Mindblast question

The 5 Tiers of Mindblast represent psychic attacks. As such do they require psychic attack rolls as per normal psychic combat? If not then they are rediculously powerful since they could even work on the Dark Lords themselves!
They would be anyway, even if you have a instinctive shield, a charicter of teh same level as you can never miss you except at very low levels.

Your ac will almost always be lowr then there Psychic BAB, so they have to roll a 1 to miss.
Balgin Stondraeg said:
The 5 Tiers of Mindblast represent psychic attacks. As such do they require psychic attack rolls as per normal psychic combat? If not then they are rediculously powerful since they could even work on the Dark Lords themselves!

Well, I don't ever recall the Darklords being immune to psychic attacks of any sort.
Kojiro said:
Balgin Stondraeg said:
The 5 Tiers of Mindblast represent psychic attacks. As such do they require psychic attack rolls as per normal psychic combat? If not then they are rediculously powerful since they could even work on the Dark Lords themselves!

Well, I don't ever recall the Darklords being immune to psychic attacks of any sort.

True but I was using that as an extreme to illustrate the point. Stuff the higher ranking mindblast abilities which are actual psychic attacks should require a psychic attack roll and I'm thinking that since the lower level distraction one is mind affecting then undead shouldn't be affected by it either. The damage boosting one affects the kai monk and his equipment, not another creature so that one does not need an attack roll.

My question was to do with more clearly defining psychic combat as the wording of the mindblast section is ambiguous.
i would rule that an active mental shield will always impede to some degree any mind altering effect, whether the effects be turning the aforesaid mind to jelly or merely going "look behind you" just before the big axe of hurtiness makes contact with the unshielded physical
Wannabe Drakkar said:
i would rule that an active mental shield will always impede to some degree any mind altering effect, whether the effects be turning the aforesaid mind to jelly or merely going "look behind you" just before the big axe of hurtiness makes contact with the unshielded physical

Well that's the thing, you see. The Darklords all have psychic combat and enough to have an instinctive shield. But that does not stop the Mindblast basic attacks? (But does prevent the regular psychic attacks such as attack and stun).
Look, the Kai Lords are the sole masters of psychic combat... this is what makes them so feared, even by the Darklords themselves (well that, and their sole ability to use the Sommerswerd). In order to be immune to Mindblast, you need to be trained in Mindshield.