Nationality Feats!?!?!?!

LoneStranger said:
However it looks like people happily glossed over the points I've made about not buying something that offends you.
I glossed over it because I find it (no offense) to be a pointless position to take. I want B5 RPG material; I want Mongoose to improve; simply walking away when I disagree (for any reason) while I still have an open mode of communications available to me would be counter productive... as in the end, I would have no B5 RPG material.

frobisher said:
"Many English are charming, though none have the Charming feat"
And my question to you would be this: why not? I have met, known, dealt with and have been rather close to some very charming English-persons (and Italians, and Japanese, and Filipinos, and so on...). And an even more pointed question is why can't they?

Stereotyping like this serves no purpose other that to form artificial barriers to character creation.

Enlightened Bystander said:
How about this interpretation;

The national restrictions show who can take these feats freely. Others can take them, but they have to ask for gm permission and give reasons for them
Nice try, but no dice. All feats require GM permission to use. Thus, this is a restriction/limitation/rule with no real meaning.
Lots of posts on this topic.

I'm going to go with the national feats as suggested for that nationality and any human PC can have whatever feats they want except for Alien Races and GM disapproved.
Yes I am offended by that, you want people to sit here and listen to your viewpoint but your not willing to consider anyone else's. You remind me of someone I know out here, he always wants everyone to hear his side of the story but the first person that disagrees isn't willing to hear him out no matter how long they have sat there and listened to him. So I will say in the future KDLadage I will read your posts but I won't put as much stock in them as I have before.[/quote]
LoneStranger said:
Yes I am offended by that, you want people to sit here and listen to your viewpoint but your not willing to consider anyone else's. You remind me of someone I know out here, he always wants everyone to hear his side of the story but the first person that disagrees isn't willing to hear him out no matter how long they have sat there and listened to him. So I will say in the future KDLadage I will read your posts but I won't put as much stock in them as I have before.


I have never, in the course of this discussion, or any other one on these boards, simply ignored anyone. I have not been abusive (although I have admitted that I am not always the best at ensuring that the full extent of my emotions is conveyed -- my choice of phrase and word often times makes it appear that I am being a heck of a lot more emotional than I tend to actually feel). I have apologized for that in the past.

But here I feel that you are either misreading me (which is my fault for not being more clear), or you are trying to be angry/upset with me (which is your fault, and there is nothing I can do about that). Let me try this again:

My statement was: "I glossed over it because I find it (no offense) to be a pointless position to take. I want B5 RPG material; I want Mongoose to improve; simply walking away when I disagree (for any reason) while I still have an open mode of communications available to me would be counter productive... as in the end, I would have no B5 RPG material.

Let me de-construct that, explain what I mean and meant by it, and if you are still of the opinion that I am some kind of "my way or the highway" kind of a guy, then one of the two conditions above are being hit once again, and we will just have to agree to ignore one-another from this point on, I guess, because we are just not going to see eye-to-eye on this stuff -- even to the point of being unable to simply agree to disagree, I guess.

