How 'bout using Savage Worlds for Dredd & Rogue Trooper


Savage Worlds is the generic roleplaying game system published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group (PEG; Savage Worlds can also be used for miniatures games, too.

I do have a copy of the basic rulebook for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game as published by Mongoose Publishing. Heroes in the JD miniatures game can be converted into Wild Cards (player characters and important NPCs) for Savage Worlds and Minions in the JD game converted into SW Extras (most NPCs).
Since the Dredd miniatures game is combat oriented, the most important Savage Worlds skills in converting characters from the JD miniatures game would of course be Shooting, Fighting, and Throwing. Characters with psi powers would get as an Edge Arcane Background (Psionics) and have Psionics as a skill. Judges would use Intimidation as a Savage Worlds skill (or perhaps Persuasion) in order to attempt to arrest perps.

Savage Worlds combat-oriented Edges and skills such as Stealth, Notice, and Taunt could also come into importance.
Rogue Trooper RPG is produced by En Publishing. Great chance to game various types of adventurers and soldiers and dust off your Mongoose miniatures as play aides!