Light mortars


Cosmic Mongoose
I don't see any light mortar designs in the Field Catalog, which is where I'd expect to find them. Seems like the sort of thing one needs to have on hand in galaxy full of danger. Am I missing them? Are they somewhere else? What is a Traveller supposed to do for flexible, lightweight, fire support?
The Infantry Mortar in CSC p165
Spigot Mortar, FC p119
seem to be light mortars to me. The Infantry mortar more so than the spigot
Anything smaller would be a grenade launcher attachment on a rifle
Anything smaller would be a grenade launcher attachment on a rifle
Just a small point. The GL would not even need to be attached to a rifle. I have seen pictures of M79s being used more like an indirect mortar than a direct fire weapon for example. Not disagreeing with your point, just adding to it. :)
Just a small point. The GL would not even need to be attached to a rifle. I have seen pictures of M79s being used more like an indirect mortar than a direct fire weapon for example. Not disagreeing with your point, just adding to it. :)
I worked with a litoral navy Vietnam vet, whose favorite weapon was a grenade launcher. He has photos of himself escorting POWs with the thing stuck in their back.
Yes, we had the same look on our face that you probably have. Yes he knew what would happen if he pulled the trigger.
I worked with a litoral navy Vietnam vet, whose favorite weapon was a grenade launcher. He has photos of himself escorting POWs with the thing stuck in their back.
Yes, we had the same look on our face that you probably have. Yes he knew what would happen if he pulled the trigger.
He'd have a big, slow bullet because they have to travel a set amount of rotations/distance before they'd arm.
He'd have a big, slow bullet because they have to travel a set amount of rotations/distance before they'd arm.
Hum, I wonder if he had access to the 40mm shot rounds?

I do not remember, off the top of my head, their number designation and to what degree they were available in VietNam.

But that would not be a pleasant thing to catch in the back. :unsure:
That might be true for an RPG-7 (IIRC), but is that universally true?
When he said grenade launcher, I'm thinking it was an M79 40mm grenade launcher, not rocket propelled. I carried an M203 on my M16 in the service and have experience with the munitions. It is true for those, taking between 10 and 30 meters to arm.