How long has SST got before everyone gets sick of waiting

So how long do you think SST will survive due to missed release dates and lack of new product?

  • Dead by Christmas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Next Summer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It will live forever

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I agree with Crackbone on this one. Mongoose is growing and with it comes some growing pains. It will take some time to get past all the hurdles. I'm sure there is a really good reason Mongoose has pushed back on the Tanker. I am still happy with the game and the company. I have models still to assemble and paint and I have the items for some interesting games. Let's not rake them over the coals just yet. As for comapring Mongoose to GW on this, maybe after Mongoose has been pushing out miniatures for 15+ years, they won't have the burbs in the system either.

"Lack of new product"?

Good heavens, the whole game is new. I'm still finishing some of my original minis purchase.

That's a ruggedly steep expectation.
LTJason, you make some good points, and I agree with you. My comments were not directed at you, but by those who seem to think that a few delays presage the downfall of the game as a whole. True, perhaps a more concrete schedule would be helpful, but I also realize that MGP is just getting into miniatures, and so there will be a few bumps, and I can live with that.

I think I was taking more umbrage from the term "lack of new product" in the poll description because although, yes, a few items had been pushed back, there still were quite a few releases over the past few months, and to have some people (present company excluded) cry that the game will be "Dead by Christmas" is, IMHO, a bit premature.

I still have more SST minis that I can paint right now, anyway, so I can afford to be a bit patient. Mongoose has a great game system and nice figs and I wish them the best of luck.

i agree

what do you think people expect? DO they think mongoose ought to hand deliver them to the customer and accept lint as payment?

Its an Entire NEW game being released, not just a single new army for a game thats been established for decades.

Seriously anyone who wouldnt play this game because of these release schedules (the very FIRST releases) are at best, undeserving to participate in this hobby. And so Im happy not to ever have to play with them as they wont get involved. Half the fun of miniature gaming is that you rarely run into the impulse buying halfwit who has no patience or tact. It requires skill, fore thought, money, and dedication to be a player of these games and that siphons out the people who would moan and avoid a game because it took longer than Instantaneous to release.

Thank god for mongoose.

PS this is a pure post- as in it reacts to the poll and not the subsequent discussion.
I think Mongoose is doing a great job, too. (But now I'm really glad I bought a pre-release Tanker at Origins...).

I could make a suggestion that might help Mongoose with the plastic kits -- make them a simpler design and easier to build! Do we really need ball joints on everything? Especially on parts that really don't move much to begin with? Just make them pins and holes and be done with it. I'm no advanced modeler, but if I want a slightly different angle on something, I know how to use an x-acto knife, glue and putty. Plus, the Tanker bug has 8 little legs on its abdomen -- and all 8 legs are different sculpts! That's great, but design overkill in my opinion.

I felt I need to show my support at such a dark and dreary time when I company new to makeing minis has to push back a release date.

Ooh, I loved those books when I was in high school! Great storyline. Too bad the system, well, sucked. Could you please provide a link to more info on the Rifts Movie?

Palladiums websites a bit hard to find the info on (well at least for me anyways) but take a peak inside a copy of the next Rifter thats coing out soon if your FLGS carrys them (they normally have a paragraph or two in there n how there sworn to secrecey over the movie...oooh suspense).
Last thing I remeber was Jerry Bruckheimer? (King Arthur, Pirates of the caribean, Armageddon etc) producing, guy who wrote Gladiator doing scipt.
If its based around the Coalition there should be a good (or evil :) ) 'trooper' feel to the movie. Hopefully no Xciticix though as much as I love Bugs getting blasted I've got SStroopers for my fix.

Back to the topic anyhoo, I voted in the 'live forever' but wasn't sure whether to bother or not as this game is too new to have a poll decide how long the game will last based upon delayed releases.
I'm jealous of those that have allready got tanker Bugs too but I ain't gonna start a Poll about it ;)

Daggan said:
LTJason, you make some good points, and I agree with you. My comments were not directed at you, but by those who seem to think that a few delays presage the downfall of the game as a whole.

