I just picked up the PDF for "The Ragged Edge" from DriveThruRpg.com. And there is a huge(to me) gap in the book and a rather glaring error.
Check either page 38 of the PDF or 37 of the book. There is a mention of getting into the Far Star computer files. They are encrypted. The second challenge by the computer is "Who sends the Wind?" The paragraph then goes on to talk about how the players won't learn the response to that question for quite some time. The players NEVER learn the answer. I did a text search on the PDF and those words are never mentioned again in the text. Nor is there a mention anywhere(that I noticed) as to what is behind the encryption even if you assume that the second challenge is "really" one of the other two catch phrases.
So what happened to the text? Was it an error in editing and nobody noticed? Or was Mongoose that lax in plot development as to ignore this issue? Course, I'd have been happy with something as simple as "GM to decide what is in the datafiles." But no mention of anything.
Has anyone else noticed this error? And Mongoose? What is behind the encryption? I sense the need for errata!
Check either page 38 of the PDF or 37 of the book. There is a mention of getting into the Far Star computer files. They are encrypted. The second challenge by the computer is "Who sends the Wind?" The paragraph then goes on to talk about how the players won't learn the response to that question for quite some time. The players NEVER learn the answer. I did a text search on the PDF and those words are never mentioned again in the text. Nor is there a mention anywhere(that I noticed) as to what is behind the encryption even if you assume that the second challenge is "really" one of the other two catch phrases.
So what happened to the text? Was it an error in editing and nobody noticed? Or was Mongoose that lax in plot development as to ignore this issue? Course, I'd have been happy with something as simple as "GM to decide what is in the datafiles." But no mention of anything.
Has anyone else noticed this error? And Mongoose? What is behind the encryption? I sense the need for errata!