  • I glossed over it because I find it (no offense) to be a pointless position to take. -- Your suggestion was that if I do not like the stuff that Mongoose is putting out, if I find it offensive (which, as I have stated on at least six previous occasions, I am still not sure if I am offended or not; I have just expressed that I can see where others can have a legitimate case for offense) than I should simply stop purchasing it. I stated that this is a pointless position to take. I even indicated that I mean no offense by it -- just that it is not a position I can see having merit for me. Why... well, the following lines explain why:
  • I want B5 RPG material; In other words, I want Mongoose to succeed. This means, I want to buy their material. This means I want to ensure that their material is popular, accessible, and -- in relevance to the current discussion -- free of offensive material. The Babylon 5 universe is one that mirrors our own quite closely. People are people. People have biases, prejudices and down-right-racist ideas in the show. But the show always showed that prejudices and preconceived rigid stereotypes were not only wrong, but could be down-right hurtful. The idea that a rule within a game set in that universe would reinforce such stereotypes -- positive ones or negative ones -- goes against the grain of that series. In my opinion. And I have yet to slam anyone's opinion or dictate that I am right and everyone else is wrong.
  • I want Mongoose to improve; Right now, many people (certainly not just me) have expressed some level of dissatisfaction with some of Mongoose' procedures. This has led to some rather high instances of typographical and factual errors. It has also meant that some level of document control needs to be instituted in the company. Thus far, I have been one that is willing to be honest with the company, tell them how I feel, why I feel that way, and what I think they can do to improve. My discussions on this topic are nothing short of an extension of that. I want this company to produce the best books they can. If they ever want me to shut up, they can tell me to do so. Thus far, although they have not always been happy with me, have continued to be open minded, and tough skinned. We have disagreed more than we have agreed. I can respect that. I continue to buy their books. I think this is a great indicator of how I am far from the "my way or the highway" kind of guy you suggest I am being. But that could just be my perception, who knows.
  • simply walking away when I disagree (for any reason) while I still have an open mode of communications available to me would be counter productive... You have suggested I simply stop buying the material if I find it offensive. I cannot see this as being a viable option while they are still willing to listen to constructive criticism. You suggest I walk away, while they are still open for discussion. You suggest I be quiet, while communication lines and methods are still available. I have indicated, and politely I think, that I disagree with this approach, and do not see it as a constructive alternative. At first, I ignored the suggestion -- glossed over it, as you put it -- for fear that dealing with it directly would result in the sort of post I am now responding to. C'est la vie, I suppose.
  • as in the end, I would have no B5 RPG material. If I take your advice. If the rest of those that find fault in Mongoose's books; if those that find possible offense in the books (when it is obvious that no offense was intended by the company or the author, but was inadvertently possible and included none-the-less) then where are we? We are looking at the slow and methodical demise of a small company that has a lot of potential that is still untapped. Each book, without feedback, threatens to perpetuate the problem that caused the loss of consumers in the previous books until the audience is small enough to make the material disappear. I do not want that; I am sure that you do not want that...

I hope I made this clear. It was not my intent to offend you. If I have, I am sorry. I am sorry to have offended you, but to be honest, not sorry for what I said. What I said, I meant, and I mean. What I said, as annotated above, is my honest opinion.

To reiterate: as long as there are methods of communication, and as long as Mongoose is willing to listen, I will give them the most honest and straight-forward feedback I can give them. I will not, when I see something that can be improved (in my opinion) via a shift in rules, elimination of a possible offensive element, or what-have-you simply walk away. That does me no good; that does Mongoose no good; that does the license no good; that's no good for anyone.

Again, I am sorry to have offended you. I hope you can see where I am coming from and find it in your heart to continue the dialog. Because the last thing Mongoose needs is to get my thoughts without a few dissenting opinions. That does them (and everyone else) no good, either. Take, for example, PsycloneJack. He and I tend to come in from opposing ends on most topics. I respect his opinions because they are well reasoned, and quite well presented. I disagree with him a lot. We have agreed to disagree -- but we will still engage in the occasional debate -- lively, energetic and respectful. He calls me out when I am phrasing my words a bit more harshly than I need to. I do not get angry with him, tell him he is wrong and I am right and that's the end of it.

In other words: I consider his opinion. Something you claim I do not do. There are other opinions I consider as well -- most of the people on these boards in fact. Some I do not, as they have proven to be opinion thrown out without thought or consideration. I will not name names or anything. But I think they know who they are.

Thus far, you are not on that list. I dismissed one and only one of your suggestions. It was one I did not see the benefit of debating. You took offense. I am debating it.

I hope that makes sense.
You say what I proposed is a pointless position to take without considering the fact it's another form of exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Now yes I know people want a B5 game, I'm on that list myself. You say you want to improve Mongoose, I am inclined to agree that quality control (for proofreading) does need work. In fact I will say right here and right now how generally unhappy I am with the distribution schedule Mongoose is on, you can count on any major B5 book to be around two months late, which in my opinion needs to change. The release foul-ups are particularly annoying for me since I write a column on books that are coming out for my local game store and the delays make me sound like a liar (in my mind at least). However you are forgetting that you can voice opinions not only with words but with money as well, what you buy and don't buy speak volumes about the quality of work as much as any series of posts you can make on a message board. This is why I say if you don't like something or something offends you, DON'T BUY IT. Send a message to the people making the book/show/movie/etc. that you think it's a steaming pile of crap for reason _________. Your wallet is always, ALWAYS, an open line of communication to any source that depends on your business to survive. As far who I'm directing the comment of "if your offended, don't buy it" to, it's not just you KDLadage, not just the people on your good list, not just the people on your bad list, not just the people on your neutral list, but everyone everywhere. That includes this forum, the forum for any other game company, any forum for any film company, any forum for any TV channel, hell even people who give feedback for underwear get the benefit of this concept. So in the future if you can't find the merit in an idea, ASK ABOUT IT. It'll cause a lot fewer problems.
KDLadage said:
frobisher said:
"Many English are charming, though none have the Charming feat"
And my question to you would be this: why not? I have met, known, dealt with and have been rather close to some very charming English-persons (and Italians, and Japanese, and Filipinos, and so on...). And an even more pointed question is why can't they?

