Hyboria's Fallen Cover

Vincent said:
This is the class I wrote. If you play the Temptress in that manner, you have the spirit of what I intended.

Cool! Do we get blood drenched rituals like the Orphesus myth? 8)

Try not to judge it until you have seen it. How about that for an idea?

It is true I tend to shoot before aiming properly, but I am a passionate creature. My apologies. I'll wait until I read it before commenting again.

I'm sure I'll have something to say. :twisted:
Only in my experience the Dark Lady's power isn't the sort that makes you want to put on a frilly dress and say "come and get it boys". She's a lot more bloody and carnal. As I've experienced Her as the Morrigan who will kill a lover who refuses them. As the Furies who drive any man insane who commits sin against kin or child to watch him suffer. Persephone in Her aspect as the Queen of Hell. Diana the Huntress who will devour a man who enters Her sanctuary unbidden. Lilith who has sworn to destroy all the works of Adam and provided sancturary to man of the outcasts of humanity. I like Them. They make me feel safe.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
slightly off topic raven have you seen or played slaine also by mongoose were the goddess is the most powerful being by far and has many of the pieces of the goddess you describe also warrior women get there own feats and marrage can be for just a year if wanted by both sides just a thought
Raven Blackwell said:
Hmm...do I take that as your ignorance of mythology or just plain intolerance?

some here know a bit about myths(celtic/norse/anglo-saxon my sort of thing 8) ) but always intreasted in views of other
I like the cover. But, lately Mongoose has been getting away from showing Conan on the cover. I prefer to have Conan on the cover regardless of the content - it is his RPG world! Plus, I would think it would sell better and the best covers to date are with Conan on the cover.

Not complaining as the cover is nice but lets see some more Conan covers!
toothill man said:
slightly off topic raven have you seen or played slaine also by mongoose were the goddess is the most powerful being by far and has many of the pieces of the goddess you describe also warrior women get there own feats and marrage can be for just a year if wanted by both sides just a thought

I feel like I just got a telegram......8) Since it is off topic I'll answer in pm okay?

Also the rhetorical ignorance question was directed toward taylor. Don't like my faith? Keep it off line and in person. I haven't said anything about that msyognist bastards most people in the world call on here.
The Conan Temptress class is not a laughable class at all. It is a class that twists people around their fingers... then breaks them. Just like pirates and thieves, they leave anger, frustration and broken souls in their wake - and they get away with the goods.

That sounds so Howard. I love it !

Mad Dog
VincentDarlage said:
Raven Blackwell said:
Cool! Do we get blood drenched rituals like the Orphesus myth? 8)

Are you talking about Orpheus' death by the Maenads?

Yeah, the way you describe it makes me think they'd qualify as Temptresses. From what I have read there was hint that this myth was the fictionalization of a ritualistic sacrifice where the priestess would tear apart a man who had offended the gods and then scatter his body and blood over the fields to ensure a good harvest.
Raven Blackwell said:
Yeah, the way you describe it makes me think they'd qualify as Temptresses. From what I have read there was hint that this myth was the fictionalization of a ritualistic sacrifice where the priestess would tear apart a man who had offended the gods and then scatter his body and blood over the fields to ensure a good harvest.

now that sounds vey conan 8)

in slaine the tribal king is sacrificed after 7 years to the goddess its a honor to rule but a very short lived one :wink:
Luvly little addition this looks to be, a definite buy. The mixed classes look dubious though: what are the prescedent for those from Hyborias Fiercest? did they add, at all?

Vincent: Let's set things straight. Don't try and tell me that the Temptress class isn't clichéd, of course it's clichéd, Conan's clichéd... and bigot, just like the Temptress is a sexist patriarchal invention (a strong woman, sure, but only within the realms allowed to women). Conan's saving grace is it knows it's bigot and laughs at it. Just like you laugh at the occasional racist ramblings of REH and HPL. There's always a tendency on this kind of forums of supporting the works in question to the point of subliminating any faults in them, but let's just remain within the sphere of quantifiable reality: this is pulp, it is bigot, it is patriarchal. And the day you deny this is the day you should stop playing Conan.

