I've mentioned this before, but my name here is a reference to a general campaign idea that I've had for a while, about two-thirds serious and one-third dumb joke.
We know that the Girug'kagh, the K'kree's smug little majordomo race, have a thing for "reality television", preferably humiliating. They like nothing more than seeing people who "act out" or don't know their station in life being humbled for the presumption (this is discussed in GURPS Traveller Alien Races 4). It's probably my British background that makes this so amusing to me; it's a mindset that earns more knowing chuckles here, than in most places

(a friend of mine, upon hearing my description of the Girug'kagh, upfront said, half-serious, half-jocular, "so they're the British working class, then?").
G'naakbusters! would be a Girug'kagh production. The player characters would be Girug'kagh, humans, Vargr surviving on fruit juice, or from any race not irredeemably awful in K'kree eyes, who work for a company or patron distributing reality entertainment programs. They would (with official or semi-official sanction from the Steppelord's people -- or maybe just indifference) follow a K'kree warband as it works to help incorporate a region into the Two Thousand Worlds. If the warband is sent to put down an insurrection or trample some unrepentant meat-eaters, the crew rush after them to catch the action on film.
"This human thinks he can eat a ham sandwich. But he's reckoned without... The G'naakbusters!" And then the K'kree burst through the walls and trample the guy to death, which will get a good self-satisfied chuckle from the viewership.
Our intrepid heroes (for want of a better word) would have all the usual issues -- paying their way, negotiating access to various trouble-spots (or just slipping in), maintaining or replacing equipment -- while also judging how involved they can get before becoming an irritation to the K'kree, or a target for insurrectionists, etc. They'd be trying to chase rumours of new "incidents" and get to the places in question as quickly as possible, they might have deadlines from the producer, and so on.
Of course the potential twist is that their own misadventures might wind up entertaining self-satisfied folk back home. Or for another potential twist, maybe their ultimate patron is in fact a Hiver pulling a Manipulation to shape local systems' view of the K'kree.