MGT Test Sector #2: Space Opera variant


This is the second "test sector" I've generated using the final MGT corebook worldgen rules. This one is designed using the Space Opera variant rules on page 180.

See the Default Rules thread and Hard Science thread for comparison.

Note that these are exactly the same UWPs as rolled before in Test Sector #1. So this is what you would get if you ran a "Space Opera filter" over those original UWPs. That should make it useful for direct comparison between results.

Worlds are present in a hex on a roll of 4+ on 1d6, gas giants are present on 9- on 2d6. I haven't implemented Bases though.

I've incorporated the Environmental TL Limits here - I've decided that for the Default and Space Opera rules, if the generated TL is lower than the Environmental TL Limit then the TL will be increased to that limit (for the Hard Science variant, if the TL is below the environmental limit then the population will be reduced to 0).

I'll leave it up to you guys to map it out.

First column: Hex/Column location in sector
Second block: UWP code
Third block: Trade codes
Fourth block: Temperature code (0 = Extremes, 1 = Frozen, 2 = Cold, 3 = Temperate, 4 = Hot, 5 = Roasting).
Fifth block: Gas giant Present (G = yes, blank = no)

    0101        B410315-E         Lo Ni Ht             0         G
    0102        C573530-6         Ni                   2         G
    0104        D531303-5         Lo Ni Po Lt          1         G
    0105        X554647-1         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    0108        C300200-C         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    0109        B653695-7         Ni Po                3         G
    0114        C876441-4         Ni Ga Lt             3
    0115        D310644-9         Na Ni                0         G
    0117        D410500-8         Ni                   0         G
    0118        A652522-8         Ni Po                3
    0119        B9B2624-9         Fl Ni                4         G
    0120        B200795-8         Na Va                0
    0121        D560565-7         De Ni                5         G
    0122        E7A4303-9         Fl Lo Ni             3         G
    0125        D977151-4         Lo Ni Ga Lt          4
    0126        B7A2554-B         Fl Ni                3         G
    0127        B10058A-C         Ni Va Ht             0
    0130        C562215-8         Lo Ni                3
    0133        C000540-C         As Ni Ht             0
    0134        A400486-B         Ni Va                0         G
    0136        D40087A-9         Na Va                0         G
    0139        C7C0885-A         De                   5
    0204        D64999B-7         Hi In                2
    0206        C767102-9         Lo Ni Ga             3
    0207        E831101-5         Lo Ni Po Lt          3         G
    0209        D5758B9-6         Ga                   3         G
    0210        D795347-3         Lo Ni Ga Lt          4
    0211        D400861-8         Na Va                0         G
    0212        D4A0100-8         De Lo Ni             4         G
    0213        C690148-A         De Lo Ni             4
    0215        E579112-8         Lo Ni                3
    0216        B9C0423-A         De Ni                5         G
    0218        B662665-7         Ni Ri                3         G
    0220        E410525-A         Ni                   0         G
    0221        D410557-8         Ni                   0         G
    0222        C98A488-8         Ni Wa                3         G
    0224        B640956-9         De Hi In Po          5
    0227        X200788-8         Na Va                0         G
    0229        A621677-B         Na Ni Po             2         G
    0230        D989774-8         Ri                   4         G
    0231        A657959-B         Hi Ga                3         G
    0233        X100000-0         Ba Va                0
    0234        A680131-C         De Lo Ni Ht          5         G
    0237        DAEA342-8         Fl Lo Ni Wa          3         G
    0239        A568404-D         Ni Ga Ht             2         G
    0240        B530365-C         De Lo Ni Po Ht       2         G
    0304        D4A067A-8         De Ni                5         G
    0308        E200545-A         Ni Va                0         G
    0309        C665337-7         Lo Ni Ga             3         G
    0315        B100766-E         Na Va Ht             0         G
    0317        D310778-8         Na                   0
    0318        B100111-D         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    0321        B520465-A         De Ni Po             1         G
    0322        C000767-8         As Na                0         G
    0324        C568779-9         Ag Ri Ga             1
    0325        B753997-B         Hi Po                2         G
    0326        B400467-B         Ni Va                0         G
    0330        A997100-E         Lo Ni Ga Ht          3         G
    0335        C531779-6         Na Po                1
    0336        B6367A7-6                              1
    0339        C986127-5         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    0401        D580673-7         De Ni Ri             5
    0402        D834523-8         Ni                   4         G
    0403        C672ACD-9         Hi In                3
    0404        D310100-A         Lo Ni                0
    0405        E4A0962-8         De Hi                2         G
    0406        C100A87-D         Hi In Na Va Ht       0         G
    0407        C687ADA-6         Hi Ga                3         G
    0409        E86A723-8         Wa                   3         G
    0410        X1008AB-8         Na Va                0         G
    0411        C642996-6         Hi In Po             2         G
    0412        C310376-E         Lo Ni Ht             0
    0414        D7A576B-8         Fl                   3         G
    0426        X300500-8         Ni Va                0         G
    0427        D5597A8-7                              3         G
    0428        B869477-B         Ni                   3
    0429        D100577-C         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    0430        XA9A853-5         Wa Lt                4         G
    0433        C000454-A         As Ni                0
    0435        C200268-9         Lo Ni Va             0
    0439        D984464-4         Ni Ga Lt             5         G
    0501        C64948A-8         Ni                   3         G
    0502        C634100-9         Lo Ni                1         G
    0503        B31067B-B         Na Ni                0         G
    0504        D4A0653-8         De Ni                3         G
    0506        D545100-4         Lo Ni Ga Lt          4         G
    0507        C561598-8         Ni                   4         G
    0509        B796522-B         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    0510        E667A65-5         Hi Ga Lt             1         G
    0511        B400699-9         Na Ni Va             0
    0514        C532889-5         Na Po Lt             2         G
    0516        B3A05AB-9         De Ni                5         G
    0517        C300777-9         Na Va                0         G
    0518        E84A349-8         Lo Ni Wa             2         G
    0520        C68866A-3         Ag Ni Ri Ga Lt       3         G
    0523        E1005AA-9         Ni Va                0         G
    0524        C300565-8         Ni Va                0         G
    0526        C400585-9         Ni Va                0
    0528        C410620-8         Na Ni                0         G
    0529        C8B449D-9         Fl Ni                3         G
    0530        B586569-8         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    0532        C567132-8         Lo Ni Ga             4         G
    0533        A6B057A-H         De Ni Ht             5         G
    0535        E658689-6         Ag Ni Ga             1         G
    0537        X100667-8         Na Ni Va             0
    0540        D658300-5         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    0601        C310351-C         Lo Ni Ht             0
    0603        B636421-A         Ni                   1
    0605        D67886A-4         Ga Lt                1         G
    0607        B5A2542-A         Fl Ni                3         G
    0608        D88A520-9         Ni Wa                2
    0609        D200799-8         Na Va                0
