Height and Weight

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Anybody doing anything for height and weight by culture for the game. I don't think using the standard would be appropriate in some cases. Just a thought though.
Here's a quickie way of figuring out height that I just came up with:

Argosseans, Khitain, Hillmen (any), Hyrkanians, Iranistanni, Vendhyans, Zamorans, and Zingarans were short and tended towards thinness (not just from diet). Base: 5'5" feet tall for men and 5' for women (+/- one inch for every point of CON mod). Being overweight would either be a sign of great wealth or extreme sloth depending on the culture and economics.

Hyborians (other than those mentioned above), Shemites, Turanians leaned toward average. Base: 5'8" for men, 5'5" for women (+/- one inch for every point of CON mod).

Barbarians and Hyperboreans are usually tall and muscular. Base 6'0" for men, 5'8" for women (+/- one inch for every point of CON mod).