Mysteries of the Ancients

Running my group through Mysteries for my first ever Traveller campaign. Did anyone ever sort out what is going on with the Callia population? Sure the planet is big enough for "hundreds of millions" but it is also a desert with very little water and would seem to be a place that doesn't get enough traffic (frontier starport, no gas giant for refuel) to just import enough supplies to support that many people. Overnale is the same size, has a much more habitable environment and is on a frequently used jump route and it's population is only 6 (millions). The descriptions all seem to think the population is much lower, which seems to make sense. Just wondering. Going to run it like the population is lower but curious if anything official has been said.
When I ran it, I suggested that the millions were on the other side of the planet. Appreciate that was a bit 'hand wavey' but my players didn't make an issue out of it so neither did I. It's not ideal. I think the main thing is to ensure that you get the village and surrounding area right, i.e. remote, desert, etc.
Page 174: one would wonder how anyone might deduce (let alone correctly) that Master Starfarer Aedhko Ueang is Verger. The art and stats on p. 180 would directly contradict any deduction of that sort. And the lack of any comments or corrections tells me that Mongoose are not interested in quality work. Just sayin'