Hope i don't step on to many toes here.
I am curetly running a Jeremiah D20 game based in Ausrtalia.( Over 260 posts and stil going strong) I have two americian playing that are loving the game so you don't need to be australian to play.
I am looking for two or three players no knowledge is required just a love for role playing and the Jeremiah shows.
Check out the site here: http://jerem.12.forumer.com/index.php
if you are still interested then read the "How to make a character" thread
and drop me a line at devils-own@bigpond.com
Thank you for your time
I am curetly running a Jeremiah D20 game based in Ausrtalia.( Over 260 posts and stil going strong) I have two americian playing that are loving the game so you don't need to be australian to play.
I am looking for two or three players no knowledge is required just a love for role playing and the Jeremiah shows.
Check out the site here: http://jerem.12.forumer.com/index.php
if you are still interested then read the "How to make a character" thread
and drop me a line at devils-own@bigpond.com
Thank you for your time