And the answer is that you can be perfectly charming without having the Charming feat. A player can in fact reflect this by good roleplaying rather than using a built in game cheat, sorry "feat".

Perhaps the English (and others) have to work at it a bit harder than the French (The accent alone when speaking English is an unnatural advantage for instance).
Which of course leads us to the next question:

"Why the hell should the french be able to take the charming feat, and not the -insert racial group you think may be nice here-"

Or as I wrote before, why should only people from swizerland and chile be able to take "mountaineer", and people born and raised in the austrian alps, the american rocky mountains or the nepalese himalaya not???
Why the hell should the welsh be able to take "born pilots" and noone else? Why can an egyptian take "historian" and an oxford history professor can't? Why can you learn "gambler" only in italy and not in las vegas? Why can only spanish PC's have "glib tongue" and german politicians or american televangelists can't? Why can only turks and mexicans have "heat tolerance" and no african PC can? And why in the great maker's name can only italians, greek or denebians take "professional sportsman"???

Need I go on?
Do you all see the foolishness of this?

As stated before, the feats are great, the nationalistic limitations are not. Instead it should be GM decision based on character BG - if the player thinks up a likely story why his player has this or that feat the GM should allow it, if the player can't come up with something good enough to convince the GM he has to do without. That simple.
I just received my copy of EA Factbook. Overall, I think it is a good product, however....

:Scratching head in utter confusion:

If you loved the controvercy of nationality feats, get a load of their Roleplaying Suggestions.

on Page 71 of the EA Factbook, under the American Racial Traits, I quote: "Although Americans are racially tolerant, they also have a high opinion of themselves that often comes off as vanity or boorishness."

I am an American. And speaking for myself only, I consider myself racially tolerent, but I don't think that I am better than anyone else regardless of nationality or race. I consider myself as an average American, and knowing many other average Americans, none of them thinks that their "excrement doesn't stink" as the saying goes. Although our elected officials are another story. LOL

Stereotyping at its best.

KDLadage, all I can say after read this is; I agree with you.
Why was this added to the game in the first place?

I do think that this would be a much better product if concepts like this were not added in the future.

Let the players decide how to portray their characters. It would have been much better served if it was left up to the simple phrase; "Humans are a species with wide diversity in culture, customs and religious beliefs." Then leave the player to explore what a nationality means to them.

Ironically, I have no problem with this kind of stereotyping for alien races.

Go figure.

In the end, aren't we all brothers and sisters who enjoy the great sci-fi that is Babylon 5?
With the above said, I think that the feats are great and should be open to anyone, Human (regardless of nationality) and alien alike.

With that said, no matter what you choose to do on this subject, happy gaming.

And continue to support Mongoose Publishing. I see real potential with this product line. :)
mdraconis said:
On Page 71 of the EA Factbook, under the American Racial Traits, I quote: "Although Americans are racially tolerant, they also have a high opinion of themselves that often comes off as vanity or boorishness."

I am an American. And speaking for myself only, I consider myself racially tolerent, but I don't think that I am better than anyone else regardless of nationality or race. I consider myself as an average American, and knowing many other average Americans, none of them thinks that their "excrement doesn't stink" as the saying goes.

Ah, but are you an average American circa the late-2250s?
Having finally read the nationality feats I am not suprised that people are a bit put out by them, the sterotyping and national descriptions seem to be based on the kind of perceptions that made 'Allo Allo' a tv series of one joke. :oops:

Though not actually offensive, some of them beg the question of whether or not any thought had gone into what was being said about the people of certain nations, or infact any thought or research into this nations had occured except from watching CNN. Whilst I have previously defended the idea of Nationality Traits, I now have to say (having gone from the idea to seeing the reality), that they are a best a poor taste and seemingly ignorant joke.

Was any attempt actually made to posit the lighter or positive light of some of the nations, no. Why are so many South Americans Guerilla Warfare orientated.

It pangs of the perception of the quintessential Englishman in a bowler hat, pinstripe suit and umbrella.

