LW continued?


Banded Mongoose
Just being curious: is the LW-line to be continued? There are no announcements if I see correctly. Is LW a financial loss for Mongoose or are there other reasons?

Sorry, if these questions are naive...
their has been or will be a second printing of the core rule book,a handy sized rulebook is due as is a kingdom guide the line is not dead it just dosent have a large number of releases and thatis straight from matts lips at salute 8)
Indeed, the line is far from dead.

There is one Sommerlund Gide sourcebook in production at the moment and the pocket LW book in the works too.

Also with classes and adventures already published in S&P and potentially one other background article being considered for future publication, Lone Wolf is merely sleeping at the moment.
Rumour has it there's even a Sommlending Border Ranger and a Kirlundin Seafarer (or Naval Marine) in the works ;)
The Wolf said:
Rumour has it there's even a Sommlending Border Ranger and a Kirlundin Seafarer (or Naval Marine) in the works ;)


Sorry, bit of a private (maybe not so much) joke.

Nice one Wolf
I could nay resist!

And I have to say while I am at it I must pimp the Toranese Archer as well as the work of a certain Silver Fox. These all make excellent additions to the LW gameworld.
The Wolf said:
I could nay resist!

And I have to say while I am at it I must pimp the Toranese Archer as well as the work of a certain Silver Fox. These all make excellent additions to the LW gameworld.

Is there a way to gain the stats and text of the Toranese Archer?
Cut said:
The Wolf said:
I could nay resist!

And I have to say while I am at it I must pimp the Toranese Archer as well as the work of a certain Silver Fox. These all make excellent additions to the LW gameworld.

Is there a way to gain the stats and text of the Toranese Archer?

Signs And Portents issue #23. Unfortunatly it's not available for download, but the paper version can probably still be ordered direct from Mongoose.
And it's worth it, too!
Greg Smith said:
I beleive there is a Summerlund guide book coming at some point in the future.

Hope this will not be a FAR future... if you check Mongoose website you can't find ANY LW products at least 'till december... :-(

Of course, a few more free S&P articles like a Sommlending Border Ranger and a Kirlundin Seafarer (or Naval Marine) would be great! I'm greatly expecting these 2 classes because they are very... errr, how can I say that... "playable"? "usefull"? "a perfect complement for a sommlending group of character"
Yes, should be that... :D
As I have said in other threads: In my opinion Mongoose should at the very first publish or re-issue a core rule product before publishing new sourcebooks. A line dies more easily if there is no core rule book readily available 'cause new players can't start the game without one.

So I'd hope to see a new printing run of the LW-RPG book and then a Pocket Version of it. Followed by some new books.
I'd vote for two books every year plus a publsihed adventure or good S&P support :) So you can stick to LW without sinking too much money into it and keep up with other lines (let's take Babylon 5 for example) as well.

Just some ideas...
I'd love to start LW, but without a core rulebook and a couple of supplements, it would be hard. A paperback rulebook (like what they have for the Conan RPG) would be sweet to start with, just until I get the hang of it. I've been reading Mr. Dever's fine books, and I hope the RPG is faithful to his world of Magnamund.
FailedSpotCheck said:
I'd love to start LW, but without a core rulebook and a couple of supplements, it would be hard. A paperback rulebook (like what they have for the Conan RPG) would be sweet to start with, just until I get the hang of it. I've been reading Mr. Dever's fine books, and I hope the RPG is faithful to his world of Magnamund.

It's pretty good, theres a few things that don't match up or are even downright wrong, but in the main you get a very Lone Wolf feel from it.