Judge Dredd ID Help

Hey Guys,

I picked up some judge dredd figures off a friend recently, he had a bit of a clearout and I'm pretty sure they're mongoose minis but any help would be gratefully received in ID'ing these. I'll be doing pictures on my photobucket and linking tomorrow - feel free to comment if you can help.

1: Street Judge 1 http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/miniatures/judge-dredd/the-justice-department/street-judge-1.html

2: Holocaust Judge HS/1 http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/miniatures/judge-dredd/the-justice-department/holocaust-judge-hs-1.html

3: Judge Dredd 1 http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/miniatures/judge-dredd/the-justice-department/judge-dredd-1.html

4,5,6,7: Med-Judge http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/miniatures/judge-dredd/the-justice-department/med-judge.html

8, 9, 10: Riot Judge with Riot Foam http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/miniatures/judge-dredd/the-justice-department/riot-judge-with-riot-foam.html