Hi folks,
I just wanted to pose the question:
After having read the book, which states specifically that the 'Trigger' for a 'Parry' or 'Dodge' reaction is a SUCCESSFUL attack, and after having read Matt Sprange's 'Combat Clarification' thread, which states that a Parry or Dodge reaction can be made against ANY attack, successful or not (which in turn opens up the possibility that a FAILED attack roll can suddenly become successful if both opponents fail the opposed roll) -
How do you intend to play out your combats in Mongoose's Runequest ?
Personally, I think I like it as stated in the Rulebook (and combat example therein) more than I like Matt's clarification. To me, it just doesn't sit right that a failed attack should suddenly become a successful attack if an opponent fails his parry, and you fail your roll opposing it.
I think I am going to stick with the Rulebook, and hope that a 'Runequest Atlantean Edition' doesn't come out changing the text to that of Matt's combat clarification thread.
No offense to Matt, I just tend to get the feeling from reading through the forums that there were several different versions of the game through playtest, and that some of the responses, presumptions, and confusion are due to different ways that the game was played before release, and not being 100% certain of what made it into the final rulebook.
I just wanted to pose the question:
After having read the book, which states specifically that the 'Trigger' for a 'Parry' or 'Dodge' reaction is a SUCCESSFUL attack, and after having read Matt Sprange's 'Combat Clarification' thread, which states that a Parry or Dodge reaction can be made against ANY attack, successful or not (which in turn opens up the possibility that a FAILED attack roll can suddenly become successful if both opponents fail the opposed roll) -
How do you intend to play out your combats in Mongoose's Runequest ?
Personally, I think I like it as stated in the Rulebook (and combat example therein) more than I like Matt's clarification. To me, it just doesn't sit right that a failed attack should suddenly become a successful attack if an opponent fails his parry, and you fail your roll opposing it.
I think I am going to stick with the Rulebook, and hope that a 'Runequest Atlantean Edition' doesn't come out changing the text to that of Matt's combat clarification thread.
No offense to Matt, I just tend to get the feeling from reading through the forums that there were several different versions of the game through playtest, and that some of the responses, presumptions, and confusion are due to different ways that the game was played before release, and not being 100% certain of what made it into the final rulebook.