Emperor Mongoose
Some of us old Charted Space history wonks consider the 77 edition to represent the ooold Vilani hardware, as implied in very early sources: Jump takes every bit of energy the ship can muster until the needed level is reached, and they weren't really good at calculating that threshold in advance. Thus the "necessity that became a tradition" of Jump Dimming and the CT77 mechanic of using all your jump fuel regardless of actual jump distance. It is worth noting that ancient Vilani history seems to suggest that they had jump before they had fusion. That sounds terrifying.Once they were described as "Standard" in the CT: HG'80 update moving forward, all references to them mechanically disappeared. No mention of them in CT'81: Book 2 though it is clear from the rules that they are assumed to be incorporated. No mention in MT because there was no further mention in CT, thought in the DGP version of SOM for MT they are mentioned in the section describing how the Jump Drive works, but merely as the system that distributes power to the Zuchai Crystals in a particular pattern during the charging sequence.
HG80 and CT81 are then seen as a reflection of later eras, when that had all been ironed out.
Canon is slippery even without that caveatsince MgT2 does not follow canon