Mongoose at Conception - selling books?


Well Conception is almost upon us and Mongoose will be attending apparently.

My question is - will Mongoose be selling stuff or just promoting and running games? I am in the market to buy Slaine RuneQuest (I bought and read the PDF, just want the book now).

Yes, we will be selling. If you want to talk Slaine and learn of the latest progress regarding the Baileoisin Chronicles feel free to bend my ear. Will be setting up lateish Thursday / hanging around (maybe even trying to get in a game or two), and there all day Friday and Saturday (although we will be packing up once trading ends to go home).

And if anyone wants us to bring something particular we will make sure we have some books (so several Slaines, for example, since we know of at least one that will be picked up).
Mongoose Acolyte said:
And if anyone wants us to bring something particular we will make sure we have some books (so several Slaines, for example, since we know of at least one that will be picked up).
I wouldn't mind at least looking at a copy of Deluxe RuneQuest (I have the RuneQuest and Companion PDFs from the BOGO offer on DriveThru and managed to get them both hardcopy off ebay for a total of £12.27) so I am in two minds as to whether to bother with Deluxe (as I would also want to buy the Deluxe PDF so my hardcopy and pdf would be in synch).

Getting a look at Deluxe might sway me one way or the other. Alternatively if you have any RQ Monsters you want to sell off cheap bring one along :)