Introductions and Children Playing a Lone Wolf Campaign

C. Chapman

Hey all,

Thought I'd give a quick intro. and also let you know about the Lone Wolf campaign I've just started to run for some of the kids at the school I teach in.

I'm Colin Chapman, Primary School Teacher, Husband, and RPG Freelancer (you can see some of my credits in my sig), and I've been gaming for 21 years, old git that I am. :wink:
Like the majority of people here I imagine, I picked up the LWRPG due to the fact that I played a number of Joe Dever's gamebooks back in the day. I was wary of the fact that it was OGL, because I generally don't find the d20 System to my liking, preferring simpler, liter, less tactical systems. Fortunately, LW seems to have stripped many of the elements I didn't like, and there's little left I need to ignore. Yes, I know I've written d20 System publications, but that doesn't mean I have to like the system, damn it! :P

I have successfully run an after-school RPG Club at my school once a week for the past few years, and have just this week started a LW campaign for the Year 6 kids in the group (Abigail, Charlotte, Chloe, Katy, Ewen, Noel, and Sam). They have selected to play, in order, Kai Lord, Kai Lord, Magician of Dessi, Herbalish, Brother of the Crystal Star, Gunner of Bor, and Sommerlund Knight. All of the children are 10-11 years of age.

The campaign is being loosely based on the superlative "The Enemy Within" campaign for WFRP, or rather, it is based on my hazy recollections of that campaign from many years back when I ran it.

The basic premise is that a number of wealthy merchants, nobles, and at least one magician, are all members of a cult devoted to Vurnos. The valiant hero(ines) accidentally stumble across part of the plot, and the investigation, action, intrigue, and conflict snowball from there.

I ran the first session yesterday. The characters, attending a Summer Fayre in Anskaven, were idly watching a crowd for pickpockets when a mangy goat-headed beastman escaped from the travelling freakshow through a rusty grate and into the town's sewers. Realising the potential threat a beastman loose in the sewers presented, our heroes gave chase.

What followed was a slow buildup of suspense, plenty of description from me, and the characters huddled about the solitary light source that Ewen's character provided. As they carefully, slowly, made their way through the slick, damp confines of the sewer tunnels, with my hinting at strange faint noises, ripples in the dark waters, etc. Katy complained she'd have no nails left she was that nervous... I then scared them all out of their skins by suddenly giving a blood-curdling goatish yell as they were deciding which tunnel system to take. The kids all leapt in their seats. :lol:

Fearful now, they followed the tunnel from which the horrible cry had emanated, standing aghast when they saw ahead, barely lit by their light, the furred hand of the beastman resting on the floor, protruding from a darkened recess, darker liquid welling around it. The kids had their characters fan out, weapons at the ready, while Charlotee's Kai Lord (by far the stealthiest character in the bunch, as well as the best archer), slunk low into the shadows away from the light, bow in hand, scouting ahead to see if the beastman was injured, dead, or simply lying in ambush. The beastman was dead, its face frozen in horror.

The group cautiously approached the body, Katy's character the only one willing to turn the still-warm body over and try to ascertain what had caused the creature's death, finding their only two small puncture wounds, discoloured as if by poison or acid (the bite of a very important critter the characters will soon encounter). However, of greater interest was the battered oak door within the recess, a door leading into the small shrine of the local cultists, albeit one inhabited at present. There, I made them more apprehensive by taking Chloe aside and describing how her character didn't like the "feel" of the place, how it felt like "evil magic." When she revealed this to the others, they were appropriately fearful. Yes, I know there's nothing in the rules that says anything about her detecting such stuff yet, but what the hell, it works, and I never need mention it again unless I want to, so sue me. :P

After carefully searching the shrine, they uncovered a letter with dire implications (I actually made one as a prop, printed on rough parchment paper in a calligraphic font, and enhanced it with a few droplets of red ink for that blood splatter effect). The note read:

Dearest Cousin,

I pray that all goes well with you as our plan approaches its completion? Soon, Vurnos willing, we will reap the benefits of our labours, bringing the glory of pestilence to the simpering fools of Sommerlund. The druid has been more than willing to lend his expertise, and the vessels are now ready; be ready to receive them at the docks near your warehouse on the night of the Summer Fayre; I am confident you have the appropriate diversion ready.
Of course, I am sure you understand the necessity of eliminating the acolytes of the cult once their usefulness has expired. We cannot afford to leave any witnesses, however fervent their worship of our Pustulent Lord might be.

