I assume you're talking about a PC scholar, and that you don't have the time to wait for Vincent's book. This is a potentially huge discussion though, so I'll only touch on the basics now. I won't cover the strength of the styles/feats/skills in this post.
If you have the time and inclination I strongly recommend planning your sorcerer all the way from level 1-20 before the campaign even starts. The reason for this is that the spell system in Conan is quite intricate. There are many prerequisites in the form of skills/feats/spells. If you don't do this you might box yourself in and be forced to take some terribly weak styles and spells. It's also worth noting that a warrior with some sorcerous abilities might be viable in Conan. If this is of interest, let me know and I'll give you a few tips.
I suggest doing things in this order:
- Roll your stats (unless you use point buy) in front of the DM in good time before you're going to play. This way you'll know what you have to work with.
- Build the spell list you want. Depending on the stats available to you, some styles and spells might be more or less attractive. I suggest being an independant scholar. This will allow you to freely choose your spells. In order to pull this off you need Knowledge (arcana) +10 at level 3. That way you can take 10 and avoid random spells. 6 of these pluses you'll get from ranks in Knowledge (arcana). 2 more as a synergy bonus from Decipher Script. That leaves 2 that you need to get from race/Int. If you're desperate you could use a feat to boost your Knowledge (arcana), but I wouldn't recommend it.
- Assign stats, race, feats, and skills as needed for your spell list, and fill the remaining feat/skill slots with good feats and skills. Choose the race that best fits your selections above. Spawn of Dagoth Hill is a strong choice. Child of Jhebbal Sag is weaker, and Salome may not be available to you. If you plan on later becoming a vampire or mummy you can't be an outsider, and you'll have to choose between Hyborian, Khitan, Pelishtim Shemite, and Stygian. Of these I prefer the Khitan for the bonus feat. If you plan on becoming a Sorcerer of the Scarlet Circle you could even be a Himelian, Hyrkanian, or Vendhyan without losing the feats for favoured class.
As for which stats are primary, it depends. Unless you're making some kind of warrior/sorcerer, I'd dump Str. Dex is useful for many things. Con is good for HPs and Fort saves, but if you have designs on undeath you might want to gamble with a low Con, since it will disappear anyway. Make sure you have a high enough Int to get Knowledge (arcana) +10 at level 3, and the skills you need for your spells. Wis is good for PPs and Will saves. Cha is good for Magic Attack Rolls, but this depends a little on the sorcery styles you choose.
How many spell points you need is very dependant on which spells you have, so this is difficult to estimate for me.
Scholar tactics have been discussed by me and many others several times before in other threads. With a little searching you should be able to uncover some threads about this.