Raven: So you'd equate morrigan with persephone when she's at Hades side? But persephones role is decidedly conjugal, and cyclic, whereas Morrigan surely is more of a virgin-warrior deity. I mean, Morrigan never marries, or concievably marries, while the whole point of Persephone is Life marrying Death? And is Persephone really meaningful as just Queen of Hell? Diana might be a closer match, but I've always understood her to be very focused on the hunting, and not really a Virgin Warrior like Morrigan. Now admittedly I never paid much attention to celtic religion...
Of course, this is all from the theorists point of view, hope I'm not infringing on your personal beliefs at all: it's just that religions so damnably irresistable :P
(...)the Temptress is a sexist patriarchal invention (a strong woman, sure, but only within the realms allowed to women).

Maybe because we have regular classes to represent 'strong women withing realms allowed to men'?
Zeus said:
(...)the Temptress is a sexist patriarchal invention (a strong woman, sure, but only within the realms allowed to women).

Maybe because we have regular classes to represent 'strong women withing realms allowed to men'?

Possibly, but I'm not convinced.

Then we sould have a nbr of classes for strong men within realms allowed to women, right? I mean, appart from the temptress.

Of course, there should always be leeway enough for a liberated character, but all in all, conan is sexist. And I'd rather stick to the genre than dillute it: this is a game, not a feminist statement. A temptress is wonderfully in-genre.
Hey, I'm not saying Conan isn't sexist. The whole whining about the Temptress class is pointless IMHO. It's pretty unfair also - Mongoose decided to give women a class designed mostly for them. It also sounds like a fun class to play, so what's with the complaints?
Etepete said:
Raven: So you'd equate morrigan with persephone when she's at Hades side? But persephones role is decidedly conjugal, and cyclic, whereas Morrigan surely is more of a virgin-warrior deity. I mean, Morrigan never marries, or concievably marries, while the whole point of Persephone is Life marrying Death? And is Persephone really meaningful as just Queen of Hell? Diana might be a closer match, but I've always understood her to be very focused on the hunting, and not really a Virgin Warrior like Morrigan. Now admittedly I never paid much attention to celtic religion...
Of course, this is all from the theorists point of view, hope I'm not infringing on your personal beliefs at all: it's just that religions so damnably irresistable :P

The Persephone myth that most of you are familiar with isn't the original one. It's the one after the patriarchial Greeks got ahold of it. In the original she seduces and kills Hades after he kidnapped Her but since She was forced to eat of the Blood of the Underworld [in this version it is Hades's blood/seed not a pomegrante. The myth cycle is after all even in it's 'modern' form called 'The Rape of Persephone'] She can't return to the sunlit realms and the woman she was and so She marrys Hades's son she claims his former realm as Her own. Thus Queen of Hell. 8)

Also there was an excellent thesis work on the Morrigan that pointed out that 'Morrigan' in it's original language is plural thus denoting a class of goddesses, not a single one. She also links them via other myth cycles to the Valkyre of Norse Mythology and the Furies of Greek myth. She posted it on the net- I'll see if I can find it again.

I usually refer to them as the Dark Maidens. Since Diana is known to hunt and devour human men who despoil sacred sites, I throw Her in this class too. Since these women show up everywhere from Russian folk tales to modern fiction roughly the same- beautiful predatory flesh eating and blooddrinking females- I'd say they're still a potent unconscious force in the human psyche. The certainly work well for me.

Myth is irrestible for me because it deals with the Primal forces at the heart of all things. Religion is a bunch of old men intoning powerless rituals. I'll take Myth.
Do you know then the myth of the witch in Eastern Europe; a kind of goddess who is one and three. She is represented under 3 forms : the young pretty girl (who lures men for sex), the mature woman (sort of symbol of fertility) and the aged women (cruel and wise).
The 3 have much powers and were (are) revered as godess but they are never seen together. They/She are/is called Baba Yaga in the Russian folklore. http://www.mythinglinks.org/BabaYaga.html
I wouldn't be surprised if there exist a common link between Baba Yaga and Celtic Godess's.

In fact the witch we see in the Conan movie stems from that myth (the woman who invites him in his hut and transforms while they are making love).
The Persephone myth that most of you are familiar with isn't the original one. It's the one after the patriarchial Greeks got ahold of it
Where did the original come from if not the greeks? Do you have any sources for this stuff?

Religion is a bunch of old men intoning powerless rituals
lol, if it's not what I believe, it's crap, huh? :roll: