Begin relatively new to Conan d20, I don't have the extensive gaming experience with this system yet to have gotten a feel for how versatile the multiclassing can be.
When I've played D&D (especially 3.5) I tended to stick to single classes or go for PrCs early. However I realize that in Conan d20, multiclassing allows alot of flexibility.
What I was hoping is that some of you would be willing to share your experiences with multiclassing builds/concepts that you have found to be interesting, fun and/or particularly effective.
Another issue I'm curious about is whether people feel that the bonus feats at 1st, 5th & 10th levels are worth holding off on multiclassing until you've gotten them? Related to this, I could see perhaps holding off on multiclassing until after 5th level, so do many people see their Players or PCs waiting until 11th level to multiclass (is the bonus feat at 10th level "worth it")?
Thanks ahead of time for your insight.
When I've played D&D (especially 3.5) I tended to stick to single classes or go for PrCs early. However I realize that in Conan d20, multiclassing allows alot of flexibility.
What I was hoping is that some of you would be willing to share your experiences with multiclassing builds/concepts that you have found to be interesting, fun and/or particularly effective.
Another issue I'm curious about is whether people feel that the bonus feats at 1st, 5th & 10th levels are worth holding off on multiclassing until you've gotten them? Related to this, I could see perhaps holding off on multiclassing until after 5th level, so do many people see their Players or PCs waiting until 11th level to multiclass (is the bonus feat at 10th level "worth it")?
Thanks ahead of time for your insight.