    0613        C877888-6         Ga                   3         G
    0615        D20068B-9         Na Ni Va             0
    0618        D558313-2         Lo Ni Ga Lt          1         G
    0619        D730320-5         De Lo Ni Po Lt       1         G
    0620        A679565-9         Ni                   2
    0621        B566ABC-9         Hi Ga                3
    0624        E4A0500-8         De Ni                2
    0626        D58A100-A         Lo Ni Wa             3         G
    0627        D66A556-8         Ni Wa                3         G
    0631        C300532-8         Ni Va                0         G
    0632        B645799-8         Ag Ga                1         G
    0633        X2007B9-8         Na Va                0         G
    0634        C200300-9         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    0639        B565320-B         Lo Ni Ga             2         G
    0701        D968AA8-5         Hi Ga Lt             3         G
    0703        D796100-6         Lo Ni Ga             3         G
    0704        B00089A-E         As Na Ht             0         G
    0708        C3A0200-C         De Lo Ni Ht          2
    0709        D546348-7         Lo Ni Ga             3
    0710        X556557-0         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    0711        D677315-3         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3
    0712        D310777-8         Na                   0         G
    0714        B310211-B         Lo Ni                0
    0716        E547448-4         Ni Ga Lt             2         G
    0717        B856445-A         Ni Ga                2         G
    0718        EA9A464-8         Ni Wa                3
    0719        B546610-6         Ag Ni Ga             1
    0720        C522102-7         Lo Ni Po             2         G
    0721        B000435-D         As Ni Ht             0
    0723        C785666-8         Ag Ni Ri Ga          4         G
    0726        B5479DD-5         Hi In Ga Lt          3
    0727        DAC0747-A         De                   5
    0730        E525331-7         Lo Ni                3         G
    0731        D665244-2         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3
    0732        B668522-A         Ag Ni Ga             1
    0736        B40066A-8         Na Ni Va             0         G
    0737        B300657-D         Na Ni Va Ht          0         G
    0738        D410101-A         Lo Ni                0         G
    0739        C633102-A         Lo Ni Po             3
    0805        C9DA76A-B         Fl Wa                5         G
    0806        B530898-7         De Na Po             1         G
    0807        D795331-5         Lo Ni Ga Lt          4         G
    0808        C759566-7         Ni                   3
    0809        D300464-A         Ni Va                0         G
    0810        B7588C7-6         Ga                   3         G
    0813        X9A29ED-8         Fl Hi                3         G
    0817        D2009CD-8         Hi In Na Va          0         G
    0819        C300622-8         Na Ni Va             0
    0820        C1008C7-9         Na Va                0         G
    0821        E3A0445-9         De Ni                3         G
    0824        C410552-C         Ni Ht                0         G
    0825        C735889-9                              3         G
    0826        E68967A-6         Ni Ri                2         G
    0831        D8A5736-8         Fl                   3         G
    0833        C410889-A         Na                   0         G
    0835        D7A5520-8         Fl Ni                2         G
    0836        B535898-9                              2
    0838        E000456-C         As Ni Ht             0
    0840        D6958CD-6         Ga                   1         G
    0903        A100732-E         Na Va Ht             0         G
    0905        D9A1456-9         Fl Ni                5         G
    0906        D1009A8-A         Hi In Na Va          0         G
    0910        B9EA340-B         Fl Lo Ni Wa          2         G
    0912        X4A0000-0         Ba De                5
    0914        B620554-A         De Ni Po             3         G
    0917        B8B1465-9         Fl Ni                3
    0918        A3A0533-D         De Ni Ht             5         G
    0919        B78758C-8         Ag Ni Ga             4         G
    0920        C58A213-8         Lo Ni Wa             3
    0921        X200000-0         Ba Va                0         G
    0922        C9A3666-8         Fl Ni                3         G
    0923        C310895-B         Na                   0
    0924        D544732-5         Ag Ga Lt             2
    0926        C9A2448-8         Fl Ni                5         G
    0929        C681556-7         Ni                   4
    0932        B5A6130-8         Fl Lo Ni             3         G
    0933        B100535-A         Ni Va                0         G
    0934        C2009C8-9         Hi In Na Va          0         G
    0935        C40089C-A         Na Va                0
    0938        C795724-7         Ag Ga                5         G
    0939        C310965-8         Hi In Na             0         G
    0940        B100678-D         Na Ni Va Ht          0         G
    1001        B300897-A         Na Va                0
    1003        C531633-5         Na Ni Po Lt          3
    1005        E410101-9         Lo Ni                0
    1006        D401267-8         Ic Lo Ni Va          0         G
    1007        D4A2678-8         Fl Ni                1
    1011        C200310-B         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1015        B99A85A-B         Wa                   3         G
    1016        B8A2442-C         Fl Ni Ht             3         G
    1017        B300AA7-F         Hi In Na Va Ht       0         G
    1020        B310599-C         Ni Ht                0         G
    1026        C645456-8         Ni Ga                3         G
    1027        B41065A-D         Na Ni Ht             0         G
    1029        C544544-4         Ag Ni Ga Lt          4         G
    1033        B20058C-A         Ni Va                0         G
    1037        B30177B-B         Ic Na Va             0
    1038        C780686-6         De Ni Ri             5         G
    1101        X100732-8         Na Va                0         G
    1102        E676589-3         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    1103        C979A9A-A         Hi In                3
    1104        D666234-3         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    1105        D654530-6         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    1106        C300324-B         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1107        C560130-9         De Lo Ni             5         G
    1108        D681530-6         Ni                   4         G
    1113        D9E9567-9         Fl Ni                2         G
    1115        B300959-C         Hi In Na Va Ht       0         G
    1116        D9C0255-A         De Lo Ni             5
    1117        X100302-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1118        D300630-8         Na Ni Va             0         G
    1120        B75A474-A         Ni Wa                2         G
    1121        C100300-E         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    1123        C310211-C         Lo Ni Ht             0         G
    1130        X200000-0         Ba Va                0         G
    1132        X000000-0         As Ba                0         G
    1135        C86A221-8         Lo Ni Wa             3         G
    1136        D75A676-6         Ni Wa                3         G
    1203        C310672-8         Na Ni                0
    1207        C410303-9         Lo Ni                0         G
    1209        B765200-B         Lo Ni Ga             2         G
    1211        B4A0400-A         De Ni                5         G
    1212        E543432-3         Ni Po Lt             3         G
    1218        D7807A7-4         De Lt                4
    1219        B99A616-7         Ni Wa                4         G
    1221        X586365-0         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    1224        B86A77A-E         Ri Wa Ht             2         G
    1227        D100630-A         Na Ni Va             0         G
    1228        C4A059A-B         De Ni                5
    1231        C7A1866-8         Fl                   4
    1232        A882359-9         Lo Ni                5
    1233        D300676-8         Na Ni Va             0         G
    1238        B30067A-A         Na Ni Va             0
    1301        C96A410-6         Ni Wa                2         G
    1302        D842345-5         Lo Ni Po Lt          5         G
    1303        C588999-7         Hi Ga                3         G
    1304        B3A037B-E         De Lo Ni Ht          5         G
    1307        A9A99AA-B         Fl Hi                3
    1316        X4A0245-8         De Lo Ni             5         G
    1317        B733684-9         Na Ni Po             3         G
    1319        C200356-B         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1320        X888000-0         Ba Ga                4         G
    1322        A8A0412-A         De Ni                5         G
    1323        D99A320-5         Lo Ni Wa Lt          3         G
    1325        D310644-8         Na Ni                0         G
    1326        C774778-9         Ag Ga                1         G
    1327        C310553-9         Ni                   0         G
    1328        C5559CB-6         Hi Ga                3         G
    1329        C510411-9         Ni                   0
    1331        C8A3222-8         Fl Lo Ni             3
    1332        D30058A-9         Ni Va                0         G
    1333        C657126-4         Lo Ni Ga Lt          1         G
    1335        D000414-8         As Ni                0         G
    1338        E758342-6         Lo Ni Ga             3         G
    1340        C100532-C         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    1401        B574875-C         Ga Ht                2
    1402        D697858-7         Ga                   3         G
    1403        D300320-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1408        D4A0400-8         De Ni                3         G
    1409        C200465-9         Ni Va                0         G
    1413        D7A0400-A         De Ni                4         G
    1417        B6A2200-A         Fl Lo Ni             3
    1419        D100747-8         Na Va                0         G
    1422        E40086B-8         Na Va                0
    1423        B410110-E         Lo Ni Ht             0         G
    1424        B10026A-A         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1427        E657512-6         Ag Ni Ga             3
    1430        A957889-8         Ga                   3         G
    1432        B10088B-D         Na Va Ht             0
    1434        D400134-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1436        A79A476-D         Ni Wa Ht             3         G
    1502        C4109CC-B         Hi In Na             0         G
    1503        A410776-D         Na Ht                0         G
    1504        D896457-6         Ni Ga                3         G
    1505        X400378-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1506        A100568-F         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    1508        XA5A312-2         Lo Ni Wa Lt          3
    1510        A778673-C         Ag Ni Ga Ht          3         G
    1511        CAB4799-9         Fl                   4         G
    1512        D10087C-8         Na Va                0
    1514        A7806BC-9         De Ni                5         G
    1517        B3A077B-A         De                   2         G
    1518        BA94499-8         Ni Ga                5         G
    1520        A200566-C         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    1521        D9A77B7-8         Fl                   3
    1523        C620767-A         De Na Po             2         G
    1525        D7B09BB-9         De Hi                5         G
    1528        E20037A-A         Lo Ni Va             0
    1531        C620610-A         De Na Ni Po          3         G
    1535        B533365-C         Lo Ni Po Ht          1         G
    1537        C675842-5         Ga Lt                3         G
    1538        D400888-8         Na Va                0
    1539        C531853-5         Na Po Lt             3         G
    1601        D4A0500-B         De Ni                4         G
    1602        B875645-A         Ag Ni Ga             2
    1605        D8C0303-A         De Lo Ni             5
    1606        D6928BE-3         Lt                   3
    1609        B3A0779-C         De Ht                5         G
    1611        B300533-E         Ni Va Ht             0
    1613        D300623-8         Na Ni Va             0         G
    1614        C4A0375-C         De Lo Ni Ht          3         G
    1617        C8A0478-A         De Ni                5         G
    1618        C85688A-5         Ga Lt                3         G
    1619        C310799-8         Na                   0
    1623        C200656-B         Na Ni Va             0         G
    1624        E531253-5         Lo Ni Po Lt          3         G
    1626        DA979BB-5         Hi In Ga Lt          3
    1628        C550632-5         De Ni Po Lt          5         G
    1629        E654620-1         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    1630        D55066A-5         De Ni Po Lt          5         G
    1632        C691686-7         Ni                   5         G
    1633        C3A0121-8         De Lo Ni             4         G
    1634        C3105A7-8         Ni                   0
    1637        D4A0588-8         De Ni                3         G
    1638        D779305-9         Lo Ni                3         G
    1639        C658761-6         Ag Ga                3         G
    1640        C767756-4         Ag Ri Ga Lt          3         G
    1704        C552454-8         Ni Po                1         G
    1705        D410562-A         Ni                   0         G
    1706        D868864-3         Ri Ga Lt             3         G
    1707        C100658-9         Na Ni Va             0
    1708        B000535-E         As Ni Ht             0         G
    1711        B630111-9         De Lo Ni Po          3         G
    1713        D4A279C-8         Fl                   3
    1714        E744204-4         Lo Ni Ga Lt          2         G
    1717        B200555-F         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    1718        C100326-9         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1721        D300427-8         Ni Va                0         G
    1722        D649610-3         Ni Lt                1         G
    1723        E200414-8         Ni Va                0         G
    1725        E200755-A         Na Va                0         G
    1726        D100200-A         Lo Ni Va             0
    1728        D200200-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1733        E645862-3         Ga Lt                4         G
    1735        D7C2323-A         Fl Lo Ni             4         G
    1736        D310677-8         Na Ni                0
    1737        B555658-A         Ag Ni Ga             2         G
    1739        D65A868-6         Wa                   2
    1801        X7C0000-0         Ba De                5         G
    1803        D410ACC-B         Hi In Na             0
    1805        B978565-B         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    1806        C9DA334-A         Fl Lo Ni Wa          5         G
    1807        C5A0346-8         De Lo Ni             5         G
    1808        C300442-B         Ni Va                0         G
    1809        A7739DH-6         Hi In                5         G
    1810        B2008AD-C         Na Va Ht             0         G
    1811        C31059B-9         Ni                   0
    1812        B526755-B                              3         G
    1813        E300264-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    1814        C545530-9         Ag Ni Ga             3
    1822        C100797-9         Na Va                0         G
    1823        E555462-6         Ni Ga                4
    1825        C100411-C         Ni Va Ht             0
    1826        E776A97-8         Hi In Ga             2
    1827        B7688BD-9         Ga                   3
    1829        B679997-8         Hi In                3
    1830        C7A58A7-8         Fl                   3         G
    1832        A500726-A         Na Va                0         G
    1833        C400865-9         Na Va                0
    1836        C868320-6         Lo Ni Ga             4         G
