Money problems with the Pimp Guild

AKAramis said:
Just found a reference in Arms and Equipment, in the jobs section.

25sp a day for a prostitute of Craft (Sexual Arts) 65 and Influence 50... (page 79 and 83)

Good, thank you.

Sexual arts, fertility cults, impotence spells, pimping, prostitutes ... You never quite get the adult material out of RuneQuest, eh? :wink:

Anyway, as this thread's starter, I have a little bit of news: We played again last Sunday, and the player who had originally come up with "Let's try to get this guild to give us a cut" told me his character never truly intended to take that money. It was all part of his scam to confuse and lure away some influential pimps in order for the PCs to do something else. So, I may never need to know an exact amount. I have one ready anyway, and it's been fun discussing the subject.
Jandar said:
Anyway, as this thread's starter, I have a little bit of news: We played again last Sunday, and the player who had originally come up with "Let's try to get this guild to give us a cut" told me his character never truly intended to take that money. It was all part of his scam to confuse and lure away some influential pimps in order for the PCs to do something else. So, I may never need to know an exact amount. I have one ready anyway, and it's been fun discussing the subject.

Never truly intended to take that money? What kind of gamer is he??

Rules of RPG:
1. Always take the money.
2. Never leave a foe alive to stab you in the back later.
3. It's never your fault.
4. Promises are meant to be broken.