
1870 to 1871 The Franco-Prussian War
1861 to 1865 The American Civil War
1848 to 1859 The California Gold Rush
1846 to 1848 The Mexican-American War
1835 to 1836 The Texas Revolution
1832 to 1832 The Black Hawk War
1827 to 1827 The Winnebago War
1812 to 1815 The War of 1812
1801 to 1805 The First Barbary War
1787 to 1799 The French Revolution
1765 to 1783 The American Revolution
1754 to 1763 The French and Indian war
1744 to 1748 King George's War
1702 to 1714 Queen Anne's War
1693 to 1700 The Pirate Round
1692 to 1693 The Salem Witch Trials
1642 to 1651 The English Civil War
1620 to 1640 Plymouth Colony Settlement
1607 to 1619 Jamestown Colony Settlement
1588 to 1588 The Spanish Armada
1491 to 1547 King Henry the Eighth

Yes it is the same setting as the one used in the Time Travel Campaign, though the existance of time travellers is not known to the general public.
The United States, Canada + NATO acts as an informal United Federation of Planets in this setting, though their is no formal world government. Various other important power centers on Earth are the Japanese Empire, The Turkish Block, The Polish Block (Which is basically Eastern Europe, Poland Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic Republics, Belarus, Ukraine and parts of old Russia upt to and including Moscow). The Turks have absorbed Kazakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. The Japanese Empire has all but taken over Chinese Manchuria after the People's Republic of China crumbled. The Japanese had lost a war with the United States in 2055, they weren't completely defeated, the war was about who controls space primarily. The United States Space Command under the augis of NATO has a military monopoly of the forces around Earth, and so acts as an informal United Federation of Planets funding such starships as the IXS Enterprise.


So the setting is about 60 years after this ship was constructed in 2056.
For Time Travel rules, see the other thread, suffice to say, there is little practical value in time travel other than for research purposes or bringing back small artifacts, the future cannot be visited. The time drive is the same volume, mass and cost as the Jump Drive and it is a sort of jump drive, except the jump limit is within 1 planetary diameter, and does not work beyond that, as it needs curved space within which to operate. The time jump drive also leaves a part of itself behind in the presence when it jumps into the past, a small black hole of equal mass to the timeship which jumped into the past. The black hole is for normal sized starships (less that 1000 d-tons), smaller than a hydrogen atom. Time jumps generally prefer to time jump from orbit. The reason being is that the black hole left behind will continue to orbit the Earth or which ever planet who's past is being explored., Time Jump drives don't work around worlds of size less that 4 (about the size of Mars, because the curvature of space is not great enough for smaller bodies.) The tiny black hole serves an important purpose, it pulls the time ship back into the present. Returning to the present with about as much mass as was sent into the past destroys the black hole. The jump number is the number of centuries it can jump into the past.
Here is the same list with habitable planets in bold, just so they stand out.
Coordinates Common Name

Gas Giant?
(+0.00 +0.00 +0.00 Earth G2.0 V N A867977 - F Yes
(-0.47 -0.36 -1.16 Proxima Centauri M5.0 V * A33279C - F Yes
(-0.50 -0.42 -1.17 alpha Centauri A G2.0 V A868965 - F No
(-0.50 -0.42 -1.17 alpha Centauri B K0 V A865886 - F No

(-0.02 -1.83 +0.15 Barnard's Star M3.5 V * C114520 - B No
(-2.28 +0.65 +0.29 Wolf 359 M5.5 V * C431484 - D Yes
(-2.00 +0.50 +1.49 Lalande 21185 M2.0 V * C233540 - A Yes
(-0.49 +2.47 -0.76 Sirius A1.0 V G A556789 - E Yes
(-0.49 2.47 -0.76 Sirius B DA2 N A858347 - C Yes

(2.31 +1.07 -0.82 BL Ceti M5.5 V * B566325 - D No
(+2.31 +1.07 -0.82 UV Ceti M6.0 V * C657510 - D No
(+0.59 -2.65 -1.20 Ross 154 M3.5 V * E457143 - B Yes

(2.26 -0.18 +2.20 Ross 248 M5.5 V * B022740 - A Yes
(+1.90 +2.54 -0.53 epsilon Eridani K2.0 V G A787888 - F Yes
(+1.90 +2.54 -0.53 planet - C452732 - F No

(+2.58 -0.62 -1.92 Lacaille 9352 M1.0 V * C675687 - C Yes
(-3.35 +0.18 +0.05 Ross 128 M4.0 V * C9DA 688 - F Yes
(+3.12 -1.16 -0.91 EZ Aquarii A M5.0 VJ * B758432 - B Yes
(+3.12 -1.16 -0.91 EZ Aquarii B M V - A496662 - B No
(+3.12 -1.16 -0.91 EZ Aquarii C M V - B977865 - C Yes
(+1.98 -1.87 +2.19 61 Cygni A K5.0 V * C67356B - B Yes
(+1.98 -1.87 +2.19 61 Cygni B K7.0 V * D769761 - D Yes
(-1.47 +3.17 +0.32 Procyon F5 IV-V G A967866 - F Yes
(-1.47 +3.17 +0.32 Procyon B DQZ Pl D667836 - B Yes

(+0.33 -1.75 +3.04 GJ 725 A M3.0 V * C104566 - C Yes
(+0.33 -1.75 +3.04 GJ 725 B M3.5 V * C779122 - B Yes
(+2.56 +0.21 +2.48 GX Andromedae M1.5 V * B667373 - C Yes
(+2.56 +0.21 +2.48 GQ Andromedae M3.5 V * E637610 - C Yes
(+1.73 -0.97 -3.03 epsilon Indi A K4.0 V G A867756 - F Yes
(+1.73 -0.97 -3.03 epsilon Indi B T1.0 V A6668AC - F Yes

(+1.73 -0.97 -3.03 epsilon Indi C T6.0 V C4958AC - F Yes
(-1.97 +2.57 +1.63 DX Cancri M6.0 V * C885556 - D Yes
(+3.15 +1.54 -1.00 tau Ceti G8.5 V G A669738 - F Yes

(+1.54 +2.12 -2.58 GJ 1061 M5.0 V * C000820 - F Yes

(-1.39 +3.47 +0.34 Luyten's Star M3.5 V * B110446 - A Yes
(+2.69 +2.53 +1.12 SO 0253+1652 M6.5 V * B67A000 - B Yes
(+4.18 +0.91 +0.40 van Maanen's Star DZ7 N C886696 - 3 Yes
(+3.75 +2.17 +1.00 TZ Arietis M4.0 V * A776567 - A Yes
WX Ursae Majoris A M1.0 V * A8DB 433 - A Yes
(-3.43 +0.83 +3.35 WX Ursae Majoris B M5.5 V * B8A3313 - C Yes
(-2.81 +1.44 +3.70 GJ 380 K7.0 V * B0046AC - B Yes
(-4.16 +1.95 +1.66 GJ 388 M2.5 V * D275745 - A No
(-3.45 +3.51 +1.77 EI Cancri A M5.5 VJ * E62976A - A Yes
(-3.45 +3.51 +1.77 EI Cancri B M V - D000488 - A Yes
(+0.00 +5.24 +0.25 G 099-049 M3.5 V * AA5A126 - E Yes
(-1.05 +0.06 +5.24 GJ 445 M3.5 V * B452123 - C Yes
(+1.08 +2.64 +4.75 Stein 2051 A M4.0 V * B7C858A - A Yes
(+1.08 +2.64 +4.75 Stein 2051 B DC5 N C324546 - A Yes
(-1.11 +4.56 +3.08 GJ 251 M3.0 V * B769363 - C Yes
(+0.44 +5.68 +1.26 Ross 47 M4.0 V * C538877 - A Yes
(+3.09 +0.67 +5.03 eta Cassiopei A G3 V N C332687 - A Yes
(+4.12 +0.90 +6.70 eta Cassiopei B K7.0 V * B519623 - A Yes
(-2.63 +5.36 +0.37 Ross 882 M4.0 V * B7C97AB - A Yes
(-2.78 +2.45 +4.86 GJ 338 A M0.0 V * E757130 - A Yes
(-2.78 +2.45 +4.86 GJ 338 B K7.0 V * E697634 - A Yes
(-1.44 +4.57 +3.81 QY Aurigae A M4.5 VJ * A472889 - C Yes
(-1.44 +4.57 +3.81 QY Aurigae B M V B212300 - C Yes
(-4.33 +3.10 +3.02 Vrba et al. 2004 T6.0 V B305998 - E No
(-4.19 +4.18 +2.37 LHS 2090 M6.0 V * A220531 - F No

