Hello there, newbie reporting for duty...


Greetings to one and all!

I recently bought B5:ACTA (Revised Edition) box set off e-Bay, haven't had a chance to play it yet as I've only had it a few days! Been a B5 fan since it started, and I like tabletop battle games, so I thought what the hell. It all seems pretty simple, I look forward to playing it soon.

I did wonder exactly what is the most up-to-date version of the rules? I've read various things in various places and I'm none the wiser to be honest, and this forum looked pretty good so I thought I'd ask. If someone can let me know what else would be a good idea to get hold of I would be eternally grateful.

Sorry to say, your version is out of date. The latest is 2nd edition with Powers and Principalities expansion.

What you have is perfectly playable though, if you can find someone to play with :)
Thanks guys, I did think it was a wee bit out of date, wasn't sure how much though!

I'll have to pick up a copy of P&P then, and the 2nd edition if I can find it anywhere.

All the counters in the box I got were unused too, still unpunched, really good condition!
Having had a look on the Internet, I found 2 different 2nd edition fleet lists, both different pictures on the front. Can anyone tell me the difference if any? Does anyone have piccies of the correct 2nd edition rule book and fleet list covers, so I can make an informed decision?

Thanks again!
Well, they had to redo the binding shortly after the initial release on both the Fleet Lists and the Rulebook.
Other than that, I do't know of any changes. Assuming you're looking at 2 copies of the 2nd Ed Fleet Lists.
There are the 1st Ed, Sky Full of Stars and 2nd Ed fleet list books that I'm aware of. So you might want to confirm that they're both the same version...
The 2nd edition comes in red covers. The second edition also has two books in hard cover, the main rulebook and the fleet list book. The Powers and Principalities was a softcover. As far as I know, the fleet list book did not have two different covers. Perhaps someone had a pre-release image that was being used as a placeholder and they are using it?