Legend OGL

I saw mention of it on the Chaosium forum. https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/9809-just-a-reminder-there-is-no-ogl-for-brp-rq-or-coc/ I asked what the view was on the Legend OGL and someone said that Legend wasn't listed as OGL anymore. Very glad to hear it still is.
The Legend SRD has always been the Legend Core Rulebooks, rather than a plain old document.

What happened on the Chaosium thread, I think, was that someone could not see Legend listed as an OGL set of rules, so assumed that it was no longer OGL.

Now, we all know that Matthew Sprange has stated on many occasions that Legend could always be under the OGL, so we are confident that this is always the case.

As a matter of interest, in the same thread, Jeff has stated that Legend is an entity all on its own and is not connected with the MRQ SRD, so is a perfectly valid OGL product. Whilst we all knew and assumed that anyway, it is good to see it in black and white. I know that some people have been reluctant to write things for Legend due to some uncertainties about the Legend OGL status and this should clear that up.
The good news is that the Legend OGL has been getting lots of free publicity due to the BRP NOGL, which in turn most probably came about because of Open Cthulhu.

Now's the time to jump in and make some Legend stuff! :mrgreen:
No, I just use the PDF.

I also extracted all the text, so I have a text version that is useful for big lifts and shifts.
soltakss said:
No, I just use the PDF. I also extracted all the text, so I have a text version that is useful for big lifts and shifts.

Same here. Someone should really convert the main open content books to a DOC or RTF, that would probably encourage more users. Well, I guess I know what I'm doing in my idle hours, then! :wink:
The project I have in mind is an entry-level D100 game, which nevertheless has enough power under the hood for longer campaigns or developing a game world from. It'll be fully OGL like its parent.
Vile said:
Someone should really convert the main open content books to a DOC or RTF.

I've done this, but have kept it for private use. I've also got my own custom variant. My changes mostly involve clarification and the addition of a few extra features I need for my campaign. Here are a few sample pages from the character creation chapter:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/hy32j8ev4xywcu1/Adventurer Creation.pdf


I was thinking about converting the Legend SRD to markdown recently.
Yeah, I've done a simple .docx version of the main book now, and will probably do others as I need them. It's not that much work in the end - I guess it's a kind of test to see if you're serious! :D
I wonder if Mongoose would be happy for somebody to create an SRD website - it's technically legal under the OGL, but we don't want to cannibalize sales of the official game.