(+0.33 -1.66 -3.46 SCR 1845-6357 A M8.5 V B9C7866 - C Yes
(+0.33 -1.66 -3.46 SCR 1845-6357 B T6.0 V E482878 - 3 Yes
(+1.98 -0.84 +3.41 Kruger 60 A M3.0 V * E875452 - A Yes
(+1.98 -0.84 +3.41 Kruger 60 B M4.0 V * C5277AA - A No
(-4.29 -0.63 +0.69 Wolf 424 A M5.0 VJ * C200210 - A Yes
(-4.29 -0.63 +0.69 Wolf 424 B M V - A348331 - D Yes
(-0.17 -1.67 +4.22 GJ 687 M3.0 V * C000336 - A Yes
(+1.55 -2.85 +3.18 G 208-044 A M5.5 VJ * B889440 - C Yes
(+1.55 -2.85 +3.18 G 208-044 B M V - D634886 - A No
(+1.55 -2.85 +3.18 G 208-045 M6.0 V * E225569 - A Yes
(+3.43 -1.13 +3.53 EV Lacertae M3.5 V * C330100 - A Yes
(+0.12 -5.10 +0.22 70 Ophiuchi A K0.0 V G C000020 - B Yes
(+0.12 -5.10+ 0.22 70 Ophiuchi B K5 V N C686636 - 5 No
(+2.35 -4.48 +0.79 Altair A7 IV-V N BA75476 - A No
(-4.68 -2.33 +1.39 Wolf 498 M1.0 V * C886668 - 3 Yes
(+0.74 -4.69 +3.09 2MA 1835+3259 M8.5 V D887753 - 2 Yes
(+0.78 -1.84 +5.40 sigma Draconis G9.0 V G C769110 - F Yes

(+1.92 -5.50 +0.53 Wolf 1055 M2.5 V * C544488 - A Yes
(+1.92 -5.50 +0.53 van Biesbroeck M8.0 V * E554112 - 5 No
(+5.94 -0.28 +0.25 GJ 908 M1.0 V * E845447 - A Yes
(-0.10 -1.99 +5.74 GJ 1221 DXP9 N B212366 - B Yes
(+5.84 -0.72 +2.13 EQ Pegasi A M3.5 V * B52A978 - C Yes
(+5.84 -0.72 +2.13 EQ Pegasi B M4.5 V * E240ABC - A Yes
(-0.93 -4.37 +4.58 GJ 661 A M3.0 V * B301545 - A Yes
(-0.93 -4.37 +4.58 GJ 661 B M V A899454 - F Yes
(-1.83 -4.49 +4.19 G 180-060 M5.0 V E134575 - A Yes
(-1.53 -3.49 +5.30 GJ 625 M1.5 V * B9AA434 - A Yes
(-6.40 -0.53 +1.26 GL Virginis M4.5 V * B766511 - 7 Yes
(+3.47 -0.72 +5.50 GJ 892 K3.0 V G C332676 - A Yes

(+3.38 +1.11 -1.09 YZ Ceti M4.5 V D779799 - A Yes
(+0.58 +2.70 -2.77 Kapteyn's Star M2.0 VI * C54A768 - A Yes
(-2.94 +0.95 -2.58 DEN 1048-3956 M8.5 V * C344256 - A Yes
(-0.52 +4.05 -0.20 Ross 614 A M4.5 VJ * B895321 - A Yes
(-0.52 +4.05 -0.20 Ross 614 B M V A9C7200 - E Yes
(+3.45 +0.08 -2.63 GJ 1 M1.5 V * C230105 - A Yes
(-4.23 +1.37 -0.89 LHS 292 M6.5 V * B73B320 - A Yes
(-1.96 +0.12 -4.19 WD 1142-645 DQ6 N A366421 - B Yes
(+4.65 +0.14 -0.62 GJ 1002 M5.0 V * A4567CA - B No
(-2.17 +0.74 -4.18 LHS 288 M5.5 V * C46178D - 4 Yes
(+2.33 +3.31 -2.88 LP 944-020 M9.0 V * B33548C - D Yes
(+2.45 +2.34 -3.63 DEN 0255-4700 L7.5 V * E784565 - 5 Yes
(+2.18 +4.43 -0.66 omicron 2 Eridani A K0.5 V G C541485 - A Yes
(+2.18 +4.43 -0.66 omicron 2 Eridani B DA4 N B1209DB - A Yes
(+2.18 +4.43 -0.66 omicron 2 Eridani C M4.0 V * C411212 - A No
(+1.32 +5.11 -0.64 LHS 1723 M4.0 V * A024665 - A Yes
(-3.96 +2.79 -2.24 2MA 0939-2448 T8.0 V A8A9756 - A Yes
(+0.70 +5.63 -0.36 Wolf 1453 M1.0 V * C668521 - 6 Yes
(+2.49 +5.08 -0.96 2MA 0415-0935 T8.0 V E120766 - A No
(-0.25 +5.34 -2.14 GJ 229 A M1.5 V * E6499BD - A Yes
(-0.25 +5.34 -2.14 GJ 229 B T6.0 V B64B300 - D No
(+5.69 +0.38 -1.65 GJ 1005 M3.5 VJ * B553789 - 9 Yes
(+5.69 +0.38 -1.65 GJ 1005 A417410 - A Yes
(+2.84 +3.38 -4.13 82 Eridani G8.0 V G B78577A - A Yes
(+0.13 +6.39 -0.47 WD 0552-041 DZ9 C57268A - A No
(-1.94 +1.33 -6.10 Jao et al. 2005 M4.0 V * C323404 - A Yes

