Lone Wolf MPB 2010 releases


Right on!

Or MultiPlayer GameBook, as we have come to call it. For you hoary old veterans, this is the new Lone Wolf RPG, based on the same quick and easy to learn rules as the solo gamebooks.

The core book (in the small 'pocket' format that we do) is already on the web site among March's releases, but we have plenty of support on the way for this new game. Take a look at some of the other titles we have planned for 2010;

Terror of the Darklords
If you have enjoyed the adventure in Book One, stand by for an entire campaign! The Terror of the Darklords is a series of linked adventures for the Lone Wolf Multiplayer Fantasy Game, taking you right across Magnamund in a desperate bid to save Sommerlund from the horror of invasion by the Darklords. Become true heroes as the balance of power in the world rests on your shoulders!

Heroes of Magnamund
If your Kai Lords have become Masters with access to all the Kai Disciplines, this book is for you! Learn the secrets of the Magnakai and Grand Masters as your Kai Lords become legendary heroes. Or, if your prefer, try a different sort of hero – a Brother of the Crystal Star wielding arcane magicks, a Knight of Sommerlund, or one of the Border Rangers.

The great kingdom of Sommerlund is laid before you in exquisite detail in this book, allowing you to set adventures across the length and breadth of the realm with exhaustive fidelity. Complete with maps, this book charts the people, places and great events that have shaped Sommerlund, and where they might be found in the current day. This is the essential companion for any Games Master planning to create adventures in or around Sommerlund.

Magnamund Bestiary
Many dangers and terrors lurk throughout the darker places of Magnamund – and this book covers them all. From the cruel and vicious Giaks to the ghoulish Ciquali, this mighty tome will give a Games Master everything he needs to populate his own adventures with the nastiest, deadliest and most fiendish foes his players could ever fear to meet! Each creature comes with a full description of where it is likely to be found, how it fights and how best to use it against your players.

Many people have been asking us if we would ever reprint the Magnamund Companion - it should be clear that this set of books will be an all new Companion for those wanting to delve ever deeper into this great fantasy setting!
So only Kai in the Core Book, then Sommerlund classes in Book 3.

so where to for Book 6, the rest of the Lastlands or the Stornlands, perhaps a Magic Guide or a Playable/Advanced Villains(?) book
Sir Brad said:
So only Kai in the Core Book, then Sommerlund classes in Book 3.

so where to for Book 6, the rest of the Lastlands or the Stornlands, perhaps a Magic Guide or a Playable/Advanced Villains(?) book

We'll get the first five out, and then you can tell us what you all think :)
IF you go over to Project Aon, then you can browse the gamebook rules. Random numbers with additions usually decide dicy encounters.

Imagine a system that lets you tell a story using those mechanisms and it's probably close to what will be released.
msprange said:
Sir Brad said:
So only Kai in the Core Book, then Sommerlund classes in Book 3.

so where to for Book 6, the rest of the Lastlands or the Stornlands, perhaps a Magic Guide or a Playable/Advanced Villains(?) book

We'll get the first five out, and then you can tell us what you all think :)

FWIW I couldn't think of a better 5 book line up. Its relatively complete yet with room to move.

I can see that later books cover different regions and classes connected to that region (given that the 4 classes mentioned are connected to Sommerlund).
Nothing against how their doing the first five books, I've always loved pocket book RPGs (Classic Dragon Warriors, AFF/Dungeoneer ect), I was just pondering where they could go from there. but I can also see a market for a "Full Sized" book with Core, Heroes and Bestiary being put together as a GM's reference.

Just Pondering hear for books post 5, Heroes of the Lastlands, The Lastlands and a GM's/Bad Guys book as well as also perhaps an other Adventure collection? but do Adventures still sell in Dead Tree format?

But what to put in to a Heroes of the Lastlands, Knights of the White Mountain? would they be significantly different from a Knight of Sommerlund to warrant their own Character Type and as to other Character Types will the book get stuck with all the Generic types like "Adventurer" (Multi Skilled Hero) "Mercenary" (more focused Fighter type) or will we see new Character types for that part of Magnamund?

Also I'd like to point out I'm so very excited to be getting this game line, I've already Pre-Ordered my Core Book from Mongoose since unless it' WotC my FLGS one wont stock it, an other will make me special order it, and the one in my nearest city has about a 60% chance they will get it with about a 20% chance that their Distribute will not list it in their catalog for anywhere up to 18 months after the original Release date.
I am eagerly awaiting all of these books. How firm is the March release date? (90%? 75%?) Just a ballpark estimate :) ?

Question RE the new classes in Heroes of Magnamund: how do they compare in strength to the Kai? I'm mainly wondering how viable and enjoyable they will be next to Kai characters-will they be able to hold their own and contribute, or will they be overshadowed?
i think i'm going to wait to get these - not because i don't want them, its just having been done for £300 for the megadeal and the subsequent quality issues, i'm going to wait what people think of them / report glaring errors first ... it's a bit sad it's come to this, here's hoping to a trouble-free release.
Actually Matt said they have included rules for Magnakai Kailords in the core rulebook as well. So that should free up some space in Heroes of Magnamund.

However, Matt if you are reading this, what about the Vakeros? They should be an essential part of the rules, more so than the border rangers or the knight of sommerlund. If they are not already in can you find room/time to squeeze them in before the book is sent for printing?
Xex said:
However, Matt if you are reading this, what about the Vakeros? They should be an essential part of the rules, more so than the border rangers or the knight of sommerlund.

The books seem to focus mainly on Sommerlund, which would make the Vakeros less essential than the other classes mentioned.
I'd say Maggi and Vakeros will feature very heavily in the Heroes of Dessi book, question is will Dessi or Storn Lands or Lastlands be the Feature location of the next set of books?
The Wolf said:
I'd expect the Sommerlund book to focus on Sommerlund, but then again, that's because I wrote it to do just that. :)

If I may ask, The Wolf, could we have in Signs & Portents what was written for the previous OGL game? There was if I recall well an OGL character class.

Other questions,

How could I (or we) submit city playing aids (or adventures) to Mongoose (for example for my particular case : Ragadorn & the Lastlands) for publication in Signs&Portents or in the published supplements?

I consider important the fact to be true to Joe Dever's world. And many others are in my case.
Would it be possible to send several selected questions to Joe Dever, and to whom should we write to do so?
1. You would have to ask Mongoose regarding the OGL Border Ranger and the Kirlundin Naval Marine. If Matt spots this of course he may answer here on the forums.

2. You would need to contact Charlotte Law, the Editor at Signs and Portents, information in the e-magazine.

3. Contacting Joe directly is pretty tricky, you'd probably have to contact Mongoose and see if he would be willing to answer questions. The only reason I've had contact with Joe is because I worked closely with him on the bonus adventure for Book #8.

That's about the best help I can be, I can't promise anything will come of any of it.
To answer the question about the release date, I spent my "Christmas Holiday" editing this book and it is currently in layout. The March release looks very good at this point.
Nothing to bakc up the MPB in April or May :( Must be a sprint for the end of 2010 with the remaining books.
MongooseCharlie said:
To answer the question about the release date, I spent my "Christmas Holiday" editing this book and it is currently in layout. The March release looks very good at this point.

This is why you are and I quote: a star :)