Kindest regards,

Ezog Ash Zutag!

Yep, I used the Giak language stuff in the Magnamund Companion to add that last little flourish (which means "Sickness and Pain!" for those of you not fluent in Giak).

And so the scene is set, ready for the next session. :)

Great post, I always enjoy reading game session reports. I can also picture that group of kids as they discover the wonders of Magnamund for themselves through a talented storyteller! :)
Hey CB,

columbob said:
Great post, I always enjoy reading game session reports. I can also picture that group of kids as they discover the wonders of Magnamund for themselves through a talented storyteller! :)

Thanks for the kind words, mate. I run a Tuesday session for one group every other week, alternating with the Thursday session every other week for this particular group. The Tuesday group (Olivia, Jenni, Lauren, Tamsin, Josh, and James) are starting their new campaign (Gamma World 4e; they love the random chargen and mutations!) next Tuesday.

If there's enough interest, I'll post a regular update on the progress of the Thursday group every fortnight. If nothing else, it might also give someone else a nice idea for their own LW campaign.

C. Chapman said:
If there's enough interest, I'll post a regular update on the progress of the Thursday group every fortnight. If nothing else, it might also give someone else a nice idea for their own LW campaign.
Absolutely, please do post away! I'm really interested on gaming sessions reports, especially from experienced and talented storyteller. :)
Keep up the good work; and how come I didn't had a teacher who ran after-school gaming sessions? These youngsters are pretty lucky to have you! It's important to nurture the next generation of gamers.
C. Chapman said:
If there's enough interest, I'll post a regular update on the progress of the Thursday group every fortnight. If nothing else, it might also give someone else a nice idea for their own LW campaign.


I'm with Red on this one, these are always interesting and a good source of ideas for our own campaigns.

It's a pity the other similar threads from last summer died down, either through lack of time of the dissolution of the gaming group.
redlaco said:
Absolutely, please do post away! I'm really interested on gaming sessions reports, especially from experienced and talented storyteller. :)
Keep up the good work; and how come I didn't had a teacher who ran after-school gaming sessions? These youngsters are pretty lucky to have you! It's important to nurture the next generation of gamers.

Thanks, Red. My own life as a teacher is one that has come full circle in many regards, because I was introduced to fantasy games by my Design teacher (Mr James) when I was at school. I vividly remember the first time I attended his club, a darkened room with a large light flooding a strange scene ahead of me, a vast diorama of green hills and standing stones in miniature, these odd-looking colourful "toy soldiers" placed hither and yon, including a large one that looked like a dragon. :D My first steps into the gaming field were largely fantasy wargames with elements of roleplay, but they hooked me into the hobby, and resulted in me shortly purchasing a newly released game called, "Warhammer" (white box with chaos warrior on cover), and a red boxed set of something called, "Dungeons & Dragons". Little did I dream then that I'd one day end up writing rpgs myself, or that I'd eventually become a teacher myself, let alone someone responsible for introducing children to gaming. It makes me feel entirely too happy and warm inside when I think of how things turned out. :)

I'm actually tempted to also take a photo of the group at the next Lone Wolf session, but I haven't got anywhere I could put the image up if anyone wanted to see it. You wouldn't see any miniatures (I haven't used minis for many years, and don't like using 'em or battlemaps and grids anyway) but you would see a bunch of happy kids and a teacher, sat around a table, LW books on hand, and dice at the ready.

C. Chapman said:
I'm actually tempted to also take a photo of the group at the next Lone Wolf session, but I haven't got anywhere I could put the image up if anyone wanted to see it. You wouldn't see any miniatures (I haven't used minis for many years, and don't like using 'em or battlemaps and grids anyway) but you would see a bunch of happy kids and a teacher, sat around a table, LW books on hand, and dice at the ready.