    1838        C85A310-8         Lo Ni Wa             3         G
    1839        C863241-6         Lo Ni                3         G
    1840        C4A2587-8         Fl Ni                3
    1904        D300798-8         Na Va                0         G
    1905        D56356B-7         Ni                   1
    1907        X000557-8         As Ni                0         G
    1908        D574776-5         Ag Ga Lt             3         G
    1910        C65A873-8         Wa                   2
    1912        D6458AB-4         Ga Lt                1         G
    1918        B554575-B         Ag Ni Ga             1         G
    1919        D566300-8         Lo Ni Ga             4
    1920        C879300-A         Lo Ni                3
    1922        C310444-A         Ni                   0         G
    1923        D65577B-8         Ag Ga                3         G
    1924        C687331-4         Lo Ni Ga Lt          2         G
    1927        C558542-5         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    1929        D410110-8         Lo Ni                0         G
    1937        B200565-C         Ni Va Ht             0
    1939        B520300-9         De Lo Ni Po          2         G
    2003        D5355A8-5         Ni Lt                1         G
    2006        C671331-6         Lo Ni                4         G
    2007        D6A0888-8         De                   4
    2009        BAA05A6-C         De Ni Ht             5         G
    2014        D3A0120-A         De Lo Ni             1         G
    2016        X699000-0         Ba                   3         G
    2017        D100565-8         Ni Va                0         G
    2018        E898230-3         Lo Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    2025        B521302-8         Lo Ni Po             3
    2027        D775676-7         Ag Ni Ga             3
    2031        B7A1400-8         Fl Ni                4         G
    2033        X55667B-1         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    2035        D8A0100-8         De Lo Ni             5         G
    2037        B200857-B         Na Va                0         G
    2038        C556223-5         Lo Ni Ga Lt          1         G
    2039        AA5A748-A         Wa                   3
    2103        E200256-8         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    2104        D586469-3         Ni Ga Lt             3         G
    2109        B9B3657-9         Fl Ni                5         G
    2112        D744576-6         Ag Ni Ga             3
    2116        C100343-A         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    2120        C400112-8         Lo Ni Va             0
    2122        B553320-8         Lo Ni Po             3         G
    2123        A410200-D         Lo Ni Ht             0
    2126        E200631-9         Na Ni Va             0
    2133        A310445-E         Ni Ht                0         G
    2134        C400620-B         Na Ni Va             0         G
    2135        C686843-3         Ri Ga Lt             2         G
    2205        CAC2432-A         Fl Ni                5         G
    2207        D725646-5         Ni Lt                3         G
    2208        B200412-9         Ni Va                0
    2209        C300410-8         Ni Va                0         G
    2210        CAA8663-8         Fl Ni                4         G
    2211        C200522-C         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    2213        D100113-9         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    2214        D200354-B         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    2218        C958301-8         Lo Ni Ga             3         G
    2220        B410756-A         Na                   0         G
    2221        E88A313-5         Lo Ni Wa Lt          3         G
    2223        C545768-8         Ag Ga                3         G
    2232        C697521-4         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3
    2236        X7B0000-0         Ba De                5         G
    2237        D553100-4         Lo Ni Po Lt          4
    2238        XAA6000-0         Ba Fl                3         G
    2239        D531323-8         Lo Ni Po             1         G
    2301        C55427A-A         Lo Ni Ga             2         G
    2307        A89A762-C         Wa Ht                3         G
    2312        D879345-5         Lo Ni Lt             4         G
    2314        C510587-9         Ni                   0         G
    2316        B410212-C         Lo Ni Ht             0         G
    2319        B7B298A-B         Fl Hi                3         G
    2323        C541169-6         Lo Ni Po             3         G
    2324        B400736-A         Na Va                0         G
    2326        C410565-B         Ni                   0         G
    2327        E787797-6         Ag Ri Ga             2         G
    2328        E566898-1         Ri Ga Lt             3
    2329        C65A8BC-6         Wa                   2         G
    2334        D7828A9-2         Lt                   2         G
    2335        D5445AA-3         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    2336        C596A9C-5         Hi In Ga Lt          3         G
    2337        D630566-5         De Ni Po Lt          2
    2339        B200212-A         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    2401        B100776-D         Na Va Ht             0         G
    2404        A310100-F         Lo Ni Ht             0
    2405        E200655-8         Na Ni Va             0         G
    2406        B4009DC-9         Hi In Na Va          0         G
    2408        C859665-5         Ni Lt                3         G
    2409        E6A35A9-8         Fl Ni                3
    2412        B675568-9         Ag Ni Ga             2         G
    2413        A200322-F         Lo Ni Va Ht          0
    2414        C310346-9         Lo Ni                0         G
    2416        B663204-B         Lo Ni                3
    2419        C8659A9-8         Hi Ga                2         G
    2420        C3A0268-8         De Lo Ni             5         G
    2421        C677556-5         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    2423        D75A323-7         Lo Ni Wa             1         G
    2426        D879410-8         Ni                   3         G
    2431        D410896-8         Na                   0
    2432        C6209AA-6         De Hi In Na Po       2         G
    2433        B410451-B         Ni                   0         G
    2436        B100400-F         Ni Va Ht             0
    2437        E4109BB-8         Hi In Na             0
    2438        D85A9CC-8         Hi Wa                3
    2440        B777883-7         Ga                   4         G
    2501        C400461-8         Ni Va                0         G
    2503        B84A479-C         Ni Wa Ht             1
    2506        B410520-E         Ni Ht                0
    2509        D400532-8         Ni Va                0         G
    2510        C3A0348-8         De Lo Ni             3         G
    2511        E72368A-6         Na Ni Po             3         G
    2513        D400655-8         Na Ni Va             0
    2520        D683435-3         Ni Lt                3         G
    2522        D0007A9-8         As Na                0         G
    2524        CA95566-6         Ag Ni Ga             5         G
    2526        C8C4202-A         Fl Lo Ni             4
    2527        C400757-B         Na Va                0         G
    2530        E575266-7         Lo Ni Ga             3         G
    2534        A200122-C         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    2538        B522552-9         Ni Po                3         G
    2539        B200200-D         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    2540        X310643-8         Na Ni                0
    2601        C632564-7         Ni Po                2         G
    2603        A310656-G         Na Ni Ht             0         G
    2604        D7915AA-7         Ni                   5
    2606        E310364-8         Lo Ni                0         G
    2608        C400203-9         Lo Ni Va             0
    2609        E7788BB-3         Ga Lt                3         G
    2610        B659667-7         Ni                   2         G
    2611        B300500-E         Ni Va Ht             0
    2613        E20079C-8         Na Va                0         G
