I was glancing through the Aquilonia book at a game shop when I noticed that several of the prestige classes were reprints from Signs and Portents. As a currently buys Signs and Portents exclusively for its Conan content, I have to ask, is this going to be an on-going trend? Are the Darfar spirit-eaters going to appear in the Black Kingdoms book etc.? Because if they are, that's money that I'm currently wasting on S&P. While I understand that there are many people who do not buy S&P for the Conan content and so the material presented in these books is 'new' isn't there a better way to do this? I know people have suggested publishing an S&P annual for each game, and I'd be fine with that, it's repurchasing the same creative material over and over again that I have a slight problem with. That being said, as soon as I get paid I'm picking the book up because it looks to be excellent in all other regards.