I am making a sorcerer/vampire and noticed that it does not say it is immune to critical hits like all other undead in the d20 systems. This struck me as odd because they don't have a constitution score. I began to look in the Conan: AE and could not find where it states that Undead and monsters with no vital organs such as animated objects could not be affected by critical hits, massave damage, coup de gras and Fortitude saves.
The D&D 3.5 game master guid and monster manual describes what "Type" a monster is and lets us (the game masters) know how to handle it in combative situations. I know that Conan is a fast combative game but somethings wrong when you can kill a vampire or abberation in one blow. I understand that some of the monsters can't be hurt by normal weapons but what gives?
I hope you all can give me some insight on this. Or maybe get an official answer to this question.
I would love to see Conan monster manual of some kind soon with all this explained in it.
References: DM guide 3.5 page 26 and 27; Players guide 3.5 page 140 and 153; Monster manual 3.5 page 317 under undead Type.
The D&D 3.5 game master guid and monster manual describes what "Type" a monster is and lets us (the game masters) know how to handle it in combative situations. I know that Conan is a fast combative game but somethings wrong when you can kill a vampire or abberation in one blow. I understand that some of the monsters can't be hurt by normal weapons but what gives?
I hope you all can give me some insight on this. Or maybe get an official answer to this question.
I would love to see Conan monster manual of some kind soon with all this explained in it.
References: DM guide 3.5 page 26 and 27; Players guide 3.5 page 140 and 153; Monster manual 3.5 page 317 under undead Type.