What Enlisted Men Are Really Like - Funny


Emperor Mongoose
I live near a major US Army base, Joint Base Lewis McCord [aka 'Ft. Lewis' if you're from here]. This incident no-shit actually happened in a Medical battalion a few years ago. No, this is not a joke. Yes, it's funny AF. The guy involved became an on-post legend whose tales of daring-do are repeated in tones of amusement and respect.
And it ends with the most Sergeant line ever spoken: "I don't even know how to put this in a counseling statement..."
Enjoy. Christ knows I did.

For those of you who are wondering why this is such a big deal....

The most irresponsible creature on Earth is a lower enlisted man. That's not exaggeration, that's not hyperbole, that's an inarguable fact. It's as immutable a law of nature as Darwinism.
And somebody just sold the world's largest squirt gun to someone who gives zero fucks. It's a post-wide safety briefing just waiting for a three-day weekend to happen. [Ok, he bid for the truck at a public equipment auction, but you get what I mean]
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The most irresponsible creature on Earth is a lower enlisted man.

amen to that.. and still laugh at some of the antics my own onbase- local legend (Marquette Michigan/KI Sawyer) at the stupid things irresponsible acts. I had not just my fellow military morons but the local yooper yokels stop me when they saw me and break out singing Aretha songs... I was the completely shitffaced karokee king... won every contest at local bars I entered. Had a great voice (think an ugly Paul McCartney), sang in local bands in addition to playing, but also had a large and very unhealthy Keith Moon self destructive streak...