Take a look at Tower of the Sun here.

This site's designed for all things LW, specifically RPG related, and I'm sure the admin, Winterhawk, would love to provide a place for your group's story!

FallingPhoenix said:
Take a look at Tower of the Sun here.

This site's designed for all things LW, specifically RPG related, and I'm sure the admin, Winterhawk, would love to provide a place for your group's story!

Thanks for the heads-up, FP, but it's not something worth chasing around to do; after all, it serves no real purpose for anyone and is unlikely to be of great interest to just about anybody.

C. Chapman said:
Thanks for the heads-up, FP, but it's not something worth chasing around to do; after all, it serves no real purpose for anyone and is unlikely to be of great interest to just about anybody.


I don't know...if you tell it right, it makes great fanfic!
FallingPhoenix said:
I don't know...if you tell it right, it makes great fanfic!

I know what you mean, but I wouldn't be telling it any differently there than I did here. I'm taking a break from substantial rpg and rpg-related writing at he moment, so writing up their escapades as fiction certainly isn't on the cards for the foreseeable future.

Session Two:

This session saw the introduction of another Player, Izzy, playing a Wytch Chyld on-the-run from Shadaki. I arranged for her to start the game having been captured by the cultists, and secreted in the sewer-based temple.
The session was shorter this week as I had to talk to a parent at the end of school prior to starting the club.

Anyway, on with the show:

We started where we left off, the group in the cult-shrine in the sewer, note in hand, body of the beastman nearby.

Following a short discussion, the group realised with horror (Abi's eyes boggled when she put two-and-two together, which was cool), that tonight was the night of the Summer Fayre! They had to move quickly to avert whatever foul scheme was brewing.

Ransacking the shrine, Noeal discovered a hideous ritual dagger, its bone hilt crafted into an obscene figure somewhat like a cross between a fly and man. Katy proclaimed that it was a fitting symbol for Vurnos, and promptly told them to leave it alone and definitely not to touch it. The entire group backed away from the foul (but harmless) dagger in fear.

Sam (playing the Knight), discovered a loose briack in the shrine wall, and (after seeing me give an evil grin and ask what he was going to do), shakingly said, "Push on the brick." The brick slid smoothly inward, and a grating sound emanated from the ground beneath Ewen's Brother of the Crystal Star, as a large floor slate started to slide to the side. Fearful of what might be lurking there, they all prepared weapons and magic, and surrounded the pit...

Inside the pit, dirty, hungry due to not being fed for a few days, and bereft of posessions save dirty rags, was Izzy's character, the Wytch Chyld. What followed was a short introduction/interrogation point where the group discovered that Izzy had been kidnapped, and was going to be sacrificed, but during which I passed a note to Chloe (player of the Dessi), explaining that most Shadaki wytch-types are evil. This sparked the required suspicion and questioning, which was cool.

I also secretly made Sam and Ewen roll Wisdom rolls for their characters, describing how beautiful Izzy's character looked (she'd chose the path of Passion, the benefits of which, combined with Cha 17, made her awesomely attractive to male human eyes). They both failed, and I chuckled as I described how their hearts began to race, their breath left them, and they openly stared at her, slack-jawed. The kids thought this was hilarious, and to their credit, both Sam and Ewen played the part of slightly besotted young men very well, always offering to help Izzy, protect her, etc. Charlotte remarked that she wished she'd played a Wytch Chyld. :)

Realising time was ticking away, Ewen led the group swiftly back through the sewer, back towards the surface, everyone making their way back up to the streets of Anskaven... and absolute mayhem. I described how people were dashing about frantically, including many town guards, buckets of water in hand, and nearby could be seen the wavering red-orange glow of a tremendous fire, and much smoke and panic filled the air. A guard raced up to them (recognising the cloaks of the two Kai), beseeching them for aid in fighting the conflagration that was raging down Baker's Row!
Noel, the Dwarf Gunner, turned quickly to the others, and proclaimed that this must be the diversion, as practically the entire town's attention (including the local garrison) was fixed on dealing with the tremendous blaze! Almost immediately, and unanimously, they made the decision to race to the docks, as night was falling, the sky was growing increasingly dark, and the first few stars could be seen in the sky!

