I got World At war Evo from Salute


Hello all its Alan from Great Yarmouth, well i went to salute, the main item to grab was " world at war ", and other bits and bobs..

I had a look at the rules on the train home, and i must say a great job, i don`t have a copy at the computer now to tell you about it all, as my fingers are covered in super glue trying to glue ground zero games space ships, and spray paint, for the 4 20mm plastic tigers i got for £11.00..!!!!

1. It feels like a real rule book now, all the rules nicely laided out with some b&w pics of figs etc...

2. BASIC RULES, cover is light and heavy now..., all troops have a save of 6 "luck or training ", no rules for suppression in the basic rules, and out of command has changed as well, all feels better.

3. ADVANCED RULES, buildings and fighting in with better, no halk move, or 1d6 line of site, i think you have to charge a building to start a fight inside first, but all seems better, rules for night fighting, you now have suppression rules in the advanced section, with " Retreats " move back 1" with each move removed, all out od command rules for any unit falling 1/ 2 strength, so a 4 man team, down to 2 will be out of command, even if the leader is alive, meaning reactions only..

You can flee the table if you wish, only giving 1/4 points to the other player, so the moment the tiger tanks come on, maybe its best to run away..!!

4. Tanks have 3 sides of armour as you know, also some big guns cause multi hit, so a tiger scoring a hit will cause 2 hits ( which is what a sherman has..!!! ) if not a kill.. :)

5.Rules for paratroops and gliders, not read them or the air craft rules at the moment...

6. Units are nice, all have differnet stuff, british have piat, and vickers, mortars etc, so it feels like a full army, not just like the old evo modern with infantry and the odd support weapon.

Have not looked at the units as we speak, but come monday a good read is needed...

At salute i picked up 20mm stuff, 4 easy builld tigers for £11.00, and 6 shermans for £16.50, once they are painted up, i will seek out 20mm infantry as well..

Whats missing..?

Off the top of my head, no tossing grenades, no medics, no building up your units and no campaigh rules ( just use the ones from advanced evo i say ), i think thats what missing to make it feel like each battle links to a big war...

I really look forward to seening the modern rules when they arrive, and what other stuff will appear in time as well, a booket on beach landing would be nice, with floating tanks trying to get to the beach, etc would be a nice add-on, but for a opening book on the Evo system well done..

On a side note...

Mongoose was selling these rules and Vas on the day, with some old Evo units, as you know mongoose is not making any figs at the moment, so unlike last couple of years alittle bear, as a ww2 system i hope people pick it up, i say a few games of 20mm ww2 on the day, one using rapid fire rules, not after reading this, i loved to have taken over the table with " World at war " rules, i think the tank battles would have been smashing...

Well done mongoose for coming back with a great set of rules, i hope this starts the ball running the right way...

As for questions, sorry all, time to take a break for a moment, but for lovers of Evo its a great start, i look forward to the modern rules, so much i picked up 30, 20mm usa troops with 30 mea type guys and 3 pick up trucks with gunners, to add to the bradleys and hummers i have at the moment...

Looks like its going to be a Big war this year...!!!
Quick question...

Is it hardback or soft? The sales blurb states soft at the top, but the fluff at the bottom says it is hard. :?
A quick one before bed...

Its softback, but a nice book indeed, just been reading it tonight, the brit paras are 1d6+1 for CC , a +1 better then usa airborne, also we can have all sten guns, so when attacking inside a building you can use you cc of 1d6+1 or 3d6 for the smg..!!! :)

But airborne, can add a bazooka to the squad, adding a extra anti-tank punch if they wish too...

Saying that you can use a reaction with the piat, so attacking enemy tanks point blank in towns etc sound good...

Time for bed, i look forward to painting some tanks up on monday...