(+2.33 -2.00 -2.48 AX Microscopii K9.0 V * C524320 - A Yes
(-1.59 -3.85 -0.94 Wolf 1061 M3.5 V * C625457 - A No
(-0.42 -3.08 -3.32 GJ 674 M2.5 V * C335988 - C Yes
(-0.42 -3.08 -3.32 GJ 674 P1 planet - C411545 - A Yes
(+4.33 -1.30 -1.15 Ross 780 M3.5 V * A113035 - D Yes
(+4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - B8658BC - 6 No
(+4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - E327448 - A Yes
(+4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - C232689 - A No
(+4.33 -1.30 -1.15 planet - D101411 - A Yes
(+2.61 -1.94 -3.74 GJ 832 M1.5 V * A684376 - A Yes
(+2.61 -1.94 -3.74 planet - D697988 - A Yes
(-0.36 -3.59 -3.53 GJ 682 M4.0 V * B303446 - C No
(+3.74 -3.99 -1.67 LP 816-060 M3.5 V * E564779 - 5 No
(-0.18 -3.15 -4.92 GJ 693 M3.0 V * D443587 - A Yes
(-3.90 -3.82 -2.14 GJ 570 K4.0 V G D796665 - A Yes
(-3.90 -3.81 -2.14 GJ 570 M1.5 VJ * E375632 - A Yes
(-3.90 -3.81 -2.14 GJ 570 M V - C321321 - A Yes
(-3.91 -3.81 -2.14 GJ 570 T7.0 V C1009C7 - A Yes
(+1.43 -3.88 -4.22 GJ 754 M4.0 V * B214743 - C Yes
(-2.68 -3.56 -3.91 GJ 588 B M2.5 V * B453697 - A Yes
(-1.03 -5.22 -2.66 36 Ophiuchi K1.5 VJ G E324658 - A Yes
(-1.03 -5.22 -2.66 36 Ophiuchi A K V B859113 - C Yes
(-1.01 -5.22 -2.66 36 Ophiuchi B K5.0 V G D775989 - A Yes
(+2.63 -4.08 -3.54 82 Eridani K2.5 V G C453AA9 - B Yes
(+2.63 -4.08 -3.54 82 Eridani M4.0 V * D799000 - 0 No
(+1.31 -2.09 -5.59 delta Pavonis G8.0 IV G C530765 - A Yes
(+2.41 -3.65 -4.39 GJ 784 M0.0 V * C979532 - A Yes
(-4.75 -3.79 -1.35 HN Librae a M4.0 V * B64866A - A Yes
(-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 c M3.0 V * E659588 - 3 Yes
(-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 d planet E422796 - A Yes
(-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 planet E232000 - A Yes
(-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 planet B434321 - B Yes
(-4.05 -4.80 -0.85 Wolf 562 planet C46488A - 7 Yes
(-4.93 -0.84 -3.96 LHS 337 B M4.0 V * B530777 - A Yes
(-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 Wolf 630 M2.5 VJ * A999A55 - A Yes
(-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 Wolf 630 M V C523227 - A No
(-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 Wolf 630 M V C8A9412 - 8 Yes
(-1.77 -6.13 -0.94 van Biesbroeck 8 M7.0 V * D9CD200 - A Yes
(-1.78 -6.13 -0.93 Wolf 629 M3.0 V * B557302 - 7 Yes
(-4.15 -4.03 -3.10 LHS 3003 M7.0 V * C764433 - 7 Yes

I count here 49 habitable planets, next step is to alter the ones that aren't habitable, that is ones where you would die if not wearing some kind of environmental protection suit or breathing apparatus, which means there is a minimum tech level for the inhabitants of that planet if they are to exist. There was a lot of terraforming going on. The Time Jump drive was used to start terraforming projects before the planets were even discovered. That is when planets were known to exist, but their natures were not discovered yet A starship, using the time Jump technology was sent into the past, and then warp engines were used to travel to the planet. If the planet was easy to terraform, basically needed oxygen in its atmosphere in other words, various life forms were added over 500 years prior to the official discovery of the planet, in order to make the planet habitable for colonists. A breathable atmosphere was created, of types 5, 6, or 8, tainted atmosphere were atmosphere's that weren't fully converted by the time the colonists arrived.

For most arriving colonists, the fact that the atmosphere was breathable and that there was blue-green algae in the oceans was a bit of a mystery, especially when overly curious minds were to examine the geological strata of the planets and their polar ice caps to determine that the atmospheres of these planets changed drastically over the last 500 years. There is talk about aliens doing it, but few know of the time corps.

The trick here is you can alter past history if it is not already known by conscious minds, the planets in question didn't not have conscious minds on them, and the present of these planets were not known, so the time corps simple sent seeder ships back in time to begin terraforming them ahead of schedule, these processes typically take centuries to unfold, so the ability to time travel gave them those centuries, and then the evidence of the terraforming equipment was removed and dumped into the local stars so they would not be found by the arriving colonists. Nice and neat!
Changed the tech levels, neatened up the lists. Now I will need names for the planets.
Procyon B DQZ Pl D667836

That's an interesting one. Whoever terraformed a planet around a white dwarf has some serious tech mojo!

There are also a few flare stars in your list (e.g. UV Ceti), and the worlds in the life zones there will be seriously cooked every so often. The humans would need to take shelter, but local life might be specially adapted for it. Unless the terraformers also did something to the stars to stabilize them, by [technobabble] the [technobabble] in order to [technobabble].
When I created my worlds using the NSL, I also noticed the preponderance of flare star systems. Cut down on habitables real quick! I think there was some dwarf issues too. The neighborhood definitely becomes less colony friendly. That's why, after generating UWPs you have to look at the systems as a whole and determine how and why the colonies are there and interact. Some just serve as waypoints to more lucrative settlements but are still important for that reason.

Many years ago when I created MTU with the NSL there was a great gap between Sol and Epsilon erindani, the Vargr homeworld. It takes many J1 and J2 points to circumvent there so a deep space station was put at a point 2/3s the way from Sol for a J2 then a J1 to Epsilon. Now, with the Space Station book, I need to design what this behemoth will look like.
Reynard said:
When I created my worlds using the NSL, I also noticed the preponderance of flare star systems. Cut down on habitables real quick! I think there was some dwarf issues too. The neighborhood definitely becomes less colony friendly. That's why, after generating UWPs you have to look at the systems as a whole and determine how and why the colonies are there and interact. Some just serve as waypoints to more lucrative settlements but are still important for that reason.

Many years ago when I created MTU with the NSL there was a great gap between Sol and Epsilon erindani, the Vargr homeworld. It takes many J1 and J2 points to circumvent there so a deep space station was put at a point 2/3s the way from Sol for a J2 then a J1 to Epsilon. Now, with the Space Station book, I need to design what this behemoth will look like.

The warp system I am using for this setting doesn't worry about gaps between stars, well there are fuel requirements. There is warp 1 through 6, the warp number is how many parsecs can be crossed in a week. Rule of thumb, it takes 10% of the hull volume in liquid hydrogen fuel for every parsec crossed, the Warp number simply determines how fast the ship crosses those parsecs.

To go 1 parsec requires 10% of the hull volume in liquid hydrogen, to go 2 parsecs requires 20% of the hull volume and so on. Since this is pseudo-motion and Newton's laws of motion don't really apply here. The warp drive flickers, that is the warp ship makes a number of micro warp jumps per second, this has the appearance of continuous motion through the stars, but obviously at a pseudo-velocity of 1 parsec per week, the stars don't seem to move much. Of course a starship could always skim a gas giant for more fuel. The actual warp limit is 100 Earth diameters times the cube root of the planet or star's mass.

The Time Drive is an actual Jump drive, but it jumps along the 4th dimension of time with the drive number times 100 years (actually it averages 100 years 50 to 149 years for Time Jump 1, 50 years being the minimum amount it travels, Time travel is also subject to specific time periods with specific dates, that is a fixed number of years, and days before the present per time period, I call these Time fault lines, larger jump numbers can do what the smaller jump drives can plus can go back a further 100 years for Jump 2 and so on.), the jump limit for this is within 1 Earth diameter times the cube root of the planet's mass. The minimum planet size required to operate the Time drive is the size digit 4, which is a diameter of 5600 km Mars has a diameter of 6779 km and a mass of 0.107 Earth masses. The minimum mass planet for a Time Drive to operate is 0.05 Earth masses, and the jump limit for that is 4,715 km from the center of the planet, which is derived by taking the cube root of 0.05 and multiplying it by 12800 km, which is an Earth diameter.

The Time Jump limit from the Sun is 887,206 which is determined by taking the cube root of 333,000 Earth masses, given that the Sun's radius is 696,300 km, getting this close to the Sun is a bit impractical! To terraform a planet, the Time Corps, created a special time ship with a Jump Drive 6 and no maneuver drive, capable of going back in time 600 years, it then sent a scout ship with warp drive to the planet and released various plant life to convert the atmosphere to a nitrogen oxygen mixture. Genetically engineered bacteria then converted the soil, a subsequent jump to 500 years before present then seeded the newly created top soil with more advanced plant life, trees and insects, and fish. Another time jump introduced more advanced animal life such as mammals, bird etc. Finally the planet has about 400 years to reach an ecological equilibrium before the first colonists arrive. The low tech levels on some planets are indicators that some of the time jumpers chose to stay in the past. In order to avoid a time paradox, they had to lose the technology which brought them there, that way they could not get off the planet and interfere with the history of Earth.

