Judge Dredd minatures Pre-painted?


Are the minatures for the new game pre-painted?

They look very nice and the game looks fun but I have no space to paint minatures. I will try to find sustitutes for the minatures if they are not painted.

If looked through the website and forums and saw no answer.

Thanks for your answers.
nickw said:
No they are not pre-painted.

It's too bad the justice dept were not painted.

Since they are all standard issue, it would make sense to pre-paint those, then release primed or solid colour gangers and specialists. This only works if everything is done in plastics of course.

Dredd are in metals.
EM4 sell pre-painted metals and used to sell alot of their metals pre-primered. So, they wouldn't have to be plastic... though it would probably be another few bucks per figure.