I disagree that it will be difficult to catch three with a wide burst. I would call that expected. Most ships can't fight from beyond range twelve, so have to pull in to attack a tight narn formation, this will force three ships into the danger area. Fighters are virtually unlaunchable.
It's already questionable maneuver if the narn bring a G'Karith.
I also think that the ionic is still an issue. Yes it doesn't remove the current turns SA's... but it does 'strip' the ability to effectively do SA's the following turn. It does significantly cut the ability to DC. This is better than the Abbai ability, as you aren't interceptable or dodgable, and you hit multiple ships in a single turn. Most ships that might carry these have enough dice to expect to hit most hulls under the template... they only need to hit once to get the effect, so the loss of SAP is almost irrelevant.