Anyone have ideas for new L.A.s. Heres mine.
Requirements: STR:15 or higher;CON:15 or higher and Martial Arts skill at 60%or higher.
Hero points: 10
With this Legendary Ability the character can use their Martial arts damage to cause greater damage to rigid inanimate objects(like walls and doors) andto cause greater amounts of distance for knockback.
When used agianst a rigid inanimate object M.A. damage is doubled.
When used agianst foes your M.A. damaged is tripled only for the purpose of using the knockback rule agianst your foe.
You may combine Hammerhand with a precise attack to damage weapons and armour. Your hand take no damage from what the character strikes when they use this ability.
Requirements: STR:15 or higher;CON:15 or higher and Martial Arts skill at 60%or higher.
Hero points: 10
With this Legendary Ability the character can use their Martial arts damage to cause greater damage to rigid inanimate objects(like walls and doors) andto cause greater amounts of distance for knockback.
When used agianst a rigid inanimate object M.A. damage is doubled.
When used agianst foes your M.A. damaged is tripled only for the purpose of using the knockback rule agianst your foe.
You may combine Hammerhand with a precise attack to damage weapons and armour. Your hand take no damage from what the character strikes when they use this ability.