iamtim said:
There seems to be a lot of unhappiness with MRQ on this board; a lot of people saying how it failed, and how it's wrong, how they really wanted to like it, and so on, and so forth.
My question is this: how much of it is because MRQ is different from past versions of RQ but uses the "RuneQuest" name? Aside of the halving mechanic, how many of you that don't like MRQ would have liked it as a game with a different name? One that wasn't tied in to the RuneQuest legacy?
I'm just wondering if there wouldn't be a, "hey, this is a cool, BRP-like game with some interesting d20-influenced bits," vibe going on if it weren't named "RuneQuest."
In my case almost all of it. If it were called something else, I'd judge as something else. There are a lot of RPGs out there that are not RQ. For example, the last game I picked up before MRQ was the new Usagi Yojumbo RPG. It is very differenrt from RQ, shares a couple of concepts with MRQ (opposed rolls, defender retreating options), and I love it.
When then made the decision of calling the new game RuneQuest, it then has the burden of being judged as RuneQuest. IMO it doesn't live up to it's heritage. Everything that MRQ does, I think RQ1,2 and 3 all did better. IMO Basic Role Playing (orginal) plus Magic World, plus Strombringer 2 character generation, and major wounds does a better job of achieving most of MRQ goals.
I bought the game becuase of the name, and the name dropping (Stafford and Perrin and even Ken Hite). I didn't know anything about Mongoose (probably a good thing for them cosider what people have told me about them after I preordered my book), although I did like the one d20 product of thier that I had bought in the past. I knew nothing of Matthrew Sprange, or any of the other Mongoose Staff, with the exception of Ken Hite (loved his work at LUG). So when I get a "RuneQuest" where the designers have taken out ing out lots of the RQ standfrds and replaced them with D&D analogues I was not happy.
If I had seen the game on the shelf under another name, I'd have flipped through it, probably commented on it to any firends present (nothing complementary) and moved on to something else. Calling the game RuneQuest got me to buy two books, but also turned me from being indifferent about a new RPG to being hostile to it. If I had see
If there is a lot of unhappiness on the boards, go see what the reaction is amonger RQ players without the mitigating influence of Mongosse fans. No one person had anything good to say about either MOnggose or MRQ at the gaming store yesterday, and that is from the owner on down.
BTW) On a related note, as Issaries owns the RQ name, what is the offical name of the MOngoose Mechanics listed in the SRD? D&D uses the
d20 system, what
system does MRQ use?