As they raced towards the docks, I secretly made Perception rolls for everyone, and only Charlotte's character succeeded! I took her aside, and quietly informed here that she'd noticed a dark figure darting away from the blaze across the rooftops! Yelling to the group and pointing, they dashed after the fleeing figure, Noel bringing his rifle to bear for the first time! He took careful aim, and fired! Luckily for him, he rolled a 19, and hit the figure as it was leaping across a rooftop, sending it plummeting to the cobbled street nearby! Even more luckily, he only rolled 2 damage, so he didn't kill the figure outright.
Hurrying over, they surrounded the obviously wounded figure as it tried to crawl away, and readied their weapons, Charlotte saying, "Move and die!"

I described the figure as turning painfully to glare at her, a sallow, sly-looking man, his face pock-marked, his hair and beard thin and greasy, several over-ripe boils festooning his face. His reaction to their threat? He laughed nastily, and spat mucous onto Charlotte's boot. (Cue lots of, "Ew!" noises from the kids). Playing the foul little cultist to the hilt, I had him launch into a rant about how they were all worthless scum, weak, pathetic creatures, how he would curse them with every foulness conceivable, how they'd all rot and become servants to Vurnos, etc. The fanatic's aim was to die in service to Vurnos, rather than be interrogated. His sheer vitriol and foulness worked, because Abi declared that he character was disgusted and enraged, and promptly slew the foul little man with a thrust from her broadsword. Noel was incredulous, and said that they should've interrogated him for information. Of course, it was too late for that. ;)

Anyway, fearing that the cultist might bear some disgusting disease (those boils looked unwholesome), Chloe used the tip of her staff to nudge him over, and lay open his cloak, displaying the man's beltpouch. A rather full-looking belt pouch. As bold as brass, Sam's character opened it, finding a recently used flint, steel and tinder, cementing the group's suspicions that this man had started the diversionary blaze.

Realising they might well miss their target at the docks, the group then sprinted onwards, leaving the body in the street, only Abigail staying behind momentarily to investigate the body further, uncovering a rusted iron symbol around the figure's neck showing a strange twisted rune over which an ugly fly was impossed (in this game, the symbol of Vurnos). Shoving it in her bag, she raced to catch up with the others.

Arriving at the deserted docks, the group huddled in the shadows, watching as a modest sailing boat arrived at a single rickety wooden warehouse (I showed them a picture of the warehouse's hanging wooden sign: one I made on Word featuring a textured wooden backing over which the word "Thornrose" was placed in red text along with a clipart red rose), a horse and carriage outside, and figures moving around it, these then moving to unload a massive, heavy wooden crate, so heavy that it required eight men to lift it. Charlotte, Noel, and Ewen stalked ahead of the group, trying to keep to the shadows and remain inconspicuous, moving in for a closer look... Just as I described eight burly figures stepping from the shadows around them, leather jerkins on, heavy gnarled clubs in hand, and nasty expressions on their faces...

And that's where I left it. ;)

Oh, thought you guys might also appreciate an insight into my thinking:

Had the characters not seen the fleeing cultist, he would've been captured by a few members of the Watch anyway, racing towards the blaze. He wouldn't have lasted long in imprisonment however, as he'd receive a night-time visit from the nasty critter responsible for the poisonous death of the beastman; the leader of the cult tries to clean up his loose ends very quickly. :twisted: I'm sure those of you familiar with Dark Cultists in The Darklands supplement have already guessed what the foul little creature is going to be. Heh.

I especially like the inspiration taken from Shadows over Bögenhafen an adventure that I GM:ed myself some years ago.

Thanks for the kind words, guys, and yes, Shadows Over Bogenhafen was a great start to The Enemy Within, and a great inspiration, even if I will diverge from it increasingly as the campaign evolves. If nothing else, it's because I wing the running of my adventures, only keeping in mind a few aspects and potential plot paths.