Your right, I will have to eliminate some of the habitable planets, the ones around red dwarf stars will also be tidally locked unless they are fluid worlds, that is either gas giants or deep water worlds.
Here is my revised Habitable planets list, the ones in bold, I have decided to make habitable, the ones in Italics have tainted atmospheres, but are otherwise habitable with filter masks, the ones that are Underlined are just interesting star systems because of their bright stars, and since there are not too many of them, I have decided to include them anyway regardless of whether they have habitable planets or not. The red dwarfs of types M0 to M3, I have let have habitable planets, as the lower numbers mean brighter stars, so these are the brightest of the red dwarfs, and I thought it would be nice for have a few habitable red dwarf planets.

Red Dwarf planets typically are tidally locked, and have no seasons, which is just as well since their period of revolution is about 1 to 3 months (30 to 90 days) and if they had seasons, they would be way too short for Earth life in any case. Red Dwarf planets also don't have polar ice caps, they have dark side ice caps instead, the area around the poles is about the same as any other place along the planet's day/night terminator.

So tell me what you think?

Gas Giant?
(+0.00, +0.00, +0.00) Earth G2.0 V N A867977 - F Yes
(-0.47, -0.36, -1.16) Proxima Centauri M5.0 V * A33279C - F Yes
(-0.50, -0.42, -1.17) alpha Centauri A G2.0 V A868965 - F No
(-0.50, -0.42, -1.17) alpha Centauri B K0 V A865886 - F No
(-0.02, -1.83, +0.15) Barnard's Star M3.5 V * C114520 - B No
(-2.28, +0.65, +0.29) Wolf 359 M5.5 V * C431484 - D Yes
(-2.00, +0.50, +1.49) Lalande 21185 M2.0 V * C233540 - A Yes
(-0.49, +2.47, -0.76) Sirius A1.0 V G A556789 - E Yes
(-0.49, +2.47, -0.76) Sirius B DA2 N A858347 - C Yes
(+2.31, +1.07, -0.82) BL Ceti M5.5 V * B566325 - D No
(+2.31, +1.07, -0.82) UV Ceti M6.0 V * C657510 - D No
(+0.59, -2.65, -1.20) Ross 154 M3.5 V * E457143 - B Yes
(+2.26, -0.18, +2.20) Ross 248 M5.5 V * B022740 - A Yes
(+1.90, +2.54, -0.53) epsilon Eridani K2.0 V G A787888 - F Yes
(+1.90, +2.54, -0.53) planet - C452732 - F No
(+2.58, -0.62, -1.92) Lacaille 9352 M1.0 V * C675687 - C Yes
(-3.35, +0.18, +0.05) Ross 128 M4.0 V * C9DA 688 - F Yes
(+3.12, -1.16, -0.91) EZ Aquarii A M5.0 VJ * B758432 - B Yes
(+3.12, -1.16, -0.91) EZ Aquarii B M V - A496662 - B No
(+3.12, -1.16, -0.91) EZ Aquarii C M V - B977865 - C Yes
(+1.98, -1.87, +2.19) 61 Cygni A K5.0 V * C67356B - B Yes
(+1.98, -1.87, +2.19) 61 Cygni B K7.0 V * D769761 - D Yes
(-1.47, +3.17, +0.32) Procyon F5 IV-V G A967866 - F Yes
(-1.47, +3.17, +0.32) Procyon B DQZ Pl D667836 - B Yes
(+0.33, -1.75, +3.04) GJ 725 A M3.0 V * C104566 - C Yes
(+0.33, -1.75, +3.04) GJ 725 B M3.5 V * C779122 - B Yes
(+2.56, +0.21, +2.48) GX Andromedae M1.5 V * B667373 - C Yes
(+2.56, +0.21, +2.48) GQ Andromedae M3.5 V * E637610 - C Yes
(+1.73, -0.97, -3.03) epsilon Indi A K4.0 V G A867756 - F Yes
(+1.73, -0.97, -3.03) epsilon Indi B T1.0 V A6668AC - F Yes
(+1.73, -0.97, -3.03) epsilon Indi C T6.0 V C4958AC - F Yes
(-1.97, +2.57, +1.63) DX Cancri M6.0 V * C885556 - D Yes
(+3.15, +1.54, -1.00) tau Ceti G8.5 V G A669738 - F Yes
(+1.54, +2.12, -2.58) GJ 1061 M5.0 V * C000820 - F Yes

(-1.39, +3.47, +0.34) Luyten's Star M3.5 V * B110446 - A Yes
(+2.69, +2.53, +1.12) SO 0253+1652 M6.5 V * B67A000 - B Yes
(+4.18, +0.91, +0.40) van Maanen's Star DZ7 N C886696 - 3 Yes
(+3.75, +2.17, +1.00) TZ Arietis M4.0 V * A776567 - A Yes
(+3.75, +2.17, +1.00) WX Ursae Majoris A M1.0 V * A8DB 433 - A Yes
(-3.43, +0.83, +3.35) WX Ursae Majoris B M5.5 V * B8A3313 - C Yes
(-2.81, +1.44, +3.70) GJ 380 K7.0 V * B0046AC - B Yes
(-4.16, +1.95, +1.66) GJ 388 M2.5 V * D275745 - A No
(-3.45, +3.51, +1.77) EI Cancri A M5.5 VJ * E62976A - A Yes
(-3.45, +3.51, +1.77) EI Cancri B M V - D000488 - A Yes
(+0.00, +5.24, +0.25) G 099-049 M3.5 V * AA5A126 - E Yes
(-1.05, +0.06, +5.24) GJ 445 M3.5 V * B452123 - C Yes
(+1.08, +2.64, +4.75) Stein 2051 A M4.0 V * B7C858A - A Yes
(+1.08, +2.64, +4.75) Stein 2051 B DC5 N C324546 - A Yes
(-1.11, +4.56, +3.08) GJ 251 M3.0 V * B769363 - C Yes
(+0.44, +5.68, +1.26) Ross 47 M4.0 V * C538877 - A Yes
(+3.09, +0.67, +5.03) eta Cassiopei A G3 V N C332687 - A Yes
(+4.12, +0.90, +6.70) eta Cassiopei B K7.0 V * B519623 - A Yes
(-2.63, +5.36, +0.37) Ross 882 M4.0 V * B7C97AB - A Yes
(-2.78, +2.45, +4.86) GJ 338 A M0.0 V * E757130 - A Yes
(-2.78, +2.45, +4.86) GJ 338 B K7.0 V * E697634 - A Yes
(-1.44, +4.57, +3.81) QY Aurigae A M4.5 VJ * A472889 - C Yes
(-1.44, +4.57, +3.81) QY Aurigae B M V B212300 - C Yes
(-4.33, +3.10, +3.02) Vrba et al. 2004 T6.0 V B305998 - E No
(-4.19, +4.18, +2.37) LHS 2090 M6.0 V * A220531 - F No