    2614        C570323-7         De Lo Ni             5         G
    2620        X736000-0         Ba                   1         G
    2622        C300556-9         Ni Va                0         G
    2624        B200301-E         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    2626        D200667-9         Na Ni Va             0         G
    2628        C968238-5         Lo Ni Ga Lt          2         G
    2630        X310746-8         Na                   0         G
    2632        B200851-D         Na Va Ht             0
    2633        A3009DC-9         Hi In Na Va          0
    2637        D886532-2         Ag Ni Ga Lt          1         G
    2638        D78037B-7         De Lo Ni             5
    2639        CA9698C-4         Hi In Ga Lt          3
    2701        B6A16A6-B         Fl Ni                3
    2702        C310A95-B         Hi In Na             0         G
    2705        X400000-0         Ba Va                0         G
    2711        B8C09AC-A         De Hi                5         G
    2713        A985478-C         Ni Ga Ht             4
    2717        C000234-C         As Lo Ni Ht          0         G
    2718        D100788-8         Na Va                0         G
    2719        B793489-9         Ni                   3
    2720        C8B0533-9         De Ni                5         G
    2721        X400000-0         Ba Va                0         G
    2723        D630533-8         De Ni Po             4         G
    2724        C4A2498-8         Fl Ni                3         G
    2726        C572535-6         Ni                   3         G
    2727        C575467-6         Ni Ga                4         G
    2729        D410310-A         Lo Ni                0         G
    2732        D693342-3         Lo Ni Lt             2         G
    2733        D994300-8         Lo Ni Ga             5         G
    2734        E000435-8         As Ni                0         G
    2735        B200200-F         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    2737        C767754-5         Ag Ri Ga Lt          3
    2803        D200120-9         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    2807        B732ABC-9         Hi Na Po             2         G
    2808        B410646-C         Na Ni Ht             0         G
    2810        B553146-6         Lo Ni Po             3         G
    2814        D572433-7         Ni                   2         G
    2816        C1007AA-A         Na Va                0         G
    2818        B769226-C         Lo Ni Ht             3         G
    2822        D679632-4         Ni Lt                2
    2824        E651497-6         Ni Po                4         G
    2826        E6207B8-7         De Na Po             2         G
    2831        A775889-8         Ga                   3         G
    2832        D5A2662-8         Fl Ni                2         G
    2835        D6409AA-8         De Hi In Po          4         G
    2836        C780748-7         De Ri                5         G
    2838        D569456-7         Ni                   3         G
    2840        E7A0543-8         De Ni                3         G
    2901        X55A000-0         Ba Wa                3         G
    2902        C776612-7         Ag Ni Ga             4
    2903        A777676-E         Ag Ni Ga Ht          4         G
    2905        B100668-C         Na Ni Va Ht          0         G
    2906        C580863-7         De Ri                1         G
    2908        B310620-A         Na Ni                0         G
    2916        C7C0476-A         De Ni                5
    2917        X410000-0         Ba                   0         G
    2919        D400446-8         Ni Va                0         G
    2920        A7B0646-D         De Ni Ht             5
    2921        C746467-8         Ni Ga                3
    2922        X410000-0         Ba                   0         G
    2923        E300552-B         Ni Va                0         G
    2924        B53378A-9         Na Po                3         G
    2925        D996572-9         Ag Ni Ga             4         G
    2927        E64858D-6         Ag Ni Ga             2
    2928        C310225-B         Lo Ni                0         G
    2931        D656541-2         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    2934        A7A5455-A         Fl Ni                4         G
    2935        E765558-6         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    2938        D9808AA-2         De Lt                5
    2940        D4A0666-8         De Ni                4         G
    3001        D3A0536-8         De Ni                1         G
    3003        B799640-8         Ni                   3         G
    3004        C3A0277-9         De Lo Ni             4         G
    3005        C310A97-9         Hi In Na             0
    3006        E6B3446-9         Fl Ni                4         G
    3007        B5678A9-A         Ga                   2         G
    3012        B620333-B         De Lo Ni Po          1         G
    3013        E4006AE-8         Na Ni Va             0         G
    3014        D410445-8         Ni                   0
    3015        D525246-8         Lo Ni                1         G
    3016        D300730-8         Na Va                0
    3018        D7478AA-3         Ga Lt                3         G
    3019        D400578-A         Ni Va                0         G
    3021        A410542-C         Ni Ht                0
    3023        A3107BD-E         Na Ht                0         G
    3024        C66447B-7         Ni Ga                1         G
    3025        B626243-7         Lo Ni                3         G
    3028        D3A0558-8         De Ni                4
    3030        A200212-F         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    3031        X100000-0         Ba Va                0         G
    3032        X610A78-8         Hi In Na             0         G
    3102        D899633-6         Ni                   4         G
    3104        X684358-3         Lo Ni Ga Lt          4         G
    3105        C6B2331-A         Fl Lo Ni             4         G
    3108        D796569-4         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3         G
    3110        C410620-B         Na Ni                0         G
    3114        C670788-7         De                   4
    3116        E786525-6         Ag Ni Ga             2         G
    3117        C98A522-8         Ni Wa                3         G
    3118        B87A753-8         Wa                   3
    3122        C551522-8         Ni Po                2         G
    3125        C100103-D         Lo Ni Va Ht          0
    3128        B310541-9         Ni                   0         G
    3129        C200366-C         Lo Ni Va Ht          0         G
    3130        E100475-B         Ni Va                0
    3134        C310567-8         Ni                   0         G
    3137        A697678-9         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    3201        B8B0221-B         De Lo Ni             5         G
    3202        D3A06A9-8         De Ni                3
    3203        CAA1667-9         Fl Ni                3         G
    3205        C310125-8         Lo Ni                0         G
    3207        D577488-5         Ni Ga Lt             2         G
    3209        B000354-C         As Lo Ni Ht          0
    3210        B786564-6         Ag Ni Ga             3         G
    3211        E677515-5         Ag Ni Ga Lt          3
    3212        D649467-8         Ni                   2         G
    3213        C100210-B         Lo Ni Va             0         G
    3214        B6A37BE-8         Fl                   3         G
    3218        C8C0221-A         De Lo Ni             5         G
    3221        B620111-9         De Lo Ni Po          2         G
    3222        C200675-9         Na Ni Va             0         G
    3224        B8A0577-F         De Ni Ht             3         G
    3230        D9C1678-A         Fl Ni                4         G
    3231        X572000-0         Ba                   4         G
    3233        C6A096B-8         De Hi                4         G
    3237        A200458-H         Ni Va Ht             0         G
    3238        C100358-9         Lo Ni Va             0
    3240        D200540-A         Ni Va                0
Here's the stats - there are 629 worlds in total in this sector. This shows the percentage of worlds that had the UWP values shown.