I'd happily tell you all about the future adventure plans, NPCs, etc. but I'm also keenly aware that Chloe is very net-savvy, and has mentioned finding info. on Magnamund online, so there's just too much chance she might cast her eye over this forum and learn stuff I don't want to reveal to the group yet.

Still, the next session will start with a bang, as a fight is all but inevitable unless the PCs do something unexpected. I have all the handouts and props ready though, and all the scenes sketched out vaguely in my head, so I'm good to go.

Very cool. I love LW and WFRP so this is very cool. I also like how you are using LW for a younger crowd. I find the book very newbie friendly, which seems to be a dying breed in RPGs these days.

Please post more sessions.
Hal said:
Very cool. I love LW and WFRP so this is very cool. I also like how you are using LW for a younger crowd. I find the book very newbie friendly, which seems to be a dying breed in RPGs these days.

Please post more sessions.

I will post tonight's session tomorrow evening. It went very well, oh, and I've also photographed the kids (with the LWRPG stuff, at the gaming table) if anyone would be able to put the pic up somewhere?

Session Three:

As expected, this session started with a bang, as finding themselves surrounded by thugs hired to protect the warehouse, Charlotte, Noel, and Ewen's characters engaged in their first melee!

Rolling well for Initiative, the characters acted first, Noel's dwarf charging for the nearest thug, swinging his axe and bellowing, scoring a good solid hit, and cleaving the unfortunate thug half way across his torso (cue mixed "Ew!" and "Cool!" comments from the kids). Ewen's Brotherhood wizard attempted to stab another thug with his dagger, but rolled a 1, fumbling, and ended up falling at the feet of the thug! (Cue shocked looks). Charlotte's Kai Lord stabbed at one of the other thugs but missed...

The thugs unleashed a barrage of assault upon the hapless heroes, attempting to attack the heroes from the front and behind! Fortunately for them, none of the attacks managed to penetrate the heroes defenses, and no one was hurt (poor dice rolls on my part; even Ewen's floored character managed to avoid being stomped on).

Seeing (and hearing) the battle, the rest of the party raced down towards the melee to aid their friends, arriving ready for the next round. Meanwhile, I described a figure hurriedly getting into the horse and carriage, and others quickly untying the mooring of the boat from which the crate had been unloaded. The group groaned as they realised that the villains may very well escape!

Sam's Sommerlund Knight plowed into the back of the thugs, swinging his broadsword in a great overhead arc at the thugs' leader! Sam rolled a natural 20! The group's first critical hit! The rolled and doubled damage was tremendous, and I described how the blade slashed right down through the thug leader from shoulder to groin, shattering the cobble beneath him as well, as the leader was cloven in two! (Even more "Ew" and "Cool!" comments). Katy's Herbalish ran past the melee, intent on stopping the ship setting sail! She dashed along the rickety wooden dock, but was too late, the boat moving beyond her ability to reach it! I described how a dark, hooded figure stood at the back of the boat, dirty-looking sickle in hand, the faint glimmer of a green glass mask on its face. Yep, a Cener Druid, and now Katy's archnemesis (as I described how the figure laughed at her, and called her a pathetic excuse for a druid). "Another time, Herbalish buffoon!" was the parting jeer. :) Abi's Kai Lord attempted to chase the departing cariiage, but it was simply to fast for her. Meanwhile, Chloe's Dessi attempted to smack another thug upside the head with her staff, but flubbed the rule, and grimaced as I described how her staff was parried by the thug's club. Izzy's Wytch Chyld arrived, but didn't really know what to do, and hesitated.

Noel's dwarf, wanting to stop the carriage, hefted his rifle and tried to shoot the carriage's driver, only succeeding in shooting the driver's cap off and cursing his poor luck (actually, he only just missed, which isn't bad considering I gave him penalties for being surrounded by foes and firing at a swiftly moving target). Ewen's Brotherhood wizard regained his feet, and Charlotte's Kai failed to strike the thug yet again.

The thugs didn't fair much better this round, except for the one that had circled behind Charlotte intent on stabbing her in the back. I rolled a natural 20, and the kids' eyes went wide with horror! I then rolled a measly 1 for damage, so even doubled for a critical, it wasn't enough to take her Kai lord down, so I noted how the blow had been softened as the thugs' dagger had become slightly entangled by her voluminous green cloak.