(+0.33, -1.66, -3.46) SCR 1845-6357 A M8.5 V B9C7866 - C Yes
(+0.33, -1.66, -3.46) SCR 1845-6357 B T6.0 V E482878 - 3 Yes
(+1.98, -0.84, +3.41) Kruger 60 A M3.0 V * E875452 - A Yes
(+1.98, -0.84, +3.41) Kruger 60 B M4.0 V * C5277AA - A No
(-4.29, -0.63, +0.69) Wolf 424 A M5.0 VJ * C200210 - A Yes
(-4.29, -0.63, +0.69) Wolf 424 B M V - A348331 - D Yes
(-0.17, -1.67, +4.22) GJ 687 M3.0 V * C000336 - A Yes
(+1.55, -2.85, +3.18) G 208-044 A M5.5 VJ * B889440 - C Yes
(+1.55, -2.85, +3.18) G 208-044 B M V - D634886 - A No
(+1.55, -2.85, +3.18) G 208-045 M6.0 V * E225569 - A Yes
(+3.43, -1.13, +3.53) EV Lacertae M3.5 V * C330100 - A Yes
(+0.12, -5.10, +0.22) 70 Ophiuchi A K0.0 V G X000000 - 0 Yes
(+0.12, -5.10, +0.22) 70 Ophiuchi B K5 V N C686636 - 5 No
(+2.35, -4.48, +0.79) Altair A7 IV-V N BA75476 - A No
(-4.68, -2.33, +1.39) Wolf 498 M1.0 V * C886668 - 3 Yes
(+0.74, -4.69, +3.09) 2MA 1835+3259 M8.5 V D887753 - 2 Yes
(+0.78, -1.84, +5.40) sigma Draconis G9.0 V G C769110 - F Yes
(+1.92, -5.50, +0.53) Wolf 1055 M2.5 V * C544488 - A Yes
(+1.92, -5.50, +0.53) van Biesbroeck M8.0 V * E554112 - 5 No
(+5.94, -0.28, +0.25) GJ 908 M1.0 V * E845447 - A Yes
(-0.10, -1.99, +5.74) GJ 1221 DXP9 N B212366 - B Yes
(+5.84, -0.72, +2.13) EQ Pegasi A M3.5 V * B52A978 - C Yes
(+5.84, -0.72, +2.13) EQ Pegasi B M4.5 V * E240ABC - A Yes
(-0.93, -4.37, +4.58) GJ 661 A M3.0 V * B301545 - A Yes
(-0.93, -4.37, +4.58) GJ 661 B M V A899454 - F Yes
(-1.83, -4.49, +4.19) G 180-060 M5.0 V E134575 - A Yes
(-1.53, -3.49, +5.30) GJ 625 M1.5 V * B9AA434 - A Yes
(-6.40, -0.53, +1.26) GL Virginis M4.5 V * B766511 - 7 Yes
(+3.47, -0.72, +5.50) GJ 892 K3.0 V G C332676 - A Yes

(+3.38, +1.11, -1.09) YZ Ceti M4.5 V D779799 - A Yes
(+0.58, +2.70, -2.77) Kapteyn's Star M2.0 VI * C54A768 - A Yes
(-2.94, +0.95, -2.58) DEN 1048-3956 M8.5 V * C344256 - A Yes
(-0.52, +4.05, -0.20) Ross 614 A M4.5 VJ * B895321 - A Yes
(-0.52, +4.05, -0.20) Ross 614 B M V A9C7200 - E Yes
(+3.45, +0.08, -2.63) GJ 1 M1.5 V * C230105 - A Yes
(-4.23, +1.37, -0.89) LHS 292 M6.5 V * B73B320 - A Yes
(-1.96, +0.12, -4.19) WD 1142-645 DQ6 N A366421 - B Yes
(+4.65, +0.14, -0.62) GJ 1002 M5.0 V * A4567CA - B No
(-2.17, +0.74, -4.18) LHS 288 M5.5 V * C46178D - 4 Yes
(+2.33, +3.31, -2.88) LP 944-020 M9.0 V * B33548C - D Yes
(+2.45, +2.34, -3.63) DEN 0255-4700 L7.5 V * E784565 - 5 Yes
(+2.18, +4.43, -0.66) omicron 2 Eridani A K0.5 V G C541485 - A Yes
(+2.18, +4.43, -0.66) omicron 2 Eridani B DA4 N B1209DB - A Yes
(+2.18, +4.43, -0.66) omicron 2 Eridani C M4.0 V * C411212 - A No
(+1.32, +5.11, -0.64) LHS 1723 M4.0 V * A024665 - A Yes
(-3.96, +2.79, -2.24) 2MA 0939-2448 T8.0 V A8A9756 - A Yes
(+0.70, +5.63, -0.36) Wolf 1453 M1.0 V * C668521 - 6 Yes
(+2.49, +5.08, -0.96) 2MA 0415-0935 T8.0 V E120766 - A No
(-0.25, +5.34, -2.14) GJ 229 A M1.5 V * E6499BD - A Yes
(-0.25, +5.34, -2.14) GJ 229 B T6.0 V B64B300 - D No
(+5.69, +0.38, -1.65) GJ 1005 M3.5 VJ * B553789 - 9 Yes
(+5.69, +0.38, -1.65) GJ 1005 A417410 - A Yes
(+2.84, +3.38, -4.13) 82 Eridani G8.0 V G B78577A - A Yes
(+0.13, +6.39, -0.47) WD 0552-041 DZ9 C57268A - A No
(-1.94, +1.33, -6.10) Jao et al. 2005 M4.0 V * C323404 - A Yes

(+2.33, -2.00, -2.48) AX Microscopii K9.0 V * C524320 - A Yes
(-1.59, -3.85, -0.94) Wolf 1061 M3.5 V * C625457 - A No
(-0.42, -3.08, -3.32) GJ 674 M2.5 V * C335988 - C Yes
(-0.42, -3.08, -3.32) GJ 674 P1 planet - C411545 - A Yes
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) Ross 780 M3.5 V * A113035 - D Yes
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - B8658BC - 6 No
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - E327448 - A Yes
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - C232689 - A No
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - D101411 - A Yes
(+2.61, -1.94, -3.74) GJ 832 M1.5 V * A684376 - A Yes
(+2.61, -1.94, -3.74) planet - D697988 - A Yes
(-0.36, -3.59, -3.53) GJ 682 M4.0 V * B303446 - C No
(+3.74, -3.99, -1.67) LP 816-060 M3.5 V * E564779 - 5 No
(-0.18, -3.15, -4.92) GJ 693 M3.0 V * D443587 - A Yes
(-3.90, -3.82, -2.14) GJ 570 K4.0 V G D796665 - A Yes
(-3.90, -3.81, -2.14) GJ 570 M1.5 VJ * E375632 - A Yes
(-3.90, -3.81, -2.14) GJ 570 M V - C321321 - A Yes
(-3.91, -3.81, -2.14) GJ 570 T7.0 V C1009C7 - A Yes
(+1.43, -3.88, -4.22) GJ 754 M4.0 V * B214743 - C Yes
(-2.68, -3.56, -3.91) GJ 588 B M2.5 V * B453697 - A Yes
(-1.03, -5.22, -2.66) 36 Ophiuchi K1.5 VJ G E324658 - A Yes
(-1.03, -5.22, -2.66) 36 Ophiuchi A K V B859113 - C Yes
(-1.01, -5.22, -2.66) 36 Ophiuchi B K5.0 V G D775989 - A Yes
(+2.63, -4.08, -3.54) 82 Eridani K2.5 V G C453AA9 - B Yes
(+2.63, -4.08, -3.54) 82 Eridani M4.0 V * D799000 - 0 No
(+1.31, -2.09, -5.59) delta Pavonis G8.0 IV G C530765 - A Yes
(+2.41, -3.65, -4.39) GJ 784 M0.0 V * C979532 - A Yes
(-4.75, -3.79, -1.35) HN Librae a M4.0 V * B64866A - A Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 c M3.0 V * E659588 - 3 Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 d planet E422796 - A Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 planet E232000 - A Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 planet B434321 - B Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 planet C46488A - 7 Yes
(-4.93, -0.84, -3.96) LHS 337 B M4.0 V * B530777 - A Yes
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) Wolf 630 M2.5 VJ * A999A55 - A Yes
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) Wolf 630 M V C523227 - A No
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) Wolf 630 M V C8A9412 - 8 Yes
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) van Biesbroeck 8 M7.0 V * D9CD200 - A Yes
(-1.78, -6.13, -0.93) Wolf 629 M3.0 V * B557302 - 7 Yes
(-4.15, -4.03, -3.10) LHS 3003 M7.0 V * C764433 - 7 Yes
sideranautae said:
Tom Kalbfus said:
So tell me what you think?

