Ah, one more thing I noticed...why did you guys take out the feat's from this d20 product? :wink: I am assuming to make it more simpler? Same reason armor gives bonus to AC, and not DR like in conan?
And the book is in (glossy) black and white correct?
-Oh and since we are on the subject: Do the +2 bonus from the Fighting Potion (alchemy power) stack, if potions are drunk consecutively?
-The time duration for aurasight is not given.
-Does strength/dex bonus apply to the magical combat bonus when weilding the wizards staff? btw: First time I've seen a d4, staff weilding char with a fighters BAB :shock: (rather MAB...same thing I guess, since its an effective bab for the magician) Luv it. It took courage to do it, I have to say, and I'm glad you did.
Sorry to bug you with these considering the book's not out, but just hoping to get somethings cleared up, and hopefully make this a class A++ product. (its class A+ right now :wink: )
Lastly, while this was addressed, I will re-iterate one last time, as a long time LW and Grey Star fan (read the orginals), it would be a good idea to slightly upp the elder arts a little bit IMO.
Especially Evocation: it offers too little, and asks for way too much. I cannot see anyone taking it as it is(except ppl like me, since I like flavor, but I too will house rule the 'pentacle ward against hostile undead' as an additional ability). Since the Kai class is so powerful, perhaps you could add a bit more to this (dessi) as well if the book is still not at the printers. And perhaps consider slightly tweaking sorcery as well, to make it more cost/benefit effective.
All of this is said with a helpful tone; I am already very pleased with the product
. You are, as always, free to disregard all of what I have said.