  Code     SP      Sz      At      H%     Pop      Gv      LL      TL              TC
   0              2.2     25.8    50.4    2.9     11.9    15.3    3.2       Ag    8.6
   1              6.7     11.1    4.3     6.5     6.4     5.7     0.6       As    2.2
   2              7.5     3.0     5.4     7.6     8.6     9.2     1.1       Ba    2.9
   3              12.7    4.5     4.0     12.1    8.3     7.0     3.0       De    13.8
   4              12.4    4.9     3.8     12.2    9.2     5.6     2.9       Fl    7.6
   5              15.1    8.4     6.8     17.8    10.0    9.5     5.9       Hi    7.5
   6              15.4    6.5     6.2     13.5    13.0    9.9     7.2       Ic    0.3
   7              11.9    7.3     4.9     10.8    10.0    8.7     5.9       In    4.6
   8              7.8     6.5     4.1     9.1     6.4     8.7     25.3      Lo    26.2
   9              5.7     5.7     4.3     5.1     6.0     5.7     12.7      Na    17.6
   A      6.7     2.5     11.1    5.7     2.4     5.1     5.7     11.3      Ni    69.8
   B      21.6            2.2                     2.5     3.8     7.5       Po    8.1
   C      29.9            2.1                     1.6     2.9     6.0       Ri    2.7
   D      26.1            0.3                     0.8     1.6     2.7       Va    23.5
   E      9.5             0.5                     0.2     0.5     2.9       Wa    5.7
   F                      0.0                     0.0     0.0     1.4       Ga    21.8
   G                                                      0.0     0.2       Ht    13.5
   H                                                      0.2     0.3       Lt    13.8
   J                                                      0.0     0.0
   K                                                      0.0     0.0
   L                                                      0.0     0.0
   X      6.2
   %    100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0

