LW update! Thanks gooses

Hey Golem,

Could you tell me in which Dragon magazine issue the short story was ?

I think I have near all the DM but I can't remember this...

Many thanks if you can find this out.
:( Sorry to disappoint, but as far as I know, "The Opal of Nah" is not a Lone Wolf story, but a Fool Wolf story by J. Gregory Keyes. There doesn't seem to be any connection to Magnamund, only the name of the hero can, well, fool the unwary ... :?

But nevertheless, here's the Dragon in which it appears:

Dragon #280, February 2001

There are two more Fool Wolf stories in the Dragon issues of January and March 2001, namely "The Sleeping Tide" and "The Hounds of Ash". (At least some web sources maintain that.)

:D Hey, nothing bad about it if it brought you to Lone Wolf, at least in my book ...

Hope you'll like it! (Oh, and a little word of warning: The Lone Wolf novels mentioned above are of rather varying quality, as far as I know. (Haven't read many of them myself so far.) Especially around book 5 there's said to be a low point. (That one I have read, and it's true.) The three last books are supposed to be quite good, though!)