Very cool. Are you going to squish down to a 2D model?
I'm going to create a table of distances between the habitable planets, 2d is for very large areas. For now, its just out to 22 light years, a "subway map" might be made with this
Why did your time ships only go back 600 years.

Go into orbit over Jupiter. Jump back 600 years, refuel at Jupiter and Jump Back again... In this way they could have gone back thousands or tens of thousands of years and had much longer to make a planet habitable.

I'm sure there is a maximum number of times that a ship can Time Jump without overhauls, but it is likely more than 2...
Rikki Tikki Traveller said:
Why did your time ships only go back 600 years.

Go into orbit over Jupiter. Jump back 600 years, refuel at Jupiter and Jump Back again... In this way they could have gone back thousands or tens of thousands of years and had much longer to make a planet habitable.

I'm sure there is a maximum number of times that a ship can Time Jump without overhauls, but it is likely more than 2...

Timeships operate differently from Jump Starships. You see Timeships require an anchor to pull each one back to the present when going into the past. The story reason, when the first timeships were built, they went into the past and never came back, the reason was the "butterfly effect", in otherwords just sending them into the past their very presence in the time stream caused a change in the timestream where the timeship reentered causing it to get stranded in a parallel timeline and thus it is never seen again in the timeline that sent it. To solve this problem, each timeship creates a wormhole that leads back to the timeline that sent it.

The "past" it is sent to is not the actual past of the timeline that sent it, but a parallel timeline, because it includes the timeship. The time travelers can make minor changes to the past timeline their in, and the wormhole will pull their ship back to the present in the original timeline, provided the time travellers did not make major changes to the timeline, such as killing major historical figures such as Hitler, before it was his time to die. (Which in the case of Hitler, was when he stuck a pistol in his mouth ad blew his brains out). As a consequence time travellers try not to change history, minor alterations, such as killing a random soldier during World War II does not alter the timestream that much, so the retreaval system will retreve the timeship when the recall button is pressed. (A return to the present doesn't require any jump fuel at all, the journey into the past creating the wormhole into the past is what uses up the Jump fuel). So part of the timeship remains in the present when the rest is sent into the past, so the timeship cannot make an additional jump further into the past, it is not a question of having enough fuel, it is just a matter of the wormhole created not being able to stretch any further. A time Jump 6 wormhole can stretch 6 times as far as the time jump 1 drive.

Now the game reason I do this is simple, I want Timeships that can only travel into the past and return to the present, but not go into the future. Timeships can only go into the past and return to the present, that is why they require and anchor in game terms. Thus each time ship can only go as far as the drive rating times 100 years and only to a specified set of time periods with current dates (no micro time jumping for example, you can't jump a few minutes into the past with this drive, the minimum distance is 50 years before the present.) Timeships have to be carefully limited, otherwise the players will use them to undo mistakes.
A staged timeship can go back as far as 3600 years or to 1485 BC, this requires six stages, the largest stage is a capital ship of 1,000,000 dtons. All six stages combined cost the Time Corps $567,485,256,364 , and they have only one such ship, and the smalles stage carries a modular cutter which can reach the surface of a planet, all stages are unstreamlined and don't have a skimming capability to save in cost. Typically this sucker is launched from low earth orbit makes a 600 year jump into the past, and the ship it was carrying makes another 600 year jump into the past, and so on 4 more times until the last ship a 400 ton vessel makes the last jump and then releases the modular cutter to make a landing. Timeships typically have camouflage surfaces to minimize the chance that it will be spotted by a local and possible change the timestream more that the recall mechanism can bear. Usually the crew gets some warning before the timestream departs too much to make a return to the present impossible.

If the time crew gets stranded, they can repair the time drive, go a little further into the past from that point and attempt to undo the changes they caused, as the ship can't go into the future using its time drive, each timeship comes equipped with a number of low berths equal to the crew number, so the ship can be parked in some distant orbit and the crew can go into cold sleep and return to some sort of future, which may or may not resemble the one they left. This is one of the hazards of time travel.
Here is the revised star list, I have named the habitable planets, at least the ones orbiting stars larger than red dwarfs. There is also a table listing the distances between the 10 central habitable planets including Earth. The numbers in the upper-right of the bold 0-line are the distances in parsecs, the numbers in the lower left are the travel times in hours between the stars at warp 1. To get travel times at higher warp numbers simply divide the travel times on the table by the warp factor your ship is traveling at. The assumption is that a ship traveling at warp 1 takes 120 hours or 5 days to travel 1 parsec.

Gas Giant?
(+0.00, +0.00, +0.00) Sol: Earth G2.0 V N A867977-F Yes
(-0.47, -0.36, -1.16) Proxima Centauri M5.0 V * A33279C - F Yes
(-0.50, -0.42, -1.17) alpha Centauri A: Aurora G2.0 V A868965-F No
(-0.50, -0.42, -1.17) alpha Centauri B: Gabriel K0 V A865886-F No
(-0.02, -1.83, +0.15) Barnard's Star M3.5 V * C114520 - B No
(-2.28, +0.65, +0.29) Wolf 359 M5.5 V * C431484 - D Yes
(-2.00, +0.50, +1.49) Lalande 21185 M2.0 V * C233540 - A Yes
(-0.49, +2.47, -0.76) Sirius: Anubis A1.0 V G A556789-E Yes
(-0.49, +2.47, -0.76) Sirius B DA2 N A858347 - C Yes
(+2.31, +1.07, -0.82) BL Ceti M5.5 V * B566325 - D No
(+2.31, +1.07, -0.82) UV Ceti M6.0 V * C657510 - D No
(+0.59, -2.65, -1.20) Ross 154 M3.5 V * E457143 - B Yes
(+2.26, -0.18, +2.20) Ross 248 M5.5 V * B022740 - A Yes
{B](+1.90, +2.54, -0.53) epsilon Eridani: Galahad K2.0 V G A787888-F Yes[/B]
(+1.90, +2.54, -0.53) epsilon Eridani: Lancelot K2.0 V G C452732-F No
(+2.58, -0.62, -1.92) Lacaille 9352 M1.0 V * C675687 - C Yes
(-3.35, +0.18, +0.05) Ross 128 M4.0 V * C9DA 688 - F Yes
(+3.12, -1.16, -0.91) EZ Aquarii A M5.0 VJ * B758432 - B Yes
(+3.12, -1.16, -0.91) EZ Aquarii B M V - A496662 - B No
(+3.12, -1.16, -0.91) EZ Aquarii C M V - B977865 - C Yes
(+1.98, -1.87, +2.19) 61 Cygni A K5.0 V * C67356B - B Yes
(+1.98, -1.87, +2.19) 61 Cygni B: Leda K7.0 V * D769761-D Yes
(-1.47, +3.17, +0.32) Procyon: Baltisol F5 IV-V G A967866-F Yes
(-1.47, +3.17, +0.32) Procyon B DQZ Pl D667836 - B Yes
(+0.33, -1.75, +3.04) GJ 725 A M3.0 V * C104566 - C Yes
(+0.33, -1.75, +3.04) GJ 725 B M3.5 V * C779122 - B Yes
(+2.56, +0.21, +2.48) GX Andromedae M1.5 V * B667373 - C Yes
(+2.56, +0.21, +2.48) GQ Andromedae M3.5 V * E637610 - C Yes
(+1.73, -0.97, -3.03) epsilon Indi A: Pocahontas K4.0 V G A867756-F Yes
(+1.73, -0.97, -3.03) epsilon Indi B T1.0 V A6668AC - F Yes
(+1.73, -0.97, -3.03) epsilon Indi C T6.0 V C4958AC - F Yes
(-1.97, +2.57, +1.63) DX Cancri M6.0 V * C885556 - D Yes
(+3.15, +1.54, -1.00) tau Ceti: Ceridian G8.5 V G A669738-F Yes
(+1.54, +2.12, -2.58) GJ 1061 M5.0 V * C000820 - F Yes

A bit of aligning of these columns is required to make better sense of these tables. Insert a tab wherever you see a space, that should set things right.
Sol a cent. A a cent. B Sirius e eridani e eridani 61 cyg. B Procyon eps. Indi tau ceti
0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.49 1.9 1.9 1.98 -1.47 1.73 3.15
0 -0.42 -0.42 2.47 2.54 2.54 -1.87 3.17 -0.97 1.54
0 -1.17 -1.17 -0.76 -0.53 -0.53 2.19 0.32 -3.03 -1
Earth Aurora Gabriel Anubis Galahad Lancelot Leda Baltisol Pocahontas Ceridian
A867977-F A868965-F A865886-F A556789-E A787888-F C452732-F D769761-D A967866-F A867756-F A669738-F
Earth 0 1.34 1.34 2.63 3.22 3.22 3.49 3.51 3.62 3.65
Aurora 160.8 0 0 2.92 3.86 3.86 4.42 4.01 2.96 4.15
Gabriel 160.8 0 0 2.92 3.86 3.86 4.42 4.01 2.96 4.15
Anubis 315.6 350.4 350.4 0 2.4 2.4 5.8 1.62 4.68 3.76
Galahad 386.4 463.2 463.2 288 0 0 5.18 3.53 4.31 1.67
Lancelot 386.4 463.2 463.2 288 0 0 5.18 3.53 4.31 1.67
Leda 530.4 530.4 530.4 696 621.6 621.6 0 6.39 5.3 4.81
Baltisol 421.2 481.2 481.2 194.4 423.6 423.6 766.8 0 6.21 5.07
Pocahontas 434.4 355.2 355.2 561.6 517.2 517.2 636 745.2 0 3.53
Ceridian 438 498 498 451.2 200.4 200.4 577.2 608.4 423.6 0

(-1.39, +3.47, +0.34) Luyten's Star M3.5 V * B110446 - A Yes
(+2.69, +2.53, +1.12) SO 0253+1652 M6.5 V * B67A000 - B Yes
(+4.18, +0.91, +0.40) van Maanen's Star DZ7 N C886696 - 3 Yes
(+3.75, +2.17, +1.00) TZ Arietis M4.0 V * A776567 - A Yes
(+3.75, +2.17, +1.00) WX Ursae Majoris A M1.0 V * A8DB 433 - A Yes
(-3.43, +0.83, +3.35) WX Ursae Majoris B M5.5 V * B8A3313 - C Yes
(-2.81, +1.44, +3.70) GJ 380 K7.0 V * B0046AC - B Yes
(-4.16, +1.95, +1.66) GJ 388 M2.5 V * D275745 - A No
(-3.45, +3.51, +1.77) EI Cancri A M5.5 VJ * E62976A - A Yes
(-3.45, +3.51, +1.77) EI Cancri B M V - D000488 - A Yes
(+0.00, +5.24, +0.25) G 099-049 M3.5 V * AA5A126 - E Yes
(-1.05, +0.06, +5.24) GJ 445 M3.5 V * B452123 - C Yes
(+1.08, +2.64, +4.75) Stein 2051 A M4.0 V * B7C858A - A Yes
(+1.08, +2.64, +4.75) Stein 2051 B DC5 N C324546 - A Yes
(-1.11, +4.56, +3.08) GJ 251 M3.0 V * B769363 - C Yes
(+0.44, +5.68, +1.26) Ross 47 M4.0 V * C538877 - A Yes
(+3.09, +0.67, +5.03) eta Cassiopei A G3 V N C332687 - A Yes
(+4.12, +0.90, +6.70) eta Cassiopei B K7.0 V * B519623 - A Yes
(-2.63, +5.36, +0.37) Ross 882 M4.0 V * B7C97AB - A Yes
(-2.78, +2.45, +4.86) GJ 338 A M0.0 V * E757130 - A Yes
(-2.78, +2.45, +4.86) GJ 338 B K7.0 V * E697634 - A Yes
(-1.44, +4.57, +3.81) QY Aurigae A M4.5 VJ * A472889 - C Yes
(-1.44, +4.57, +3.81) QY Aurigae B M V B212300 - C Yes
(-4.33, +3.10, +3.02) Vrba et al. 2004 T6.0 V B305998 - E No
(-4.19, +4.18, +2.37) LHS 2090 M6.0 V * A220531 - F No

(+0.33, -1.66, -3.46) SCR 1845-6357 A M8.5 V B9C7866 - C Yes
(+0.33, -1.66, -3.46) SCR 1845-6357 B T6.0 V E482878 - 3 Yes
(+1.98, -0.84, +3.41) Kruger 60 A M3.0 V * E875452 - A Yes
(+1.98, -0.84, +3.41) Kruger 60 B M4.0 V * C5277AA - A No
(-4.29, -0.63, +0.69) Wolf 424 A M5.0 VJ * C200210 - A Yes
(-4.29, -0.63, +0.69) Wolf 424 B M V - A348331 - D Yes
(-0.17, -1.67, +4.22) GJ 687 M3.0 V * C000336 - A Yes
(+1.55, -2.85, +3.18) G 208-044 A M5.5 VJ * B889440 - C Yes
(+1.55, -2.85, +3.18) G 208-044 B M V - D634886 - A No
(+1.55, -2.85, +3.18) G 208-045 M6.0 V * E225569 - A Yes
(+3.43, -1.13, +3.53) EV Lacertae M3.5 V * C330100 - A Yes
(+0.12, -5.10, +0.22) 70 Ophiuchi A K0.0 V G X000000 - 0 Yes
(+0.12, -5.10, +0.22) 70 Ophiuchi B: Kara K5 V N C686636 - 5 No
(+2.35, -4.48, +0.79) Altair A7 IV-V N BA75476 - A No
(-4.68, -2.33, +1.39) Wolf 498 M1.0 V * C886668 - 3 Yes
(+0.74, -4.69, +3.09) 2MA 1835+3259 M8.5 V D887753 - 2 Yes
(+0.78, -1.84, +5.40) sigma Draconis: Draconia G9.0 V G C769110 - F Yes
(+1.92, -5.50, +0.53) Wolf 1055 M2.5 V * C544488 - A Yes
(+1.92, -5.50, +0.53) van Biesbroeck M8.0 V * E554112 - 5 No
(+5.94, -0.28, +0.25) GJ 908 M1.0 V * E845447 - A Yes
(-0.10, -1.99, +5.74) GJ 1221 DXP9 N B212366 - B Yes
(+5.84, -0.72, +2.13) EQ Pegasi A M3.5 V * B52A978 - C Yes
(+5.84, -0.72, +2.13) EQ Pegasi B M4.5 V * E240ABC - A Yes
(-0.93, -4.37, +4.58) GJ 661 A M3.0 V * B301545 - A Yes
(-0.93, -4.37, +4.58) GJ 661 B M V A899454 - F Yes
(-1.83, -4.49, +4.19) G 180-060 M5.0 V E134575 - A Yes
(-1.53, -3.49, +5.30) GJ 625 M1.5 V * B9AA434 - A Yes
(-6.40, -0.53, +1.26) GL Virginis M4.5 V * B766511 - 7 Yes
(+3.47, -0.72, +5.50) GJ 892 K3.0 V G C332676 - A Yes