Here are the numbers of worlds that had each trade code:

Ag      As      Ba      De      Fl      Hi      Ic      In      Lo      Na      Ni      Po      Ri      Va      Wa      Ga      Ht      Lt
54      14      18      87      48      47      2       29     165     111     439      51      17     148      36     137      85      87
Ok, just want to make sure I understand. You did not redo the sector, just "changed" some entries based on what they would have been if this option were in play? Do I have that right?

Well technically I regenerated the sector from scratch. It's just that with the program I'm using I can regenerate it using exactly the same dice rolls as I did with the original sector.

Imagine this is the result from an alternate universe where I applied the Space Opera rules to generate Test Sector #1, rather than the default ones ;)

(Actually, not quite true. I didn't include the environmental TL limits in the original Test Sector 1 but I'll go and correct that now).
EDG said:
Well technically I regenerated the sector from scratch. It's just that with the program I'm using I can regenerate it using exactly the same dice rolls as I did with the original sector.
Ah now I understand. Ok, so now to go look at them side by side. :wink:

EDG said:
Well technically I regenerated the sector from scratch. It's just that with the program I'm using I can regenerate it using exactly the same dice rolls as I did with the original sector.

Imagine this is the result from an alternate universe where I applied the Space Opera rules to generate Test Sector #1, rather than the default ones ;)

(Actually, not quite true. I didn't include the environmental TL limits in the original Test Sector 1 but I'll go and correct that now).

Could you post the frequencies for the die rolls generated ? That would help to interpret any odd results.

Either as counts or percentages would be fine.
captainjack23 said:
Could you post the frequencies for the die rolls generated ? That would help to interpret any odd results.

Either as counts or percentages would be fine.

See the second post in the thread.

The 2d6 rolls are pretty close to a standard 2d6 curve (there were 25600 rolls generated by the program, not all of them used):

Results from dice rolled (25600 rolls):
#       689     1475    2156     2784    3480    4300    3494    2974    2192    1387    669
%       2.69    5.76    8.42     10.88   13.59   16.80   13.65   11.62   8.56    5.42    2.61

Ideal results for 2d6 (25600 rolls):
ideal#  711     1422    2133     2844    3556    4267    3556    2844    2133    1422    711
ideal%  2.78    5.56    8.33     11.11   13.89   16.67   13.89   11.11   8.33    5.56    2.78

(that's the number of 2s rolled shown on the left end of the table, going up to the number of 12s rolled on the right end of the table)

That's about as much info as I can give you - the same 2d6 numbers (and 1d6, also as similar to a normal 1d6 roll as this one) were generated in the same sequence for each of the test sectors.
EDG said:
captainjack23 said:
Could you post the frequencies for the die rolls generated ? That would help to interpret any odd results.

Either as counts or percentages would be fine.

See the second post in the thread.

Huh. If its here, or in the initial thread I missed it . Sorry bout that.
The 2d6 rolls are pretty close to a standard 2d6 curve (there were 25600 rolls generated by the program, not all of them used):

Results from dice rolled (25600 rolls):
#       689     1475    2156     2784    3480    4300    3494    2974    2192    1387    669
%       2.69    5.76    8.42     10.88   13.59   16.80   13.65   11.62   8.56    5.42    2.61

Ideal results for 2d6 (25600 rolls):
ideal#  711     1422    2133     2844    3556    4267    3556    2844    2133    1422    711
ideal%  2.78    5.56    8.33     11.11   13.89   16.67   13.89   11.11   8.33    5.56    2.78

That's about as much info as I can give you - the same 2d6 numbers (and 1d6, also as similar to a normal 1d6 roll as this one) were generated in the same sequence for each of the test sectors.

Okay, so the 600+ rolls in the sequence that were used were essentially a random sample of the above. Do you have counts for them ?
captainjack23 said:
Okay, so the 600+ rolls in the sequence that were used were essentially a random sample of the above. Do you have counts for them ?

It was however many rolls were necessary from that batch of 25600 2d6 and 1d6 rolls to make the UWPs (starting at the first roll and counting down). That'd be a smaller subset of those rolls obviously, but it should have a similar distribution.

But, if it'd make you happy... let's say each UWP requires ten 2d6 rolls to generate (it might be more, I dunno, but it's at least 10). So that'd be 6290 rolls for the systems here (considerably more than 600!).

roll#   roll%  ideal%
181     2.88    2.78
357     5.68    5.56
497     7.90    8.33
698    11.10   11.11
839    13.34   13.89
1055   16.77   16.67
867    13.78   13.89
717    11.40   11.11
558     8.87    8.33
360     5.72    5.56
161     2.56    2.78

And in case it isn't obvious, this is the number of rolls that showed up as 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and 12 respectively. So it's still fairly similar to the distribution you're supposed to get for rolling that many 2d6s.
On technical glitch in your methodology, EDG; the same rolls are not likely to be used for the same things.

40x32 hexes, 1d each; 1280 dice. (do first)
Each world then gets:
8 places in the UWP, 7 are 2d throws, 1 2d throw. 15d
6 base checks, 2d6 each. 12d
GG check, 2d
Temp Check 2d.
1d3 factions (int{{1d6/2}+0.5}), and each of the 0-4 factions gets a pair of 2d throws. Read in 16 more dice.

So 1280 locations, then
each system reads 47 dice into the relevant sections, THEN uses them for the same things, ignoring the ones not needed (but still having read them). Or, don't do temp and factions, and use 29 dice per system, of which only up to 5 are ignored due to bases with impossible rolls.