This third round, Noel swung about with his axe again, scoring another credible hit, lopping off a thug's arm and sending him screaming to the floor in shock. (Noel's face was a mask of sheer delight at this). Sam's Knight used his great blade to deadly effect again, taking down another thug, and (finally) Ewen's Brotherhood wizard flexed his magical muscles a little, blasting the thug that had tried to stomp him, lightning erupting from his fingers! (Lots of, "Ooh! Cool!" cries from the kids!) A good roll and damage resulted in the thug being electrocuted and taken down. Ewen grinned happily.
The other characters failed in their attacks, and for their turn the thugs fled! They realised they'd bitten off far more than they could chew. All of the group were content to let them flee, apart from Sam and Charlotte, Sam attempting pursuit (but struggling because of heavier burden and armour)n ad Charlotte attempting to take one out with an arrow from her bow (but failing). Their first battle was over, and they stood victorious. Izzy gave Charlotte one of her Larnuma Fruit, healing Charlotte of her injuries. :)

Entering the warehouse, they saw a large open wooden building stacked with wooden crates and large barrels, these containing wine bottles and beer respectively. They also saw a small office cubicle atthe back of the warehouse, the large crate they'd seen unloaded, in the middle of the warehouse floor, and (much to their horror), the flickering red-orange glow of fire at the back of the warehouse, near the crates and barrels. (Noel cried, "Oh my god!", and Katy uttering what has now become her character's catchphrase, "Not good, not good at all.") :) The kids realised they had to act quickly, because the warehouse would soon be a raging inferno! (The villains had set the blaze, obviously hoping to eradicate any evidence and hopefully the snooping heroes as well).

Noel's dwarf dashed to the back office while the others gathered around the large crate, intent on lugging it out of the warehouse before it went up in flames! I described how they could hear wretched scrabbling, odd squeaking, etc. in the crate and how it moved slightly, and that freaked the kids out. Ewen's Brotherwood wizard cracked open the lid slightly, and I described how he saw things moving in the darkness, and how a terribly foul odour and blast of air hit his face! He failed a Fortitude save and fell to the ground, vomiting, coughing, and choking, his stomach in knots! The kids were horrified, and immediately suspected that Ewen's character had been subjected to some terrible disease. Nonetheless, Abi's Kai and Chloe's Dessi quickly lifted Ewen's character and carried him out of the warehouse to safety. Katy's Herbalish (ever inquisitive and clearly not afraid of icky stuff) lifted the lid right open, Charlotte's Kai by her side, as I described the crate's contents: A metal cage full of disease-ridden rats, covered in pustules, with rotten tongues. Many of the rats were already dead, and the living ones had gnawed on the dead! (Cue comments of, "Ew, sick!", "Yuck!", "Not good!", etc.) Slamming the lid down, Katy told the ground to leave the crate there and let it burn! (She cleverly recognised that burning was perhaps the only way to ensure that the disease-ridden rats didn't escape or infest the sewer; she'd realised that that was the likely plan of the villains as well). No arguments from any of the other kids! Everyone raced clear of the warehouse, Noel's dwarf clutching the papers, quills, and inks he'd liberated from the warehouse office.

In the light of the blaze, they looked over the papers, finding that they were nothing more than accounts and ledgers for wine and beer purchases. However, each paper had one very important element: The name and address in Anskaven of the warehouse owner, and the main villain of this particular chapter in the campaign. :) I actually made a handout of a paper to show the children, and printed it on parchment. It looked somewhat like this:

Cardolan Trimestus
Thornrose Manor
Merchants Quarter

Purchase of Durenor Beer:

Good Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
Durenor Dark Stout 8 barrels 5 c. 40 c.
Ulthars Best Brew 11 barrels 7 c. 77 c.
Meddlewicks Mead 18 barrels 6 c. 128 c.
Overall Cost: 245 c.

It took no time at all for the kids to decide that Cardolan needed to be asked some hard questions, and that Thornrose Manor was their next destination! So, off they raced through the streets of Anskaven, the warehouse burning merrily behind them.