(+3.38, +1.11, -1.09) YZ Ceti M4.5 V D779799 - A Yes
(+0.58, +2.70, -2.77) Kapteyn's Star M2.0 VI * C54A768 - A Yes
(-2.94, +0.95, -2.58) DEN 1048-3956 M8.5 V * C344256 - A Yes
(-0.52, +4.05, -0.20) Ross 614 A M4.5 VJ * B895321 - A Yes
(-0.52, +4.05, -0.20) Ross 614 B M V A9C7200 - E Yes
(+3.45, +0.08, -2.63) GJ 1 M1.5 V * C230105 - A Yes
(-4.23, +1.37, -0.89) LHS 292 M6.5 V * B73B320 - A Yes
(-1.96, +0.12, -4.19) WD 1142-645 DQ6 N A366421 - B Yes
(+4.65, +0.14, -0.62) GJ 1002 M5.0 V * A4567CA - B No
(-2.17, +0.74, -4.18) LHS 288 M5.5 V * C46178D - 4 Yes
(+2.33, +3.31, -2.88) LP 944-020 M9.0 V * B33548C - D Yes
(+2.45, +2.34, -3.63) DEN 0255-4700 L7.5 V * E784565 - 5 Yes
(+2.18, +4.43, -0.66) omicron 2 Eridani A K0.5 V G C541485 - A Yes
(+2.18, +4.43, -0.66) omicron 2 Eridani B DA4 N B1209DB - A Yes
(+2.18, +4.43, -0.66) omicron 2 Eridani C M4.0 V * C411212 - A No
(+1.32, +5.11, -0.64) LHS 1723 M4.0 V * A024665 - A Yes
(-3.96, +2.79, -2.24) 2MA 0939-2448 T8.0 V A8A9756 - A Yes
(+0.70, +5.63, -0.36) Wolf 1453 M1.0 V * C668521 - 6 Yes
(+2.49, +5.08, -0.96) 2MA 0415-0935 T8.0 V E120766 - A No
(-0.25, +5.34, -2.14) GJ 229 A M1.5 V * E6499BD - A Yes
(-0.25, +5.34, -2.14) GJ 229 B T6.0 V B64B300 - D No
(+5.69, +0.38, -1.65) GJ 1005 M3.5 VJ * B553789 - 9 Yes
(+5.69, +0.38, -1.65) GJ 1005 A417410 - A Yes
(+2.84, +3.38, -4.13) 82 Eridani: Virgil G8.0 V G B78577A - A Yes
(+0.13, +6.39, -0.47) WD 0552-041 DZ9 C57268A - A No
(-1.94, +1.33, -6.10) Jao et al. 2005 M4.0 V * C323404 - A Yes

(+2.33, -2.00, -2.48) AX Microscopii K9.0 V * C524320 - A Yes
(-1.59, -3.85, -0.94) Wolf 1061 M3.5 V * C625457 - A No
(-0.42, -3.08, -3.32) GJ 674 M2.5 V * C335988 - C Yes
(-0.42, -3.08, -3.32) GJ 674 P1 planet - C411545 - A Yes
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) Ross 780 M3.5 V * A113035 - D Yes
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - B8658BC - 6 No
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - E327448 - A Yes
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - C232689 - A No
(+4.33, -1.30, -1.15) planet - D101411 - A Yes
(+2.61, -1.94, -3.74) GJ 832 M1.5 V * A684376 - A Yes
(+2.61, -1.94, -3.74) planet - D697988 - A Yes
(-0.36, -3.59, -3.53) GJ 682 M4.0 V * B303446 - C No
(+3.74, -3.99, -1.67) LP 816-060 M3.5 V * E564779 - 5 No
(-0.18, -3.15, -4.92) GJ 693 M3.0 V * D443587 - A Yes
(-3.90, -3.82, -2.14) GJ 570 K4.0 V G D796665 - A Yes
(-3.90, -3.81, -2.14) GJ 570 M1.5 VJ * E375632 - A Yes
(-3.90, -3.81, -2.14) GJ 570 M V - C321321 - A Yes
(-3.91, -3.81, -2.14) GJ 570 T7.0 V C1009C7 - A Yes
(+1.43, -3.88, -4.22) GJ 754 M4.0 V * B214743 - C Yes
(-2.68, -3.56, -3.91) GJ 588 B M2.5 V * B453697 - A Yes
(-1.03, -5.22, -2.66) 36 Ophiuchi K1.5 VJ G E324658 - A Yes
(-1.03, -5.22, -2.66) 36 Ophiuchi A: Caruso K V B859513 - C Yes
(-1.01, -5.22, -2.66) 36 Ophiuchi B K5.0 V G D775989 - A Yes
(+2.63, -4.08, -3.54) 82 Eridani K2.5: Aridia V G C453555 - B Yes
(+2.63, -4.08, -3.54) 82 Eridani M4.0 V * D799000 - 0 No
(+1.31, -2.09, -5.59) delta Pavonis G8.0 IV G C530765 - A Yes
(+2.41, -3.65, -4.39) GJ 784 M0.0 V * C979532 - A Yes
(-4.75, -3.79, -1.35) HN Librae a M4.0 V * B64866A - A Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 c M3.0 V * E659588 - 3 Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 d planet E422796 - A Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 planet E232000 - A Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 planet B434321 - B Yes
(-4.05, -4.80, -0.85) Wolf 562 planet C46488A - 7 Yes
(-4.93, -0.84, -3.96) LHS 337 B M4.0 V * B530777 - A Yes
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) Wolf 630 M2.5 VJ * A999A55 - A Yes
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) Wolf 630 M V C523227 - A No
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) Wolf 630 M V C8A9412 - 8 Yes
(-1.77, -6.13, -0.94) van Biesbroeck 8 M7.0 V * D9CD200 - A Yes
(-1.78, -6.13, -0.93) Wolf 629 M3.0 V * B557302 - 7 Yes
(-4.15, -4.03, -3.10) LHS 3003 M7.0 V * C764433 - 7 Yes
I don't think it's totally implausible for tidelocked planets to support life. You'd just probably have less arable land, maybe a negative pop modifier.

Sirius is a tricky one because it's so young. If there are planets there, they might not even have cooled enough to try and terraform.

But that really depends on how much you care about nitpicky realism. I won't tell your players if you don't.
Curious i've been wondering about two different means of space travel one involving opening a wormhole allowing immense distances to be covered in what is assumed to be instantaneously.
An event forces them to use a less powerful jump drive to travel back from clement and a rescue mission from earth only it becomes clear the conduit didn't just crossed enormous distances but also time as the earth when they reach it isnt inhabitable but the world we call Mars is!

Sorry just a train of thought this thread and the Clement Sector pdf has been inspiring...
Matt Wilson said:
I don't think it's totally implausible for tidelocked planets to support life. You'd just probably have less arable land, maybe a negative pop modifier.

Sirius is a tricky one because it's so young. If there are planets there, they might not even have cooled enough to try and terraform.

But that really depends on how much you care about nitpicky realism. I won't tell your players if you don't.
For planets that have evolved naturally, not much, but for terraformed planets, why not. The main problem is the planet will have to be located near the inner edge of the habitable zone, because Sirius has a white dwarf companion with the mass of our Sun.

A planet orbiting Sirius will have to be shielded because it needs to be close in to avoid being flung out of the system by the gravity of Sirius B. There are ways to do this, similar to terraforming the planet Venus. Also remember there are timeships in this campaign. A planet orbiting Sirius would be hard to detect, as Sirius has twice the Sun's mass. Perhaps a planet will be detected by doppler shifting of the star Sirius, perhaps it will receive the equivalent radiation as Venus. Because of the observer effect and the causal consistency principle. What would have to happen is a staged time jump about 2400 years into the past from the orbit of Earth, this would take 4 stages, the fifth stage is a 400-ton warp starship, it travels to the planet orbiting Sirius, it begins mining asteroids, and producing a series of rocky rings around the planet to block sunlight from reaching the planet. So long as the regions over the tropical zone, from 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south is shielded, the rest of the planet should fall into place, it will have 2400 years to cool. Water would have to be imported to add oceans to the planet. Hopefully it spins at a more Earthlike rate and not a Venus like rate, then blue-green algae would be added to the planets ocean, then plants trees, insects, then birds, mammals, and finally people. The first colonists that arrive at the planet Anubis (A556789-E) and find a planet with ancient forests and an established ecosystem stocked with Earth life.