@Daggan: I didn't think your comments where directed at no worries bro...we're cool. :D

Daggan said:
I still have more SST minis that I can paint right now, anyway, so I can afford to be a bit patient. Mongoose has a great game system and nice figs and I wish them the best of luck.

I'm in the same boat too... :D ...I just started painting my Tanker that I was lucky enough to get at Origins, but I still have 20 Warriors, 6 Hoppers, 2 Marauders and a bunch of Power Suit troopers to finish painting! :shock:

That doesn't include the MI base that I'm building out of Platformers...thanks to BuShips' inspiration... :wink:

I think that most people need to just keep playing the game and make sure they are trying different rules, scenarios, tactics and combinations. It is common for the wargamer to cry when the loose a game and say they need something bigger and badder, especially if the other side has something. :twisted:

IMHO... :) ...Hopper bugs can be very nasty if used right and I think playing one or two games with them you don't really get a good feel for how they can be used. At the same token there is plenty of variation in the MI list between the Power Suit squads and the Marauders.

But again I also agree that it is frustrating to see some people walking around with models not release...and then hearing that the release date has been pushed back. But once again people should realize that Mongoose is new to this type of large miniatures game system and they are starting everything from scratch, unlike B5 for which they aquired a lot of the old Agents of Gaming molds.

So take a chill pill, paint up what you've got in your hands so when those models you're waiting for are released you're ready to assemble and paint 'em and don't have a bunch of unpainted Warriors! :P
Don't be too worried aboutt he tanker chaps - it is rolling in at the end of this month but because many stores won't have it until the first week of August, we changed the web site.

Everything is still going to plan!
calIbors said:
Palladiums websites a bit hard to find the info on (well at least for me anyways) but take a peak inside a copy of the next Rifter thats coing out soon if your FLGS carrys them (they normally have a paragraph or two in there n how there sworn to secrecey over the movie...oooh suspense).
Last thing I remeber was Jerry Bruckheimer? (King Arthur, Pirates of the caribean, Armageddon etc) producing, guy who wrote Gladiator doing scipt.
If its based around the Coalition there should be a good (or evil :) ) 'trooper' feel to the movie. Hopefully no Xciticix though as much as I love Bugs getting blasted I've got SStroopers for my fix.
I, unfortunately, have no local retailers. Hour drive north or south to the nearest two, and neither is all that big. Thanks for the info. I'll have to keep my eyes open for more info.
I thought they were producing too fast. I've seen a couple games go down due to excessive release dates. It would be nice for more miniatures, but I don't even have the small amount I have already, painted.

But, it is disconcerting to say they will publish something then push it back, Now I don't think the game system will falter based on pushed back dates, andthis isn't the first one. But, will depend on the hobby stores, player and word of mouth pushing the game. Expansion (eventually) will also be necessary.

I am honestly surprised they release more than 1-2 new units a month, plus the extra units that came out the month it was released.
Think of it this way, If you pre-order a tanker near the end of June/early August, then by the time that you have actually gotten the bug, you will have forgoten that you paid for it, then it will seem like you are getting the bug for free. I ordered mine for like 27$-28$ from PlayWithBob, and i am gonna patiently wait for mine to get here, cuz it doesnt matter one way or another to me, cuz im gonna get it either way :wink:

Brett Hartt
I think we are forgetting something here, many of us are Americans. Well, we have the attention span of a Nat. I guess SST better release all thier stuff soon and come up with at least a new army every 2 months,...

Preferably in power armor. (sorry shameless poke)
the fans paintig figs , building terraint for sst , playing campaigns , coming up with new scenarios and posting pics will keep sst alive , thats what made 40 k so big (decaited hobbyist) . every ones to busy whineing and not building and painting . keep the hobby alive!!
bla bla bla.....

the tankers been delayed, and?

for gods sakes we play with plastic men & aliens, yes fustrating but its not the end of the world!!

I thing Mongoose are doing a cracking job, the models are really good and with the recent price DROP!!!! give em a break! I'm not gonna even go onto the GW subject as I'm sick of bloody hearing about it, let mongoose stand on there own two feet and show to the gaming world what they can do.

