Making a competent Psion in MgT2e+

To Tha Moon!

Cosmic Mongoose
I see people ask sometimes about making a Psion in the current version of Traveller.

This is the best way I see to do it:

Pre-Career in Psionic Community
- From the Traveller Companion
- You get the Psionic Testing and Training free, even if you fail Entry
- Take Telepathy for the first Talent. There's no roll for it if you take it first.
- Increase Skill Levels in Talents you just gained
- Increase PSI if possible
- Try to get anything Psionics-wise that you can in the Pre-Career because it will only help later.
- Don't forget the extra PSI point the Pre-Career gives
- If you fail at Entry, you can still go into Psion as the 1st Career.

Term 1 in Psion
- This is really the best 1st Term if your character had Psionic Community for a Pre-Career.
- It works even if the character's PSI is a bit low. But not too low.
- This is where you build the Talents up so they are useable later.
- Increase Skill Levels in Talents you already have
- Increase PSI as much as possible
- Adding new Talents is nice, but they will always be low-level getting them at this point.

Term 2 in whatever you want
- You can take University here if you want.
- But if you don't make it well in the Pre-Career and the 1st Career, you will always be a low-level Psion without some enhancements like a PSI Battery.

Remember, you have a minimum of 2 on every roll, so it's:

PSI Bonus +
Skill Level +
Skill Check Roll +
Other Modifiers

And then you get almost all of the lower level skills without rolling or easily.

If anyone has anything else to add, please post it.