All in all a very sorry section of an exceptional product, that has left a bad taste. Mongoose you should be ashamed of yourself...... possibly :?:
frobisher said:
Forgive me for being stupid, but why all the offence over positive stereotypes?

Feats are, after all, of benefit to the owning player.

I am not entirely sure that refering to many South Americans as being Guerilla fighters, is entirely positive.....
Crazy 'Scaper said:
mdraconis said:
On Page 71 of the EA Factbook, under the American Racial Traits, I quote: "Although Americans are racially tolerant, they also have a high opinion of themselves that often comes off as vanity or boorishness."

I am an American. And speaking for myself only, I consider myself racially tolerent, but I don't think that I am better than anyone else regardless of nationality or race. I consider myself as an average American, and knowing many other average Americans, none of them thinks that their "excrement doesn't stink" as the saying goes.

Ah, but are you an average American circa the late-2250s?

I was curious where the bright and beautiful view of B5 America (not Americans) came from, racially tolerant, generous and building towards a global culture. Much as I might love science fiction, one can only suspend disbelief so far...... Strangely there was seemed to be no point at which this new political revolution had occured in American Policy and Internal Politics, that overthrew the previous 40 years or so. I looked, but I couldn't find it in the EA Fact Book.... :twisted:

You'd have thought that such a revolution would have merited a mention
hassanisabbah said:
I am not entirely sure that refering to many South Americans as being Guerilla fighters, is entirely positive.....

Wow! It's worse than what I had imaginazed.
As a latin/spanish/basque I'm used to see the silly and sterotyped view of us in all american rolegames (Alderac, White Wolf...), but I expected much better of a european company. Really sad. :cry:
True Crazy 'Scaper. I don't come from the 23rd. century. But neither does the author. These Roleplaying Suggestions seem more like 21st. century generalizations than what might be true after mankind's "Golden Age".
Aker said:
hassanisabbah said:
I am not entirely sure that refering to many South Americans as being Guerilla fighters, is entirely positive.....

Wow! It's worse than what I had imaginazed.
As a latin/spanish/basque I'm used to see the silly and sterotyped view of us in all american rolegames (Alderac, White Wolf...), but I expected much better of a european company. Really sad. :cry:

You also get (in many of the South American Countries) to take Jungle Dweller, because obviously you all live in the rain forests and jungle, and not the cities and towns..... :roll:
Remember that the national feats aren't all supposed to fit to every member of the nation, they're just things that there is more of in the country. There are a lot of jungle dwellers in south America, and between now and 2257, a lot of gurellia warfare has occured on the continent, meaning that they are more likely to be good at it.
Enlightened Bystander said:
Remember that the national feats aren't all supposed to fit to every member of the nation, they're just things that there is more of in the country. There are a lot of jungle dwellers in south America, and between now and 2257, a lot of gurellia warfare has occured on the continent, meaning that they are more likely to be good at it.

The main problem comes when you read the description of each nation, and the feats. I don't doubt that there are a number of Guerilla warfare specialists in Colombia, and most of them do live (out of necessity) in the Jungle. Theres a lot more to Colombia than just Cocaine, Guerilla Warfare and hanging out in the Jungle.

Also its worth noting that Greece actually had the worlds most efficent Urban Guerilla Campaign ever, going 25 years without an arrest or casuality, so prehaps they are actually much better.

The point is tact and sensitivity.
Got my copy of the EA Sourcebook today and although I haven't had a chance to sit down and read from cover to cover I did read the regional blurb and the regional feats.

Ok, in my opinion, this whole business is nonsense. Now more than ever. Sterotypes aside I thought that for the most part the author/s were almost spot on really. The only thing that didn't really feel right was the number of terrain/condition feats (Cold Tolerant...etc) but other than that I don't have a problem with whats in there.
Enlightened Bystander said:
Remember that the national feats aren't all supposed to fit to every member of the nation, they're just things that there is more of in the country. There are a lot of jungle dwellers in south America, and between now and 2257, a lot of gurellia warfare has occured on the continent, meaning that they are more likely to be good at it.

Theres not that many Jungle Dwellers, outside of the few remaining tribal people. Most people tend to live in townships and cities, as the South American Rainforest is the most dangerous biosphere on the planet. Prehaps thats why they get the bonus.

Non-Feat - Hmmm Lets go into the jungle
feat possee - No way its dangerous, lets just take our chances out here with the guerillas....... :twisted: