Is there a "MRQ II for Dummies"?

Rungard said:
Yeah, it's really useful.
I wish they kept updating it with the info contained in Mongoose's books, but there's a lot of information and references nevertheless.

This one can also be useful and it includes some maps:

According to a post by Jeff Richard the other day on the World of Glorantha mailing list, the Mongoose works are not canonical for Glorantha. I found this strange and disappointing.
Ultor said:
According to a post by Jeff Richard the other day on the World of Glorantha mailing list, the Mongoose works are not canonical for Glorantha. I found this strange and disappointing.
There's no way that Greg is going to be constrained by a licencee, no creative writer is sane to do that (look at the mess that the Man-Kzin Wars made of Larry Niven's Known Space setting). Loz has already said that the Clanking City book is "flawed", and shouldn't be taken at face value. If Mongoose Glorantha publications aren't even canonical within the Mongoose Glorantha setting, then how can they be canon to Issaries / Moon Design? It's more important that they are fun than that they are canonical.
According to a post by Jeff Richard the other day on the World of Glorantha mailing list, the Mongoose works are not canonical for Glorantha. I found this strange and disappointing.

Erm... careful here. You're quoting out of context. Here's what Jeff said on World of Glorantha (and quoted with his permission).

"I hope nobody at Mongoose takes this too badly, but their Ralios pdf falls into the YGWV for Moon Design writers. To begin with it has some pretty big canonical problems - frex it missed Alakoring entirely (and given that by 880 Alakoring was already the most famous Orlanthi hero in Ralios since Harmast that is a pretty huge oversight).

For what it is worth, IMO canon is relevant only for our development team's efforts to bring you Greg Stafford's Glorantha. Questions of canon should not impact your campaign and you should feel free to use whatever you want (including time traveling space ninjas if you want). After all, YGWV.

However, because people have asked before, here's Moon Design's guide to what is canonical for publication purposes:

1. Moon Design created publications (Sartar, Sartar Companion, Pavis, Guide to Glorantha, etc) are canonical for Moon Design. If we decide to change or contradict a detail in them, we need a good reason; and
2. Stafford Library background material (including King of Sartar, GRoY, FS, Entekosiad, MSE, HHP, and HM - but NOT including Arcane Lore) are also canonical for Moon Design. If we decide to change or contradict a detail in them, we chat with Greg about it before it gets in print. Of all these, King of Sartar is the most important. That's not to say that the information presented in those books are objectively correct or even entirely accurate, but the errors within them are almost always deliberate.
3. Plus a few other documents we might direct a writer to rely upon.

Most of what is left is persuasive but not binding. But if you submit a text forpublication contradicting Sartar or the History of the Heortling Peoples, or some other core document, odds are that contradiction will get changed in the editorial process."

Jeff isn't saying that our Glorantha output isn't canonical. He is question the accuracy of the Ralios material (and, actually, is questioning the accuracy of the Ralios material from the first edition of the Glorantha: The Second Age publication; several flaws were corrected for the RQII edition.

Pete and I go to great lengths to consult with Moon, Jeff and Greg directly on matters of canon so we get things right.
Well, I'm glad to hear that, Loz. It's easy to interpret Jeff's email as saying not just Mongoose's stuff is out, as far as canon goes, but so is everything published by Avalon Hill and even Chaosium pre-King of Sartar (I note Missing Lands isn't on the list for approved canon in the Stafford Library).

My concern is motivated by admiration for your and Pete's work. The new Mongoose stuff is top drawer and I found it hard to believe it isn't regarded with pride over at Moon Design. So I'm very glad to hear it is.
Ultor said:
Well, I'm glad to hear that, Loz. It's easy to interpret Jeff's email as saying not just Mongoose's stuff is out, as far as canon goes, but so is everything published by Avalon Hill and even Chaosium pre-King of Sartar (I note Missing Lands isn't on the list for approved canon in the Stafford Library).

It's called Gregging for a reason! - Greg reserves the right to change his mind about something previously stated and/or published if it no longer fits his ideas of Glorantha.

And note that while Moon Design don't treat Mongoose material as Canon, it does fall under the "persuasive" list, so it's not that they are going to dismiss anything from the second age oit of hand