This gives you the same sector two different ways.
Does eat a little more memory.
AKAramis said:
On technical glitch in your methodology, EDG; the same rolls are not likely to be used for the same things.

40x32 hexes, 1d each; 1280 dice. (do first)
Each world then gets:
8 places in the UWP, 7 are 2d throws, 1 2d throw. 15d
6 base checks, 2d6 each. 12d
GG check, 2d
Temp Check 2d.
1d3 factions (int{{1d6/2}+0.5}), and each of the 0-4 factions gets a pair of 2d throws. Read in 16 more dice.

I'm not generating bases, and not bothering with all that faction stuff. It's just system presence, the basic UWP, temperature, and gas giant check and that's it.

I've checked and I am using the same dice rolls for everything. None of the variant rules involves rolling extra dice, they just modify the existing results. So the same results are being modified in each test run - if that wasn't the case then the UWPs in each run would rapidly diverge from the original default rules Test Sector and be very different by the end. But if you look at the sectors, the core unmodified UWPs are the same.
EDG said:
captainjack23 said:
Okay, so the 600+ rolls in the sequence that were used were essentially a random sample of the above. Do you have counts for them ?

It was however many rolls were necessary from that batch of 25600 2d6 and 1d6 rolls to make the UWPs (starting at the first roll and counting down). That'd be a smaller subset of those rolls obviously, but it should have a similar distribution.

But, if it'd make you happy...

Well, I certainly hope it's not just to make me happy - if that is your goal , however, allow me to submit a list of more effective ways -but I warn you, it may get expensive...
;) ;) ;)
let's say each UWP requires ten 2d6 rolls to generate (it might be more, I dunno, but it's at least 10). So that'd be 6290 rolls for the systems here (considerably more than 600!).

roll#   roll%  ideal%
181     2.88    2.78
357     5.68    5.56
497     7.90    8.33
698    11.10   11.11
839    13.34   13.89
1055   16.77   16.67
867    13.78   13.89
717    11.40   11.11
558     8.87    8.33
360     5.72    5.56
161     2.56    2.78

And in case it isn't obvious, this is the number of rolls that showed up as 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and 12 respectively. So it's still fairly similar to the distribution you're supposed to get for rolling that many 2d6s.

One of the reasons I asked for the counts was personal experience - an error creeping in due to a faulty random number generation can be hard to see without it---as you and Aramis may recall from spotting my mistaken randomizer in action oh so may months ago.......

That said, it looks good...actually, the output numbers don't look glitched, but, one never knows.....

As regards Aramis comment on the use of the rolls, I'm not sure if it's a coding style issue, or an actual problem -perhaps I didn't follow the comment, but its hard to see where your methodology would cause errors given the the absolute number of rolls needed would be the same in the two sets....
Aramis ? Am I missing something ?
Lets compare these numbers to th ones generated by the defaut MGT worldgen system.

Starports: Exactly the same; not affected by the Space Opera rules.

Size: Exactly the same; not affected by the Space Opera rules.

Atmosphere: Atmosphere 0 (vacuum) is FAR more common under the Space Opera rules in comparison to the default (25.8% vs. 10.8%). Atmosphere 1 is more common under the Space Opera rules in comparison to the default (11.1% vs. 4.8%). Atmospheres 2-6 are LESS common in the SO rules in comparison to the default. Atmospheres 7-9 are more or less similar to the default ones, though a bit lower in the SO rules in comparison to the defaults. atmosphere A is far more common in the SO rules than in the defaults (11.1% vs. 5.9%). Atmospheres B+ have the same probability in both systems.

In short, habitable worlds are significantly less common, especially habitable worlds with thin atmospheres. Vacuum rockballs are also far more common under the SO rules.

Hydrographics: Hydrographics 0 is far more common under the SO rules in comparison to the default ones (50.4% in comparison to 30.0%). All other hydrographic ratings are rarer in SO than in the default, though usually only by a few percents (this 20.4% increase in desert worlds is distributed more or less evenly between the other ratings).

Population: Exactly the same; not affected by the Space Opera rules.

Government: Exactly the same; not affected by the Space Opera rules.

Law Level: Exactly the same; not affected by the Space Opera rules.

Tech Level: TL 0 has the same probability in both systems. TLs 1-7 have similar probability, though they are slightly less common in the SO system in comparison to the default. TL8 is significantly more common under the SO rules in comparison to the defaults (25.3% vs. 20.2%). TLs 9-15 are a little bit more common under the SO rules in comparison to the defaults.

Trade Codes: Ag and De are a little less common under the SO rules while In is a little bit more common. Na is significantly more common under the SO rules (17.6% vs. 10.7%). Po is far less common under the SO rules (8.1% vs. 17.2%). Va is much, much more common under the SO rules (23.5% vs. 7.8%). Lt is a bit less common under the SO rules (13.8% vs. 18.6%). The other trade codes vary a little but are similar.
captainjack23 said:
As regards Aramis comment on the use of the rolls, I'm not sure if it's a coding style issue, or an actual problem -perhaps I didn't follow the comment, but its hard to see where your methodology would cause errors given the the absolute number of rolls needed would be the same in the two sets....
Aramis ? Am I missing something ?

He clarified that he is in fact using the base methodology I mentioned, but using only 8 rolls per system.

So it is valid. It's the type of comment one expects in peer reviews when one forgets to mention specifics of methodology.

If one doesn't, the first bunch are similar, but later ones might not be.

EDG thanks for clarifying.
captainjack23 said:
One of the reasons I asked for the counts was personal experience - an error creeping in due to a faulty random number generation can be hard to see without it---as you and Aramis may recall from spotting my mistaken randomizer in action oh so may months ago.......

I'm using the same random number generator as I used for those 250k UWP runs that I did in the playtest. And I think we went through this all back then, so yes, it's all good :).