Arriving at Thornrose Manor, they saw the carriage they'd seen escape from the warehouse inside the grounds, lights on in the downstairs windows of the manor, and a light on in the stable. Also, they noted with trepidation, several fierce-looking dogs were patrolling the grounds. As they approached the gate, the dogs barked and menaced them, alerting the occupents of the manor! Katy's Herbalish took advantage of her Nature's Thane ability to enter the grounds with no danger of the dogs attacking her. She approached the light windows, and overheard a snippet of conversation (One NPC called, "Gideon" being told to head for the other NPC's cousin's retreat with the manservant, while this particularly NPC "Dealt with the foolish meddlers.") Katy quickly approached the dogs, and carefully lead them into the stable, shutting them in there so they wouldn't hurt her friends, or be hurt themselves. As she was doing this, Chloe's Dessi ran towards the back of the manor with Charlotte, arriving just in time to see a single dark figure dash out of the grounds' back gate with a wooden box under its arm!
Meanwhile, the other characters entered the grounds, approaching the front door of the manor, just as it opened to reveal Cardolan Trimestus!

I described how Cardolan (Expert 3/Cultist of Vurnos 6) stood in the doorway and looked disdainfully at the adventurers, a frail, pale-looking man with perfectly manicured nails, a thin, waxed black moustache, and wealthy attire of silk, well-crafted rapier in his right hand, his left hand surrounded by a nimbus of sickly green flame! Noel exclaimed, "Oh hell! He's a sorcerer!" and all of the kids looked worried.

This gave me the necessary moment to insert my evil villainous speech, Cardolan threatening to consign the character's souls to his master, Vurnos,and strip the very flesh from the heroes' bones! And thus began the final showdown of this chapter!
Cardolan's Initiative roll was pitiful, so the characters acted first! Noel's dwarf shot Cardolan in the leg (I described how the bullet penetrated the flesh of Cardolan's leg, staggering him, but leaving little look of pain on the villain's face; this freaked Noel out). Sam's Knight slashed Cardolan, cutting him across the shoulder! Izzy's Wytch Chyld ran for cover, and Abi's Kai failed to strike with her broadsword (I described how Cardolan's slim blade seemed to effortlessly turn aside her own, making him seem far more powerful than he actually was)!

Cardolan's turn! Gesturing with his left hand, I described how he cast a hellish bolt of verdant flame directly at Noel's dwarf! Noel visibly winced as I described how the flame hit, burning coldly on his chest, knocking him back and making him feel nauseous (no effect, just a description of the damage)!

In the second round, the kids pressed the attack, Sam rolling a solid hit, and maximum damage (curse him!) felling Cardolan where he stood in the doorway of his own manor! Disappointed because they wouldn't get to question him, the children listened as Cardolan cursed them with his dying breath, and said they would never defeat the entire cult. Thus ended Cardolan's evil existence, and the kids all relaxed, grinning from ear to ear.

Investigating the wealthy manor (yet, refreshingly for roleplayers, not stealing or destroying anything), the characters found Cardolan's desk, and gave it a thorough going over, locating a large, interesting parchment map, and the next important clue. I drew a map on stained paper by hand, using black and red ink, the map showing the area of NE Sommerlund, marked in the area of the great forest with a red cross, and a message in read ink. It read:

Dearest Cousin,

Please excuse my poor cartography. Marked on this map is the location of our valuable retreat. Should you seek sanctity when our plan unfolds, you will find yourself welcomed there with open arms. Seek the great cloven oak and you will find me nearby.

Kindest regards,

The compass rose of the map was marked with "Azog Ash Zutag".

And, so Chapter 1 of the campaign draws to a close, as our heroes prepare for a journey into the wilderness of northern Sommerlund, ready to pay Augustin a visit in his retreat. :)

In the next session, the children's character will be levelled up, attaining 2nd level. Oh, and Katy, talented little artist that she is, has agreed to illustrate everyone's characters for them. :)

This is so cool. I loved Shadows over Bogenhafen and find how you have easily adapted it to LW very cool. More! :)