Rant over, crack open another Stella!! 8)
Ive pl;ayed a good few games and as many know , ive proxied a good few units..

but to behonest evan if mongoose didnt produce another single minature for the next ten years,,, i would still be playing it

WHY quality game mechanics..

also look at how much they release every month... this is effectivly a new venture.. so there will be teething problems..i recon there pulling closer to predicted relase dates by 1-2 weeks every month.. so in 2 more months time i predict there be hittin them fair and squar on the head..

and if you think its so damn easy, whay not go out and start up your own mini game system and distrabution process...

ive been waiting for the tanker for a long time like many.. but in the mean time its allowing me to learn to use the warrior properly.. i can bet that the people who wait the longest for the tanker will eb the better players as they will have a better understanding on how to use the warriors and hoppers rather than relying on a tanker to do the dirty work...

see the time delay as a good thing... hell there prices have gone ! what eles do you wish for ? Blood ?
While i think saying starship troopers is doomed is a little premature, pushing back minitures the way mongoose has been is dangerous. Right now there are 7 models for this game. That sucks, especially since very few people will touch the skinnies. My local retailer won't carry the game yet since there is so little product, and hence there are no local gamers for me to play against. While i don't see this as being a problem just yet, if it doesn't get better in the near future it could kill the game for me. It's already happened here with Mechwarrior. It won't kill the game by anymeans, but it's a pain for those who play it. That being said i realize that the reason it's slow right now is mongoose setting up to make it better, so i'm not worried. It just means i have no one to play against and more time to complain :)
Do you want some whine with that cheeze? :lol: Just kidding.....

Really I think many are just spoiled due the the huge miniature industry out there. That and we live in a day in age of the quick fix/fast satisifaction. Sad in a way.

I'm most likely the oldest gamer posting on this site, and I was playing mainly ancient, and other historical games over 30 years ago. THAT is a lot of gaming history. In those days you have very little releases, and even less detailed miniatures to choose from. The number of companies even making the minis I could count on 1 hand. Rules were mainly home brewed, and tight gaming groups were formed to play either at a club setting or in one's home. NO stores with tables and few places to find the models if you could.

I also remember GW as a small D&D/RP mini company, and when WFB was first released, they didn't even have a range of army miniatures. You had to collect a variety of different single models from the few companies that made them. Ral Partha offered a poorly sculpted range of LOTR style models we used to play WFB.

So, a company that released a Box Game full of miniature goodness late in April, then releases/or will release by the end of this month, 11 box sets plus the base game is OUTSTANDING compared to the past.

One final thing, If you are finished painting with all the minis to date you want, I suggest a few extra projects, such as terrain, ect. I am making special stands the size of the M8 stands with dead warrior bug piles, special diorama based M8, and other goodness.

I think the desenters need to get some prospective........
when the game first came out all we had was what was in the box sets ! so what did we do...

well as an inteligent resourful bunch,, we converted toys or other company modles...

i dont hear people swaering GW are gonna crumble as they havnt released the drop pod yet...

Mongoose are not lettin any of us down, only your exspectation of a small companty not being fulfilled is letting you down...

To be honest i cant see how they can pump the stuff out faster,, im impressed.. ive worked in production control in an engineering company,, so i can see the probl;ems they are up against.

ok the first items where severly delayed.. thats wasnt Mongooses problem... and if you do think it was their fault.. i can sugest a few places to stick a tanker...! the stuff got caught in customs..!!! WHY most probably due to volume of goodies..and with a name of starship troopers coming from china or where ever there is a good chance they could have got stoped on counterfit reveiw.. or just for calculating taxation...

you can be pretty damn sure mongoose want the stuff in the shops on time more than you,,, for you a week later is a week later to feild the modle..for mongoose,, well they have rent, taxe, bills and wages to the pretty damn sure tbhey pulled out all the stops to get the stuff released from customs as soon as it was...

if you whant to use a sertain modle in your games .. can i sugest proxy... in a years time your probably find the best armies in the game use figs that are currently alreadt available. they are releasing stuf out at a great rate... look at their competeters.. they have been releasing rehashes of figs only usable by certian faction/chapters of an army...(although Warmachine has the greatest release schedule in the world)

im impressed of what they are doing.. why ...well i know how hard it is to get stuff out on release / order dates when some components arnt done in house..